Open The buccaneers - open (men and women welcome)
Plot: Captain Tomas Blackbeard is a famous pirate. He and his crew sails on the sea under a black flag, being loyal to none but themselves and each other. In this world, magic is real and both men and women can get pregnant. In piracy , it's not unusual to find gay or bissexual men, or even straight men who, going crazy for the long night in the ocean away from any women, decide to do it with other men, to satisfy their necessity. Therefore, pregnant pirates are also very common.
In Blackbeard's ship, women are not considered to bring bad luck, as long as they are pirates too, so women are as welcome as men.
also, Blackbeard is a very fair captain, at least to the pirates level. Great adventures are in the path of those who risk themselves on the stormy seas. Would you join them?
My character (you can use this to help you):

Name: Ethan "Stormy Seas" Black
Gender: male
Age: 19 years old.
Nicknames: Stormy Seas, Stormy, Nightingale.
Function: clean the ship.
Pregnant: yes (unknown yet)
# of babies: 3.
Appearance: average height, thin, toned body, sandy blonde hair, green eyes.
Personality: kind and sweet, against violence, preferring to use intelligence when fighting, but knows how to use a sword and knows it well. He is very brave when it comes to protect the ones he loves. Is a bit clumsy sometimes, and easily distracted.
Extra Bio (only if you want): He came to the ship one year ago, trying to find his long gone father, but failed, managing only to find, among all that men, the father of his babies. He can fight with swords, daggers and his own fists. He also has a great singing voice, which is why he received the nickname of "Nightingale.

Ethan was cleaning the ship floor, feeling nauseated. He had never felt nauseated on the sea,  but on these last months, he had been feeling terribly sick every morning. And, with his belly starting to grow a little bit, he was suspecting he might be pregnant. For his luck, the ship was approaching from earth for a break (they would get more food and water, and enjoy, for 24 hours, things they would just find in land). The captain would, as always, let them visit the town, as long as they would be back next day in the morning. Therefore, Ethan was planning to find a witch and buy a revealer potion, to tell him if he was pregnant or not.
Name: Nerine Delmare
Gender: Female
Age: No one knows, she keeps telling different stories.
Nicknames: The Blue Fire, Shark’s Teeth, Sea Witch
Function: Quartermaster
Pregnant: N/A, she’s a seeder.
# of babies: She’s produced countless offspring with different men and women.
Appearance: Tall, thin but muscular, light skin, windswept white hair, grey eyes and a wicked smile.
Personality: Vicious and cunning when needed, but for the most part she is aloof and apathetic. She is skilled with a sword but often prefers to fight with her bare hands or blunt weapons. She’s been known to break necks.
Extra Bio: Unbeknownst to all but her closest companion, Chauncy, Nerine is a sea spirit disguised as a human woman.
She left the ocean for the sole purpose of reproduction. Due to hostilities between hers and humankind, the population of her people is dangerously low.
Since human females don’t typically impregnate men, no one suspected she was the sire of numerous pregnancies in Chauncy’s home port. However, she was accused of witchcraft after she seduced a church official’s daughter. Chauncy, a fisherman who befriended her after bearing her young, convinced her to leave with him on a pirate ship before she lost her temper and destroyed half the town.

Name: Chauncy “Lazyjacks” Legrand
Age: 28
Nicknames: Lazyjacks, Grog Swiller
Function: Cook
Pregnant: Yes, six months along. Sired by Nerine.
# of babies: Four
Appearance: Short and rather pudgy, with tanned skin and shaggy black hair.
Personality: Relaxed and easygoing, very sociable and a bit loud.

Chauncy stood near the edge of the starboard deck, staring out over the open sea. He was an average looking man, not at all attractive in a traditional sense. Though a bit self-conscious about his weight, he couldn't complain. He rather enjoyed the attention his belly attracted. He was known amongst the crew for almost always being pregnant, though no one had ever seen him go into labor. One day he'd be heavy with quintuplets, the next day they were gone. And then he'd be newly knocked up again a few days later. Chauncy preferred that his secrets stay secrets. The truth would be a bit difficult to explain anyway. A fisherman of many years on the French coast, he had one day been accosted and seduced by a mysterious woman who appeared in his boat. He'd later discovered he was pregnant, even though he had not slept with any man. When the pregnancy progressed to full term, he found himself unable to give birth. For many days he was plagued with painful contractions, but his offspring wouldn’t budge. On the fourth day, the mysterious woman reappeared in his beachside home. She wordlessly helped him down into the sea, where he was finally able to bear the children. Chauncy never got to see what his young looked like, for upon birth they immediately took the form of shark pups and swam away.

The man glanced down at his swollen belly, rubbing it absentmindedly. This was his third pregnancy by his sea spirit companion, and he hoped this time at least one of his little ones would stay. He wished desperately to raise his children like a proper father, but even a pirate can’t argue with the nature of the sea.
Ethan found Chauncy on the deck, rubbing his belly. Ethan smiled at him "Ahoy, mate. Are you excited about going on land?" He asked. He didn't know how, but he wanted to ask Chauncy things about pregnancy, just in case he was pregnant too. He blushed, a bit nervous and embarassed for having to ask someone about pregnancy, though Chauncy seemed to be a nice guy. He took a deep breath and, in another quick breath, said "Uh... Can ask you I few pregnancy about things?". He blushed again when he realized he had said the words in the wrong order, out of nervosism "Sorry... I mean..." He breathed again and said, now not so quickly "can i ask you a few things about pregnancy?". He pathetically smiled at himself when he said everything in the correct order.
"Aye, mon pote! Look'n forward to some fresh ingredients in the pantry! We're fresh out of citrus, and I wouldn't want any of you scallawags gettin' scurvy on me." He chuckled, before noticing Ethan's nervousness. "Oi, why the sudden interest? You're not expecting, are ya boy?" The young man didn't look pregnant yet, but Chauncy wouldn't be surprised. The men on this ship were a horny bunch, and he'd seen a fair number of pirates become mothers out at sea. And of course, there was always the chance that Nerine had gotten to him.
"Well..." Ethan said, a bit nervous. "I may be. I mean, I've been feeling nauseated and dizzy lately. And there is this..." He said, lifting his shirt so the other male could see the small bump on his belly. "When we arrive on land, I'll buy a revealing potion, to know if I'm really pregnant. Until there, however, I'm kinda worried." He said.
Ethan was still talking to chauncy when he saw another ship approaching. Someone warned captain Blackbeard, and, when the other ship's crew tried to shoot them with a cannonball and missed it, Blackbeard told them to attack, and that was what they did, jumping in the other ship as soon as their own ship reached it. The enemy crew wasn't good enough for them, and Ethan soon disarmed two of them. It took them only a few minutes to kill the other captain and win the ship. Blackbeard ordered Ethan to check the basement for gold or hidden pirates (Blackbeard would save the ones that decided to swear loyalty to him). Ethan went, but found, to his surprise, a strange man with one green and one brown eye (August). The man seemed to be a prisoner "Are ye okay?" Ethan asked "who are you?" The man seemed a bit scared, so Ethan said "it's okay, I won't hurt you. I'm from another ship. My captain won't hurt you too, he is a good pirate"
"Yes, we are going to the port, we can take you there" Ethan said "and we are different, we are not like those pirates." He completed "what kind of things do you sell? You wouldn't happen to have a revealing potion, would you?" He asked, kinda in tone of joke, but hoping the guy would have what he needed.
Name: Coullair Stokevski
Gender: Male
Age: 18 yrs.
Nickname: Lil' Rus
Function: all-around helper
Pregnant: yes (unknown) 2 months
#babies: 4
Appearance: 5'6 tall, thin framed, white hair, lavender eyes, fair skinnedws
Character: friendly, shy, hardworking, has a soft side for babies
Background: He was from Russia that was sold as a slave to a cruel captain. He was rescued by captain Blackbeard and offered his loyalty and service in return.

Coullair was beginning to feel light headed as he swabbed the poop deck. He just shrugged it off as the heat getting to him. He was then ordered by the captain to follow Ethan into the basement. "Aye Captain" he said shakily standing on his feet. He managed to follow his mate and saw him talking with another man. "Sir Ethan, cap'tn said to hurry back if there ain't any loot on this ship."  He leaned on the wall trying to shake off the weakness he's feeling. He looked at them still. "Who 'ya talking to sir?"
Chauncy didn't bother joining the fight when it broke out. He was decently far along in his pregnancy, and didn't want any complications from foolhardy stunts. He waited below deck in the kitchen and tried to calm his squirming, inhuman offspring.
Nerine, however, was out on the front lines. As Quartermaster, she was one of the first to board the merchant ship. She easily snapped several necks before making it to the captain and gutting him with a fishing knife. Poor soul didn't stand a chance against a mob of pirates PLUS an angry sea spirit.

Nerine now stood on the forecastle deck of the won ship, overseeing the collecting of loot. She brushed an unruly lock of white hair out of her face with a blood-stained hand, leaving a fine read streak. "Poor souls. Poor, pathetic, human souls." She chuckled as she stepped over a body. "Oi, fools!" She called down to the basement, "When you're done with your playdate, hurry up and get back to the bloody ship!" She marched to the door and glared from the top of the stairs. "Who the devil is this? Throw the rat overboard already." She snapped impatiently. She was annoyed with the captain sparing every other scumbag sailor. The ship was overcrowded as it was.
Nerine twiddled a bloody knife in one hand, regarding the man with little interest. "Get off your asses, half-wits." She sneered at Ethan and Coullair, "I said throw it overboard." What a fool. If he knew what she was, he should have known better than to piss her off. But she wasn't concerned with his accusation. He might as well have said she was the Queen of England. Humans -pirates in particular- were incredibly stupid.
Coullair shook in fear of Riva. He was beginning to see black dots but mustered up strength to come closer to Ethan and the man, eyeing the doctor/merchant "Sir, should we do as she says? Cap'tn said nothing about what to do with a captured."
Nerine was already halfway up the stairs. She wasn't going to bother listening to last requests. "And while you're at it, gag the thing. Don't take the chains off though, I want it to sink fast." She turned back upon reaching the basement door, eerily silhouetted against the storm brewing outside. "And hurry up, we don't have all day."
Rudimentary magic. A crude human version. "No.. I think not.." Nerine said slowly, leaning against the doorframe. "Magic tricks are nothing special, child" She yawned, "Now are you IDIOTS going to just sit there or are you going to follow orders?" Human fools, all of them. She glowered sourly, wanting to get the insult of a magic user out of her hair.
Nerine still stood at the top of the stairs, looking a bit bored. She picked a bit of dried blood from under her fingernails. "I really don't have time for this."
"Stop calling us idiots m-miss." Coullair saw all that happened and was puzzled to what is going on. It didn't help that he was still very dizzy. At the mention of the captain he glared at August. "What is it ye want with the cap'tn? If you intend him harm then I can't promise ye safety anymore." He saw too the impending storm. "A-answer or we'll throw ye off the stormin' seas."
(lol, your answer remembered me of once upon a time)

Ethan had liked the man, and was about to agree with the deal when Nerine appeared. At first, he kept quiet, but when he saw she would really kill the doctor, he decided he had to do something.

"I don't receive orders from you, Nerine." Ethan said, suddenly very mad at Nerine. "Can't you respect any life form?" He add. The truth was he had never had anything against her and always liked to think she was more than the bossy person she seemed to be. However, he couldn't let her harm the doctor, not only because he was a way of getting what he needed, but also because it was no honor to kill a man who was prisoner without giving him a fair chance to fight.

Also, for some reason, he was feeling suddenly irritated. That's why, instead of trying to convince her, he decided to do exactly the opposite of what she was telling him to . So he turned around at the doctor and said "our captain is an honorable pirate. You have the,.chance to chose between being taken to the port andgain freedom, swear loyalty to our captain or fight with him. I'll take you upstairs where you'll be able to say your decision."
Coullair was confused with August's words. "What are you talking about gifts and child." He too didn't want to kill a fellow prisoner like him, especially that this man seems to know something. He looked at Ethan and nodded at his words. It will be such a waste for you to die or go rogue with such talent. I agree with my sir, surrender to our cap'tn. Your safety is guaranteed with him, not even the sea spirit can't touch you, proven you are of no harm ye self." Coullair was hoping that they soon come to an agreement. He doesn't know how long is he still going to last. It is as if his energy is being drained out of him.
Many expressions passed by Ethan's face when the doctor mentioned his child. Shock, for a moment, and then surprise. Then, fear, because he had just put the baby's life in danger by defying Nerine, and then happiness, because he kinda wanted kids, and then preoccupation, cause damn, it was so soon... He looked at the doctor in shock "My... My child? What.... What do you mean by that? Am I really pregnant?" He put his hands on his belly in a protective way.

He was about to say something but decided that taking the man to the captain was more important. "Let's go talk to the captain, then"
Coullair's eyes widened "P-pregnant?" He then remembered that before his lover was killed, they made out on the prison cell. He smiled slightly, touching his stomach, tears starting to swell on his eyes. He quickly wiped them off and got a hold of his emotions. "Right, let's take you to the cap'tn first before we be doin' anything else."

'I must be more careful now.' he thought. They were leading the man to Captain Blackbeard's chambers when he caught a glimpse of Nerine. He shuddered. 'Especially with her.' They soon reached the captain. "Cap'tn we have someone who wishes to have a word with you." Coullair and Ethan left leaving August and the captain to talk privately. As they left, Coullair looked at Ethan with a tired smile. "Congratulations, sir for ye offspring!" However no more than 5 steps, Coullair collapsed.

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