C Dragon's Breath (closed with DragonKnight)

Magical beings rarely cross over into the human realm, preferring to exist within their paralell realm Just beyond what we can preceeve. Some humans are more sensitive to the magical realm, and can use its powers, but most remain ignorant it even exists.

Sometimes something will pass into our realm and get stuck. This is the origin of mythical creatures and cryptids, magic creatures trapped in our world. That's exactly what happened during an intense thunderstorm one night. The energy released by so much lightning was enough to tear a hole between the realms and throw one unfortunate creature through.

Kiba had just been flying when in a flash he found himself crashing through a forest. Branches and trees tearing at his clothes and body before he came to rest in a shaded clearing full of ferns. Kiba was a type of Dragonkin. A draconic humanoid, lower arms and legs covered in smooth scales with dragon-like feet, fingers and toes tipped with short talons. On his head was a pair of curved ivory-colored horns, contrasting his dark-red scales. His wings weren't the typical bat-like dragon wings, instead they were more like primitive bird wings, having long fingers and talons hidden among the dark feathers. Many of which were bent and broken from his crash landing. 

He curled up in the ferns, wrapping his strong tail around himself as he groaned in pain...Unaware of where he was or who might find him.

In modern Vancouver, a young man by the name of Kage was hiking one day. Kage owned a large tech business that specialized in developing security systems. He worked from his home for the most part, allowing him to take hikes when he wanted to relax. However, today was different. As he was walking, he found shredded clothing littered all over the area. To him, he thought it could've been a bear attack. He followed the trail the shredded clothes left and found a small clearing. What Kage never expected was the young Kiba before him.

Kiba had fallen asleep curled up under his own wings. But the sound of someone approaching woke him. His wings twitched before he lifted his head to see the man, growling deeply as he tried to move away and stay low to the ground. He limped, one leg being badly injured from his fall. But he ignored it and instead puffed up his wing feathers and whipped his tail about. Trying to look dangerous enough to make the man leave.

Kage stayed still as he watched Kiba get defensive. He noticed Kiba's wing and hot it looked injured. "You're hurt aren't you?" He asked calmly. "Don't be afraid. I want to help you." He assured as he came closer.

His wings were torn up pretty badly, feathers broken and missing and cuts dripping blood. He also had a nasty gash on his right leg that was packed with dirt and leaves. He hissed and growled at Kage, wincing when he put weight on his leg to stand up properly. "Get away!" He shouted, spreading his wings and trying to flap them. He cried out and dropped to his knees, the movement making a sprained wing-wrist even worse.

Kage quickly went to Kiba's side in a moment, grabbing some bandage from his pack. He started to clean the wound with some water before wrapping up the gash. He then started to wrap up Kiba's wing,

Kiba hissed and growled as Kage cleaned the wound, laying on the ground and hiding his face against the leaves. He felt ashamed, getting help from a human.

"Your wing is still torn up really bad. I can help you. What's your name. My name is Kage." Kage said to assure he was friendly.

Kiba tried to hide under his wings, biting back a whimper from the sprained wrist. He didn't want to talk to the human, but he was slowly realizing he was alone here..."Kiba..." He muttered, muffled by his wings.

"You have a nice name. I need to get you back to my home to patch your wing up." He said as he slid a hand underneath Kiba's back and legs, lifting the dragonkin.

Kiba made a startled noise when he was lifted, flailing about slightly like a startled bird. He eventually ended up with his arms around Kage's neck and legs curled in tight. His tail curled slightly as he stared at the man with big gold eyes. He was clearly young and had very little experience with anything like a human aside from his own kind having some human-like behavior....so he didn't quite understand why Kage would want to help him.

Kage brought Kiba to his home, bringing him to the living room before placing him down. "Just wait right here. I'm going to get the first aid and fix your wing." He said as he went off.

Kiba looked around with wide eyes when he was set down, his expression almost like a kitten in a new place. His pointed ears twitched lightly, looking to Kage again before he left. He shifted a bit, bringing his legs in close and wrapping his wings around himself. Though, his injured wing was a bit limp. His clothes were shredded, though his pants remained mostly intact, and any exposed skin was covered in bruises and scratches...His scaled skin fared much better, only having some scuffed and missing scales that would grow back. Though the gash in his leg was quite deep, probably caused by a branch as he fell.

Kage returned with the medical supplies. He removed the bandage around Kiba's leg before grabbing some alcohol. "This is going to sting, but it'll keep you from being sick." He said as he took a swab and started to clean the wound. After cleaning it, he grabbed some stitches and started to patch him up.

Kiba hissed and snarled as Kage cleaned the wound, unable to keep himself still. He pulled his lips back, showing his sharp teeth as he growled with pain. He had to be held down to be stitched, tail and wings lashing about as he dug his finger-claws into the floor. Once it was over, he laid there panting, steam rising from his mouth and nose. He really had resisted the urge to attack Kage, and now that he looked at the stitched up wound, he realized the man really was trying to help him...

Kage let out a breath of relief. He thought for sure Kiba would hurt him after all the hissing and movement he had done. "There. Just be careful and don't stretch out your wing. You might pop the stitching." He said. "It'll take some time to heal, so you can stay here as long as you want."

Kiba looked at his wing, frowning slightly before checking the stitches on his leg. He looked back to Kage before curling up a bit and hiding under those wings. "Why did you help me?" He asked in a quiet voice. He knew most humans just killed magical beings when they caught them....so why would this human save him?

"You needed my help. I couldn't let you die out there, its just not who I am. May I ask how you got hurt? Where did you come from too? I have never seen someone like you before." Kage said as he sat down on the couch.

Kiba slowly sat up, folding his wings at his back and watching the man. His tail swayed gently across the floor as he glanced away. "I don't know...There was a really bright flash...and....a loud bang. Then I was falling through the trees so fast." He said, rubbing his head. "I'm not from this realm...Something....Something must've broken the barrier and thrown me through." He said, frowning deeply.

"Barrier? You mean another dimension? What do you mean? Can you go back? I have so many questions." Kage said, noticing Kiba's sadness. "I'm sorry. This must be hard for you." He apologized.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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