C Packed with Pups (With 018Luxio and Lovebite.)

Tobias snorted,"I have a baby sticking out of me and that looks 'good?"He shook his head, biting his lip and sitting up while shifting his knees a part more,"I knew you were a creep."He muttered, curling forwards over his middle as it contracted and he moaned in pain, leaning his head back against the wall while he started to bear down again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Not you, it" James begins to help ease the shoulders out, one popping out before quickly being followed by the other, the baby sliding out completely.

Tobias gasped, shuddering and reaching down quickly to catch the baby before it hit the floor, bringing the now squealing and squirming baby up to his hairy chest. He was grinning now in happiness as he collected the baby up in both of his big arms,"Look at you..."He breathed and rocked back, the baby was a healthy pink and had a loud pair of lungs,"Shush now."He murmured gently and took his shirt to wipe away the fluids from their nose, mouth, and eyes. "You're just fine. Papa's got you."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James says nothing, allowing Tobias to have a few moments with the newborn before he manages to find Tobias' pocket knife in his discarded pants. He quickly cuts the cord, Tobias barely noticing as his entire focus is on the child.

He quieted the baby down, cradling them and checking the gender, smiling some more,"My boy."He stroked his hair,"It's nice to finally meet you. Sorry, I don't have a name for you yet. I've been thinking about a lot. Things more important than titles."He ran a finger over his nose as he yawned and he tilted him so he could suckle from his breast. He looked up at the other man,"Thank you."He said,"He would have died without you. I may have too."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods as he moves his gaze to watch the child suckle for a second or two before he turns his attention to something else, namely the window. He hadn't entirely lied earlier about a storm, there was one further up north but now it seemed to be making its way down toward them.

Tobias watched him look towards the window then looked out of it himself, before trying to get up to his feet but failing as he just collapsed again with a yelp as he planted himself fully on his ass again. Frowning and turning his head,"You have to close the shutters."He said, looking at the other, now not moving to keep from disturbing the new born any more,""Either that or the windows'll get blown in like the last time."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I'll handle it" James gets up before he begins moving around the cabin, doing a quick inventory before heading outside. He closes the shutters before he begins gathering some firewood. It was bound to get cold when it got dark, even if the storm didn't hit.

It takes nearly an hour for him to get enough firewood to last, hopefully, through the night. Meanwhile Tobias had repositioned himself against the wall, already the second baby was moving into position.

He nodded as he said that and watched as he left to take care of what was needed to last throughout the night, he thought about a name to call his son and thought about why the man was here. Had he just been roaming the whole time? And if so, why? Had he been watching him like he thought?

Tobias couldn't think about it that long before he was moaning again, tilting his head back and rocking himself slowly side to side as he felt another pressure building. "Take him will you."He said and held the baby boy out carefully to the other man when he came back, he was grimacing and trying to shift onto his knees.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James takes the now sleeping infant from its father as he watched Tobias for a second or two before going to see about laying the baby down, wrapping it up in a blanket to keep it warm while he started on a fire to get the cabin warmed up before night fell.

Tobias thanked James and then went to push himself up to his feet, though stopping half way through, making a strange face and grunting softly. The pressure was back fully and he moved to hold his belly before continuing to push himself up, groaning as he did,"Shit."He huffed, it was hard gaining his balance again, his ass ached and he had to pee badly, he moved to his feet finally. Moving to shuffle over towards the bathroom and relieve himself, though soon he ended up being stuck sitting on the toliet for longer than he wished. Too embarrassed to call the man from outside to help him, the stranger had seen a lot of him so far and he wasn't sure he wanted him to see him like this as well.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James gets the fire going good before he sits to wait on Tobias to come back out.

After a while Tobias realizes he wasn't going to be getting back up any time soon, he sighed and held his belly. The baby was low and sitting in his pelvis, it was just starting to hurt again too, he groaned and tilted his head to rest against the wall. "Hey!"He called, huffing and frowning a bit even when he had no other choice but to ask for help from the stranger,"Could I get a little help?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James comes into the bathroom before holding a hand out to help Tobias up off the toilet before leading him back into the living room.

Tobias didn't say much after he had helped him up, sighing as he shuffled his way over to the couch again then took a slow careful seat. Pulling a blanket beneath him so he wouldn't stain the couch, sinking back for a moment as he closed his eyes and sighed. Holding his belly, hands running over the warm soft mound before it tightened with another slight contraction. He looked over at the other man,"What's your name?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"James" James watches Tobias for a few seconds before making his way over to the fire again. It didn't need more wood but it was better than staring he supposed.

Tobias though about it, looking around the room and to the floor in a corner where his son laid in a low crib he had made a few months prior to this. "James... Hm..."He tilted his head and leant back, tensing up and holding his belly with a grimace,"I like it."He said, nodding and tilting his head forwards,"His name's James."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James found himself chuckling softly as his eyes drifted over to the newborn which laid asleep in the crib. "And what would your name be?" He turns his gaze from the baby back to Tobias.

Tobias took a moment though this contraction, looking up at the other man as he stood in front of the fire. He looked to be one of the brooding types, he could appreciate a man of few words,"Tobias."He replied, looking to the baby himself as he breathed softly and he smiled softly before looking at the other man,"But call me Toby and I'll deadshot your nutsack."He grunted, moving to fold a leg beneath him with a sigh, rubbing his middle.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James turns to look at him, raising a brow. "You'll do what?" He wasn't one to take part in human things, so he often didn't understand certain phrases and things.

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