Centaur Breeder (first come, first serve)

Ryne groaned against the gag as he was forced against his will to carry Thorn's child and to endure this unwanted sexual encounter. All he wanted was Chase and to be away from all of this.

Thorn's pace picked up quickly, his cock throbbing harder. Soon he was moaning and panting, the head of his cock flaring wide right before he blew his load deep within Ryne. He gave a drawn out moan as he rode through his climax, stilling inside Ryne to ensure none of his seed escaped. "Oooh, yes."

Ryne shook in pain and disgust. He felt so dirty and horrible as he laid on the saddle, unable to move after the rape.

Thorn slowly pulled out as he went soft, groaning loudly. He smirked at the sight before him, patting Ryne's backside before telling his friends to clean him up. They treated Ryne gently, cleaning him and applying an ointment to speed his healing. They kept him locked away in the barn for the night, letting him to the next morning.

Thorn knew he would be punished, but it was worth it to him.

Ryne cried the whole night, feeling shame and disgust. He wanted Chase, he wanted to be held by him and to hope that this was all a dream.

Chase returned several weeks later with only a few of the centaurs he left with. The warlock had sent beasts to stop them, but they defeated them. Unfortunately, they did not discover where he was hiding. They had a hunch, but they needed to recover.

Chase showed the hardships of their battles, new scars littered his body. He looked exhausted, but when he got word of what happened to Ryne, he rushed to the man's side. "Ryne!"

Thorn's punishment had been banishment from the herd, sending him and his lackeys far away. But when it was confirmed Ryne was with foal, the elders couldn't do anything about it...

Ryne laid in bed, ashamed and disgusted. He couldn't look at Chase after what happened. He felt horrible for falling for Thorn's tricks. His belly was already large, the doctors saying there was at least 4 new foals growing.

Chase ran to his mate's side, pausing at the door when he saw how big his belly already was. "Oh, Ryne." He breathed, moving to kneel by his bed and taking his hand. "Are you alright? I'm sorry I left you here....unprotected." He said, lowering his head. He felt like he had failed Ryne. "There must be something we can do." He muttered, laying his free hand on his belly. he knew there was no way the man could carry four to term...

Ryne stayed silent as he cried. He felt unworthy to be with Chase after letting himself fall for Thorn's trick. His body shook as he couldn't keep a grip on his emotions.

Chase looked at Ryne, getting up and pulling him into a hug. "Shhh, it isn't your fault." He whispered, petting his hair gently.

Ryne nuzzled against Chase's chest as he cried. "It feels like it. And now, I'm carrying babies I never asked for!" He cried.

"Shhh." hushed Chase, rubbing Ryne's back in slow circles. "We can speak with the elder, figure out how we can help you." He muttered. "We figured out where the warlock might be hiding. we may be able to capture him and force him to help us." He added. He couldn't just let Ryne's condition kill him...but they couldn't just end his pregnancy either...

Ryne continued to cry and mumble into Chase's chest. They went to speak to the elder, who told them of their plan. The midwife pulled Chase away to tell him something important. "Chase. I know how this pregnancy is affecting Ryne, but I think there is something worse ahead." She said cryptically.

Chase held Ryne, trying to soothe and calm him. He carried him to the elder, speaking with him and letting him know of the location of the warlock. He was surprised when the midwife pulled him aside, tilting his head slightly. "What do you mean?" He asked, glancing over at Ryne.

"What I'm saying is, he might not make it to the birth. His womb is becoming too tight, like a wind up string. If he gets any bigger, he'll pop." The midwife explained.

Chase went pale at the midwife's words, looking over to Ryne. "We need to do something, now." He said, tail swishing behind him as anxiety filled him.

"The only thing that could save him is magic. None of our magic is strong enough to accomplish this though. I don't know how we can do this." The midwife explained

Chase crossed his arms, looking worried and upset. "What about the warlock? He cursed our entire species. He has powerful magic." He said, looking up to the midwife. "We know about where he is. We can capture and make some kind of deal, right?"

"Perhaps. You have to do it quickly." The midwife said. "I don't know if we can trust the warlock."

"Its the only chance we have." Said Chase, looking sadly at Ryne. He went to the other warrior centaur and worked on a plan. They were going to create a diversion for the warlock. Distract him with a frontal assault while Chase and some rangers snuck in with Ryne.

They used quick action and lassos to catch the warlock's hands, preventing him from casting his magic. Now they just had to convince him to help.

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