O The Addom's Family Values

Mathens breathed in and out. He was pacing (waddling about) in the living room trying to tire the babies out. He had a hand supporting his back and another rubbing his stomach. He went down about an hour or two because he was hungry but after getting his fill, the children became active, very active. And they've been restless since then. Good thing that they were starting to calm down. Not long now.

He was about to do another 'lap' when he heard the front door opening and closing. He peeked out and saw his eldest going to the kitchen. He followed him there and greeted him with a tired smile.

"Welcome home, Lulu." He said, his voice faint and obvious that he was tired.

Well he made it to the fridge, though the voice caused him to pause in what he was doing and turn around. A weak chuckle left him, well he was busted.

"Hey." Luigi greeted, though they noticed that his parent's voice sounded weak. "You alright? Honestly you should be the one in bed right now."

A snack could wait, right now with his mother here it was best to just focus on them for now. Course, Luigi couldn't help but feel the need to stretch, doing so made his back crack a little and he shuddered.

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Ethan opened his eyes in fright, his heart was beating so hard it seemed to want to escape from his chest. He had just had a nightmare, on which someone had broken into his house to hurt him, his family and the babies. Now he was awaken and all sweaty and the babies were kicking the hell inside him, as if sensing his fear. He wanted to take a shower, but he didn't want to wake anyone, so he decided to use the bathroom downstairs, and perhaps eat something, because now that the fear was over he could feel his belly rumbling.

He walked down the stairs silently, and found his mother and his brother on the kitchen "Oh, you are awake too" he said "Is everything okay, mom? Luigi, what about you? did something happened at work?".

(would it be alright if I had one of his experiments go wrong and it affects him? It wouldn't have anything to do with mpreg but it would end up giving him another form of sorts.)

It seemed this house was restless though...he couldn't blame em. Most of his family was carrying children and babies were known to be active the bigger they got inside of the mother. Course he had hoped that he wouldn't get caught. Oh well, he would just have to deal with a bit more conversation than he thought.

"I'm alright, work was...okay. We had a accident there but it's all good." Luigi answered, putting a hand on his left arm and itching at his skin under the lab coat sleeve. "What about you? Did your day go okay?"

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Mathens yawned again before smiling at his two sons. "I'm fine. Just your brothers keeping me awake. And Ethan shouldn't I be the one asking that? You should be resting." He faced Ethan and rubbed the swell of his son. He then heard Luigi's story of an accident.

"An accident?!" He hurriedly went to the side of his oldest. "What happened are you hurt anywhere?" His eyes were filled with worry.

"I'm okay, really. I just got a few cuts due to the broken glass but it's alright, it's been treated already." Luigi said, though he started to scratch at his arm a bit harder. "it's just really itchy but I blame that on the bandages they used. Really I'm fine."

Oh how naive he was to think he was. A good deal of various chemicals did get into his system and the itch he was experience was the area being irrated as well as going to be the starting point for when said things took effect.

"There was just some newbie who didn't know what they were doing, mixed the wrong chemicals and made a big explosion." Luigi further explained. "I ended up knocked into a glass doored cabinet that had various things it but I'm okay."

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His motherly instincts kicking in, Mathens was unconvinced that Luigi was 'just fine'. His eyes darted to the area where his son had been scratching hard. "Lu, let me take a look at that." He carefully raised his arm, slowly unwrapped the bandage and inspected the forming rash. It looked really swollen and the cuts were deep and bright red. 'This is not fine.' he thought.

"Go sit on a chair while I go get something." He waddled out of the room only to return with a first aid kit. He took his arm again and gently applied ointment then rash cream on the area. He then wrapped his son with a new bandage "Don't scratch this no matter what. It might make things worse. We're going to the doctors tomorrow and see if anything happened in your systems or what."

"It's just itchy, it's fine." Luigi said, though he removed his hand as his mother started to inspected the wounded area.

A tired sigh left Luigi but he did as he was told, course while his mother was away he went back to scratching at it. Stupid thing! It was more annoying than a bug bite. He removed his hand from the wound and cringed as they applied more medicine for it. His scratching had only made the wounds worse as well as the rash, so it was only natural for it to sting more and him have a worse reason to it.

"That's going to be extremely hard." Luigi replied as he pulled his lab coat sleeve down over it, his hand lingering there a moment as the urge to itch was present.

Though he pulled his hand away from it as he was instructed to. This was going to be a long long night.

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"I know hun but bare with it. Maybe it will ease down a bit if you let it off the pressure of constant rubbing. Come on you better rest too. I'm sure it's been a long night for all of us."

"I'll try..." Luigi replied.

Truth be told, he was hungry over tired alas he knew that it was best to just follow what his mother said. At least do everything in his power to. Heading up to bed for the night resulted in a lot of tossing and turning. Somehow, he managed to pass out even with the strong burning feeling on his arm from the rash just begging to be scratched. Though when the morning hours came, he was still out cold. The blanket was drapped over him completely, hiding him from sight sort of. You could tell he was in there still, snoring away.

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Name: Edwardo Addoms
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Pregnant?: No/never
How many, how far along: N/A
Description: Short jet black hair, extremely light blue almost white eyes(half albino, wears slightly tinted prescription glasses), pale but fit and tone, muscular build, 5' 10" tall, 179lbs(all muscle)
Other info: Loyal, loving and caring father and husband, protective of his family, no one messes with them or else.
EXTRA: Smoker, clove herbal cigarettes, all natural ingredients, save for the nicotine, which mainly affects him(nicotine addiction), social drinker, red wine only.

A black mustang pulled into the driveway in the wee hours of the morning, parking just outside the door, yawning as he got out Edwardo stretched a bit then, grabbing up his briefcase and one suitcase he trudges up to the door , fumbles for the key.

It had been a long flight and all he wanted to do was to be with his family and rest, lots of the later.  Upon finally finding the right key he unlocks the door and pushes his way inside, leaving his cases just inside the door as he closes it, leans back against the door pulling out his pack of clove herbal cigarettes and lighter, flicks it open and lights it up, takes a long drag letting it out slowly, smiles "Home sweet home...."

He was still tired from the night before but he knows he must prepare breakfast for his family and get Luigi ready for his appointment. Stretching as he rose, he trudged slowly to his eldest's room.

"Lu, are you awake?" Seeing his son enveloped in the sea of mattresses, he neared the bed and gently shook the boy awake. "You must get up now, hun. Your appointment's in an hour." The boy was still not waking so he thought that maybe he should just let his son rest a bit more.

Mathens made his way to the stairs. He went down with a firm grip on the railings and his belly. He was almost at the end when he smelled strong cigarette fumes coming from the living room. He quickly covered his nose, knowing that smoke would be bad for the babies. He was happy that his husband is back from his eighth month business trip but he has to think of the his twins and his grand babies. He went back up and told his two pregnant sons to not come down because their father was back and smoking. They were happy too but like him they wish that their father stops his bad habits especially babies will be involved in their family soon.

He got his phone and texted his husband.
To: Hubby Eddy <3
From: Mathens
"Love, welcome home! I know you're home, don't be too shocked hehehe. I smelled your smoke. But dear, can you stop smoking? You're making me and two of your sons at risk here ;). We'll be going down to welcome you once you're clear :)"

(Edwardo doesn't know about the pregnancy? Can he loose the smoking habit?)

A groan left Luigi as he was shaken, though he slowly started to come to after his mother left the room. Sitting up, he allowed for the blanket to slid off and he yawned. The itchy feeling wasn't as present though, but he could still feel that. Getting out of bed, he started to get ready when he paused in front of the bed room mirror. His eyes went wide as he looked at his reflection. For the most part, he was normal, though was it just him or was his hair...longer? It was! That and his face had a lot of hairs prickling out in the poor attempt of a beard.

"What the hell..." Luigi muttered as he headed into his bathroom to shave it off and try to cut the extra hair off.

Getting rid of the hair on his face was easy, now just the rest of it was a problem. He was never good at cutting his own hair and while it looked okay to him, it was no doubt noticable to a trained eye. A headache was starting to plague him at this point though he ignored it as he headed out of his room. Alas he paused outside of his room as he noticed a smell. NO one in the house smoked...wait...how could he even smell smoke from up here? A raised brow came on his face though he headed towards the bottom to see his mother.

"Do I smell smoke?" he asked them.

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(that's actually why I made it 'herbal' cigarettes...there isn't any harsh or dangerous chemicals in them, save nicotine which mainly goes right into the smoker themselves, I should know as I smoke them irl but he could have forgotten or thought he could get away with one cigarette...)

Edwardo's phone went off, and as he pulled it out and read it he sighs, then texts back...

To: Mathens
From: Edwardo
"Sorry my love, it's been a long trip, I'll refrain from smoking in the house, wasn't expecting you up this early, everything alright?"

As he texts he stops to put the cigarette out lifting his foot up to use the heel, with his fingers, to extinguish it, then slips it into his jacket pocket moving to open the door and wave the rest of the smoke outside. Letting out a soft cough he closes the door and finishes the text

"It's out my love, it's safe"

As he then pulls out some gum to chew instead and waits downstairs.

When his mother asked him why was he awake, he smiled and said "Oh, nothing, i just woke up sweaty and decided to take a bath and eat something before going to sleep. But Luigi, are you sure you are okay?" He asked, knowing that his brother might be hurt and in need of some assistence. But, as their mother started to take care of Luigi, Ethan helped as he could, and when it was over, he took his bath and ate what he needed. Only then he came back to sleep.

On the next day, he woke up to his mom telling him his father was home. Ethan quickly stood up and went down the stairs carefully "Hi, dad" he said with a smile and hugged Edwardo. Only after he had already hugged his dad, he realized it has passed many months since he had saw him for the last time, which meant his dad probably hadn't seen him with the swollen belly yet, unless his mother had sent him pictures from the phone. He looked at his father apprehensive

Edwardo smiled and hugs his son softly, then pulls him back to get a good look at him "Well the pictures your mother sent don't do you justice..." he comments smiling still "...feeling alright? Where is your mother?" Edwardo asks softly

Wanting to look good for his husband, Mathens spent a while upstairs adjusting and smoothening his dress shirt, though there is not much he can fix with his huge bump. He saw Ethan go down and was happy that his son seemed to have rested well despite the night before. He then saw Luigi coming to him and answered his eldest with a smile.

"Your father's downstairs. Go and greet him. I'll follow soon. And about the new look, we'll talk about that later." With one last fix, he carefully descended the stairs again. He bit his lip in nervousness. He and Eduardo hadn't seen each other since eight months ago. Sure he did send pictures of his and his sons' pregnancies, but still its different to see each other in person. He heard the conversation of Ethan and his father and was quite relieved that Eduardo seems to be taking it well.

He shyly approached the father and son, a hand rubbing his huge swell. The twins must've felt the nervousness of their mother and is now squirming about inside him. He smiled when he was faced with the handsome features of his husband. He was about to say something when one of the twins kicked him hard and made him wince.

"Hush now little ones, mama's trying to welcome papa home." He whispered to his stomach before looking up to meet eyes with Eduardo. "Welcome home, love!"

A sigh left Luigi, well he tried. Though honestly, he didn't know why his hair was so much longer when he woke up. Oh well, obeying his mother's wishes the scientists headed downstairs to see their father greeting Ethan. Waiting for them to be down, he descended the rest of the way.

"Hey dad." Luigi greeted, raising his injuried arm a little in a wave though winced slightly as the deep cuts didn't like the movement.

So he lowered his arm and stood there. Course when his mother started down the stairs, he moved out of the way for them to get past to see their husband.

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Edwardo smiled over at his other son Luigi, then raised a brow slowly "Luigi how are you? There's something different about you..." he comments, then says "...its good to see you, how is everything going?"

As he's talking to his son he spies his lovely wife walk down, his smile widens and as Luigi moves back he slowly walks over and carefully hugs Mathens, a hand moving down to rub his swollen belly "And how are you holding up my love? I'm sorry this trip took longer than expected...how are the twins? Are you getting enough rest? Have you considered my proposition on hiring a maid?" he asks as he had been worried that Mathens would over work himself.

"Folks call me Ellis. I run an auto shop with a couple of my buddies. We're also in a band. I play bass..."

"thanks, dad" Ethan said, glad that his father was supporting him and his decision of keeping the babies. He walked a few steps back when his mother arrived, giving his parents space to show the love they felt for each other. He watched the beautiful scene with a smile on his face, for he knew how precious love was. Unconsciously, he rubbed his belly, wanting his babies to know they were loved already

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