C Packed with Pups (With 018Luxio and Lovebite.)

Tobias panted into his hands, shaking his head slightly and moving a hand down to hold his belly, thought keeping himself from moving any more. Almost afraid of the pain again that he would have to go through if the head slipped back into him. He shut his eyes and grimaced as he arched his back, though forced himself to breath slowly through the next pain. Whimpering and hanging his head.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James continues to rub his back for a few seconds before Tobias begins pushing again. A pain filled groan soon filling the cabin before the head finally pops free. As the baby begins to turn Tobias is left panting for a few seconds before he pushes again, James helping to ease the shoulders out.

Tobias trembled and shuddered as the baby turned, shoulders popping out of him one by one until it slipped free with a rush of fluids. He gasped out breathlessly, panting and grunting softly once more as he delivered the placenta soon afterwards.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James begins to clean the baby off as its cries fill the cabin. James gets the baby cleaned off and wrapped up before passing the baby to Tobias after he cuts the cord.

Grimacing and reaching down to feel his belly slightly, pressing his fingers into the soft mound and groaning in relief almost. "Thank God you didn't jinx me."He frowned, shaking his head and rubbing his middle some, sitting back on his heels slowly,"That's it."He said as he took the second baby from James gently, then looking down at the whimpering infant. Tilting his head as he watched the little girl cry for a moment, stroking her hair,"That's insane."He muttered, touching her cheek, shaking his head and sighing as he tilted his head back to catch his breath for a second,"She didn't take after me, that's for sure."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James watches him for a minute or two before his eyes drift to the baby girl in Tobias' arms.

Tobias leant against the side of the couch, letting his finger skim over the edge of her furry ear and frowning slightly,"I was hoping that this didn't happen."He closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to the baby's gently, nuzzling her and then rubbing her back as he shushed her.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James watches him for another minute or two before going to tend to the fire. The bear was still outside and would most likely be for the next few hours.

Tobias looked over the half wolf girl, rubbing her back as she latched onto his chest, suckling the milk from his breast while he wiped remnants from the side of her mouth. "So pretty."He smiled softly and played with the fur of her ear while her short tail wagged some, he looked up at James,"Bring him here."He said, lifting his free hand.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James goes to get little James before bringing him over to his father as well. After both children were secure it their father's arms James decided to give them a few moments, concentrating on other things around the cabin.

He thanked him before settling the older child against his breast, kissing his head and rubbing at his back as well while he reclined, sighing,"Now, we'll need another name for your sister."He murmured, looking between them both,"Jamie? Or is that too tacky, naming twins similar things?"He looked at the resting infants, one human looking, the other half wolf, he wondered why James hasn't asked about the way his daughter looked, or was even freaked out about her.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James keeps his attention on the fire for a bit longer. "Jessica? Jasmine?" He turns his attention to Tobias as he shrugs softly before putting another log on the fire.

Tobias tilted his head as he looked to the feeding baby, smiling softly and nodding,"Yes. Jasmine. I like that."He said and kissed her head again, she stared off at some distant thing and he wondered what she was thinking about as she drank. Though she soon fell asleep along with her brother and he rocked them as he hummed a song once more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The bear seemed to have moved on for now, Tobias able to get some rest along with the two babies. It wasn't hard for him to guess who the father of the pups was, their scent was unmistakable.

Tobias slept with his children, not even waking when they did since they were already near his breasts when they woke up hungry. He only stirred a bit before going back to snoring softly in his sleep, he was exhausted from the birth and even just making ends meet while carrying his twins. Now he just wanted to rest, he felt safe with James looking after them and believed that he would continue doing so for him.

Outside, lurking with the bear, was the alpha and a few members of his pack. They stalked around on the outskirts of James's territory, pawing through the fresh snow though keeping their distance away from the cabin since they smelled James inside.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James continued to keep watch over the family for the remainder of the night, being sure to keep the fire going so the cabin would stay warm. He would glance outside every now and then to watch the bear. He couldn't smell the trespassers from inside the cabin, the wind was blowing in the opposite direction which is why they could smell him.

The human woke up slowly in the morning, the sun was up and it was almost noon, he blinked and looked down to the babies he clutched to his chest. Little James was feeding again and Jasmine was sleeping soundly against his heartbeat. Outside was covered in snow and ice, the pack had retreated back to their own territory some what, though one was left behind to keep a lookout.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James had stayed awake the majority of the night to keep the fire going. Currently he had stepped out onto the porch to survey the damage left by the snowstorm.

The wolf lurking about out there stayed still, watching James through the falling snow as he stood on the porch, keeping most of the bulk of it's body behind a tree. His fur was a bright white but he was sure the other would notice him if he was sloppy. The wolf slipped away to report back to it's alpha, he hadn't seen Tobias yet.

Tobias groaned softly from the ache in his hips and lower body when he tried getting up, shaking his head and huffing,"Mother fucker..."He frowned and looked to the twins before looking up,"James!"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Turning his attention back to the door James made his way back into the cabin as he looks over at Tobias.

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