C Dragon's Breath (closed with DragonKnight)

"Dimension?" He asked, saying the word slowly and tilting his head. "I'm from a realm that runs beside yours...Magical beings live there. Sometimes we can cross over at will at certain thin points of the barrier....but usually we're kept separate." He said, shrugging. "But I guess something was strong enough to break through." He added. His ears and wings drooped as he lowered his head. He was trapped here.

Kage thought for a moment. "If that's the case, then I have no choice. As long as you are here, you can stay in my home." He said.

Kiba looked up at Kage with wide eyes before looking around again. "I don't know anything of this world." He said, looking worried.

"I'll teach you about my world. We can work it out." Kage assured as he got up. "Why don't I make you dinner?"

"Okay..." Said Kiba, slowly getting to his feet. He limped a little as he moved to follow Kage, tail swaying behind him for balance.

"Why don't you sit down and I make you something delicious. How about pizza, bet you never had that before.

Kiba found a seat and looked to Kage, tilting his head slightly. "Pizza?" He asked, sounding out the word. "I've never had human food." He said, ears twitching. He looked curious.

"I'm sure you'll like it." Kage said. He got out the ingredients and started to make the pizza from scratch. After nearly half an hour, the pizza was finished. Kage brought the tray over and cut into a couple of slices. "Dinner is served." He offered.

Kiba sat there quietly, watching Kage move about the kitchen as he cooked. He looked almost like a curious cat, ears perked and tail twitching slowly. When it was ready, he looked at the pizza with wide eyes, not sure how to go about eating...He wanted Kage to show him, but wasn't willing to ask.

Kage took a slice and offered it to Kiba. "Here you go. It's really good." He assured.

Kiba hesitantly took the slice, tilting his head as he held it. He figured the crust was the part to hold, but made an alarmed noise when the rest of the slice drooped. He managed to stick it in his mouth, taking a rather big bite of it and pausing to look at Kage. He slowly chewed on it before happily eating the rest. "Its really good!"

Kage smiled. "Good to hear. Eat as much as you'd like." He said.

(Not sure if you want to continue this, but I'll try posting a reply)

Kiba looked so pleased at Kage's response, grabbing another slice and gobbling it down. It didn't take long for him to finish off the pizza, looking quite satisfied. "Do you have anything to drink?" He asked, looking around. Everything in the human's home looked so strange to him. He couldn't even begin to guess what most of the appliances did.

"I have some water. Let me get you a glass." Kage said as he got up to retrieve it. He returned a moment later, giving the glass to Kiba before sitting back down.

Kiba happily drank the water, setting the glass down and yawning. The whole ordeal coming into this world was exhausting, on top of his body working to repair his injuries. After a good long sleep, he would be as good as new.

"Come on. I'll show you to your bedroom." Kage said as he offered his hand to Kiba.

Kiba looked up, tilting his head gently before hesitantly taking Kage's hand. "Alright....I need to rest." He muttered, yawning again.

Kage took Kiba to a spare room. "Here we are. If you need anything, my room is the one farthest to the right." He said as he showed the modest bedroom to Kiba.

Kiba looked around the room, wings fluttering and tail flicking behind him. "this is mine?" He asked, looking back to the man. As a dragonkin, he was used to just sleeping on a pile of animal pelts. He tried the bed and found it amazingly soft. A grin crossed his face before he climbed up onto it and curled up under his own wings.

Kage smiled at Kiba. "Good night Kiba. Have a good sleep." He said as he closed the door, leaving Kiba to his own devices.

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11-15-2019, 01:27 AM

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