O Blood Haven Mansion for Monster Seeders and Carriers (Reboot) open to all

(Hello everyone! So I started the original BloodHaven RP years ago, and I guess a lot of people liked it then. Well I've decided to restart or rather reboot it. Maybe it'll pick up and be popular again, maybe not. I changed some stuff myself. Mostly it's just an open RP for everyone to have fun with.

Now, the Mansion serves as a hotel/home for monsters of every kind. Thats means whatever you can think of to be. You can also do more then one character if you want. I usually do multiple myself.

Anyway, just some basic info is needed. You can also use reference pics for your characters if your want. Or add details in story or to the char sheet, however you prefer. Thanks and have fun.) I forgot to add a few things)
(Disclaimer: the images used aren't mine, I'm just using them as reference.)

Name: Halo Blackheart
Age: 1024/ 24 human wise
Gender: male
Species: reaper
Pregnant/Children: not pregnant, one daughter
Role:Carrier/Seeder (the one listed first is the most predominant role, likewise, one can be simply a carrier or seeder as well)
Info: He's the one who runs the house. Well he owns it and tends to take the comfort of his view seriously. He's a very serious guy, but is kind and cares about others.

Name: Davin Drakengard
Age: 654/ 26 human wise
Gender: male
Species: Arachnoid, they have some spider characteristics
Pregnant/Children: not pregnant, one daughter
Role: Seeder/Carrier-- he's capable of carrying, but not without health issues
Info: a noble from his own lands of Karachni. He was once bonded to Halo and they have a daughter. They servered the bond years before, but Davin still holds affection for Halo and sticks around Blood Haven for his daughter

Name: Nighter Drakeheart (she mashed both of the last names of her parents
Age:12---most reapers and arachni types stop aging between the ages of 18 and 30
Gender: female
Species: hybrid, so arachnireaper?
Info: the daughter of two powerful creatures, she is a little shy around strangers but very active around her parents and isn't afraid to say what she thinks regardless. She is also a daddy's girl, in this case Davin's little princess. She also has both of her grandfathers wrapped around her little finger and is spoiled by them

Blood Haven is a huge place. It sits on the edge of a cliff over looking the dark waters below. The mansion itself is more like a castle, with dark grey and white stone and a black gabled roof. It has many room and houses monsters of all types.

Halo never turned away anyone, unless they posed a threat to the safety of the tenants, and even then, never someone who was pregnant. At that time he just kept a very close eye on them.

Tonight it seemed, that there were a plethora or monster coming in from the blackveil and Halo stood in the entrance way, welcoming the new, guiding them to their new rooms, and checking in on current guest.

Itbwas like the work was never done, though many of the current guest helped in anyway they could, evn those expecting were kind and patient, attending to frightened or confused creatures who had happened upon the large house.

It was something he'd always longed to do, open a haven for all kinds, and now it was reality.

(Crappy start, sorry. Just jump in anywhere)

Name: Sage Gordon
Age: 734 / Appears 23
Gender: Male
Species: Wendigo
Pregnant/Children: Not pregnant. No children, but sees Thorn as his own and takes care of him like a parent.
Role: Seeder/Carrier
Info: Due to his age, Sage is more in control of his Wendigo spirit than most and has started his evolution into more of a shaman creature than a hunter, making him less dangerous than the rest of his species. Relying on magic rather than teeth and claws. Sage found Thorn captive, the Pegasus being used by the small village for his magic and strength. After breaking the other supernatural free, Thorn started following him, having no where else to go. Sage is very protective of Thorn and does his best to care for the Pegasus as if he were his own.

Name: Thorn Patton 
Age: 120 / Appears 25
Gender: Male
Species: Pegasus
Pregnant/Children: Not pregnant. Had a son almost twenty years ago, he was taken from him while he still lived in the village. Is not currently aware of where he is.
Role: Carrier
Info: Thorn cannot remember how he got to the village from his past, but he remembers living there. He remembers being stuck in the stables even when he transformed into a human and begged for some kind of company, he remembers pulling carts, carrying villages across lands and oceans so they could find the best game to hunt. But perhaps what he remembers best is the day that Sage appeared to him, disgusted by the humans and their treatment of him. The village burned to the ground that day, and Thorn didn't look back once. Instead taking it upon himself to follow after his savior, devoting his talents to assisting the Wendigo in some way that could even remotely make up for Sage saving him.

(I do not own these images, I'm just using them for a reference to my character's appearance.~)

"Where are we going?" Thorn asked the Wendigo, trying to meet Sage's orange gaze through the decorative skull the older man wore across his face. The skull, however creepy looking it was, never left Sage's face. In the entire two years that Thorn had followed the other man, not once had he seen the blond without it. "I don't think I've ever been to this place before." He looked around with obvious curiosity, his longer legs allowing him to move around Sage in circles while the Wendigo continued moving forward doing his best to ignore the pacing Pegasus.

"Blood Haven," Sage replied, having heard of the mansion through the gossip that trickled through the supernatural society. "It's a sanctuary for people like us," he continued to explain. "No one will come for you here."

Thorn snorted, hot breath passing through flared nostrils. "You don't really think they're still searching for us do you? Besides, you were the one that started the fire, not me. They should be after you."

Finally the orange gaze landed on the Pegasus, though Sage continued to move forward. "I'm not the rare species, you are. They'll be looking for you and they'll kill me to get to you. We're going where no humans can get to." He motioned forward and Thorn had no choice but to lead the way as he was ushered through the blackveil.

Once across, it didn't take long for Sage to find the manor, heading towards the imposing mansion with Thorn trailing behind him again rather than in front of him.

"Good evening," he greeted the man at the door, welcoming in the travelers that wandered in. Sage could only assume this was the man that owned the mansion, he'd heard little about him, but enough to believe that Thorn would be safe here.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


(I'm actually really stoked you started this again. I'd never joined in the previous one but I was a lurker at the time and loved reading Blood Haven!  Heart I'm just going to stick with one character for now because of busy school reasons but I'll likely add another one in later. Ah, same disclaimer - pic isn't mine lol.)


Name: Jude Faust

Age: 78 / Stopped aging at 24

Species: Hippogriff (like this)

Pregnant / Children: No children, currently four months with his first clutch

Role: Carrier / Seeder (Hippogriff's work better as carriers however and their numbers are dwindling because they have trouble mating between each other)

Info: Jude was handed over to a tiny but well-known breeding ranch in the country side not too many years ago, and he was rowdy and insistent they release him. He was mostly kept in solitary and only ever introduced to other species if the ranchers thought they'd be a good fit as they specialized in hybridization, but Jude purposefully never got along with any of the others. Four months back they were forced to put him under just for the sake of breeding because he was quickly becoming of no use to them; two weeks back, there was an escape riot, and Jude was one of the lucky species to get away before being rounded up. He's been traveling by himself since and while no one notices his pregnancy since it's usually always hidden with oversized clothes, he knows his future.


Initially, Jude thought he might be tracked down. Despite his behavior at the ranch, he'd been deemed a jackpot. With the way the Hippogriff race was already dying, the ranchers had bought Jude on a bargain deal and had wondered if they could find another Hippogriff and make them work together despite their tendency to not be able to carry to term. If they made it work they'd hit a gold mine, but Jude made sure that didn't happen. One could imagine his frustration the evening they bragged they'd finally done it, they'd finally bred that damn Hippogriff over in the solitary stables, and even though they'd wanted to skip his meals and water because of his recklessness that had followed, they were unable to do so with him carrying. The night of the riot, Jude was one of the first species to get free, and maybe that's because his wings made it easier to fly off once he wasn't within the confines of the enclosed ranch anymore. Jude sometimes wondered what happened to the ones that were brought back to the ranch. The punishments could only be terrible, he thought.

Jude had only heard of Blood Haven through whispers at the ranch and he didn't think it to be real at first, but after two weeks of flying and running and having to eat what he could where he could get it, he figured it was due time to go check the place out... if it was true. He wanted to believe it was true, and the whole fly to where the mansion was filled Jude's head with doubts. What if it wasn't real? What if he just found nothing and had to go back to the whole living on the run thing? Just about every possible negative outcome had crossed Jude's mind when he finally made it to the Haven, and his brightly colored eyes narrowed towards the mansion as he took all of it in as he flew by once. It looked nice enough, but he'd never know about it truly until he was close enough. Jude found a place to tentatively land a few yards off, his wings fluttering once before being tucked in against his sides. He'd noticed there were already others there so... at least he wouldn't be alone? Shifting back into his human form, the spellbound clothes he had reappearing to fit his frame, Jude glanced around once and then made his way towards the entrance, pausing a few feet away from the others in front of him. It was mannerly to wait his turn, he supposed, so he did, pulling his sweater tighter around him.

(Glad to have you XD... Others characters can be added as we go, I still have a few to introduce myself. Anyway, I hope you have fun and thanks for joining.)

"Come on Halo! I'm not taking her into the world, just the outter veil. What's the harm in that, babe?"

Halo sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose between his forefinger and thumb. He finally looked up, the red of his dwindling anger meshing with pale, almost colorless blue and turning his eyes an eerie iridescent hue of violet.

Davin was gazing at him with hopeful eyes, all the while looking like a child awaiting a treat, rather then the next ruler of a proud people.

"Just the veil, Davin. If I find out you took my baby into the human world, I will shove my scythe...", he trailed off as he caught sight of two...no three new comers.

Davin had bounced off to tell their daughter his news, no doubt.

"Hello and welcome to Blood Haven", he said as he turned towards the newcomers, pushing doors fully open. "My name is Halo and I will be your host. You may tell me of anything you need and I will do everything within my power to provide it".

He let his eyes scan over the group, one eye turning a pale lavender hue as he did a brief reading of their life forces. He waved the young man in the back forward to stand closer to the others.

He offered them a smile, seeing the nervous expressions of the two younger, and the protective, questioning gaze of the masked one. A shaman, perhaps?

His scans only told him of their state of being, their species, health, and whatever intentions where open.

He never went deep enough to read their souls. He couldn't really, unless he was reaping them, but he also have went as deep as he was able either, because he found it to be invasive. But there were those that were also immune, and those were the ones he was most careful about.

"You all look tired and hungry. We have very nice rooms, comfortable beds, and nourishing foods for all species in all conditions", he gave the young man towards the back a lingering look, then to the young winged man. "We also have a variety of fruit. Now if you will just follow me, I will take your names and issue you a room key".

Thorn seemed overly excited at the sudden increase in people around him, the air nearly vibrating with his energy as he bounced on his toes. Pale blue eyes, almost grey, looked over at their host with anticipation. "You have fruit?" He asked, a grin splitting his lips. "Apples?" The idea of his favorite food being offered already had Thorn stepping forward, only to be stopped by Sage's hand that grabbed a fist full of Thorn's shirt, halting him in his tracks.

Orange gaze sending a quiet warning to the Pegasus, Sage forced the young raven back behind him as he stepped between Halo and Thorn. "Thorn is my charge," the Wendigo explained, his voice eerily stoic. Thorn could sense how uncomfortable Sage was around this many people he didn't know, always having had a trust issue whereas Thorn gave his away too easily. "I'll tend to his needs myself."

It was always like this; since Sage had rescued him from the human village he'd been kept at. The Wendigo's coddling was as comforting as it was suffocating when they were around strangers, Thorn periodically testing the limits of Sage's patience by starting conversations with others before knowing whether or not they can be trusted. However, together the two seemed to balance each other out; one untrusting, the other too trusting. Every once in a while they'd meet nicely in the middle, but this did not seem to be one of those days as Sage hid Thorn behind him.

Ignoring the Wendigo's obvious attempt to keep him quiet and unnoticeable, Thorn turned to the stranger who had yet to introduce himself. "Did you fly here?" he asked, eyes bright. "Sorry, you just smell like cold air and clouds. I wanted to fly here, but Sage refused to accept the ride so we had to walk instead." Thorn rolled his eyes at Sage, ignoring the orange glare from the corner of the Wendigo's eyes.

Shaking his head, Sage turned his attention back to Halo. "If you couldn't tell already, this is Thorn." He moved to the side only slightly to expose the Pegasus that ironically stood taller than the one hiding him. "I am Sage," he finally introduced himself. "I will take food to Thorn once we've settled, as for myself..." He trailed off slightly. As a Wendigo, the only thing he could eat was human and preferably alive moments before he starts feeding. Unfortunately, as they were in a place no humans could get to, he would have to hunt later after Thorn was settled in and Sage was sure he was safe.

"I'll hunt later," he finished. Due to his age, he was able to suppress his hunger far longer than any others of his kind. But that was still only a handful of days and already it had been more than a few trying to get Thorn here, never hunting in the Pegasus's presence as he knew how the young one felt about his feeding habits.

(This is probably poop because I had to rewrite it after closing the tab on myself. ಥ_ಥ I fail.)

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


This place seemed a little too good to be true, and if Jude was being honest with himself then he would admit that he was more cautious than excited as it stood now. He found his gaze studiously taking in the grounds and his attention was only pulled towards the owner when he caught a hand waving at him from his peripheral vision. Maybe he was just in shock that this haven was actually real. He'd been expecting to find nothing, expecting to go back to his journey to God only knows where. He had no specific place in mind to go but he figured with what was going on he probably should have some idea in mind. The haven would certainly work for now, but truthfully he wasn't too sure if he'd stay around or not; not because of the haven itself, no, but because he loathed being a burden. Accepting safe place or not, he had another five or so months before he would be forced to make up his mind. That wasn't a lot of time when he thought about it, considering how fast the previous four months have flown by.

Jude shuffled forward sheepishly, pushing disheveled strands of hair from his face as he listened to the man. He figured he should probably tell them what was up since no one liked surprises, but... he couldn't, not here right now at least. His condition wasn't exactly something he was enthralled about, it had been forced upon him after all, so maybe he'd just tell the owner and keep it from any others until he really noticeably began to show? Hell, maybe he'd just keep it all to himself, he had no idea. He hadn't gotten that far thinking about it yet. Jude couldn't help but note the way the eyes of the man at the front lingered on him momentarily and he kind of hoped he hadn't already been figured out. Not that it would mean much, Jude just didn't want any special treatment or pity. He'd never chosen this.

Attention switched again now towards the taller man of the two beside him, Jude's brows furrowed at the question posed and nodded. "Yeah. It's faster than walking." He shrugged a little. He had the ability to fly so why not use it? Jude knew not everyone was comfortable flying still, so it was probably a good thing he hadn't been stuck with having a partner because he would've flown with them whether they'd wanted to or not. It was faster and more convenient, what wasn't there to love about it? "I would've hated to walk here," he snorted, scratching at the material of his sweater lightly.

Still listening to the one pronounced as Sage speak, Jude had nearly forgotten that he'd yet to introduce himself either. Man, he was tired. When they were finished talking, Jude raised a hand to indicate himself. "I'm Jude," he said evenly, his voice a bit gruff from the days of long travel before.

(Normally I wouldn't post this late at night but I can't sleep so here have a post lol)

Halo smiled at the Pegasus' eagerness, but that smile slipped as the Wendigo pushed him behind himself and then started to speak.

It was easy enough to read his protective nature even without the words and actions.

Still, it was understandable. Blood Haven was still relatively new and some of the newcomers were always wary, which was smart, but Blood Haven was a safe place, and would remain so as long as he had anything to say about.

"You may do so if you wish", he answered the statement. "I don't try to run the lives of the guest. I only wish to give refuge. Everyone is free to come and go as they like", he stated as he stood, his arms crossed at the wrist behind him.

He was about to say more when he felt his daughters small hand touch his arm.

He turned to look at her, smiling fondly as he lovingly placed a hand on top of her head. She was so light on her feet that he hadn't heard her coming, and she was learning to hide her spiritual energy well.

"What is it you need, my dark flower", he ask as he looked down into her eyes which shifted from pale green to crimson to gold.

Her smile was shynas she took in the new comers, but she waved and gave a nod. Her short black hair sliding forward and then back into place as she looked back up at her 'mother'.

"I just wanted to tell you that daddy and I are going to the outerveil now", she said, her voice bell like and sweet. She smiled. "I also wanted to say thank you, momma, for letting me go with daddy to observe the humans. I promise we'll be careful", she leaned in and have him a squeezing hug with a strength one would not expect ofnsuch a delicate looking little girl.

Halo nodded, returning the hug, as well as kissing her forehead. "Alright. Stay safe, Nighter, and look out for that imbecile of a father as well".

Nighter giggled as sounds of " HEY!!!", from Davin echoed from across the courtyard. She bid her mother and the three newcomers a goodbye and disappeared into the blackness to join her father.

Halo looked at Sage who seemed to be staring at him questioningly. "I did say we try to give everyone anything they need. You're kind is of no exception. It's very simple to walk through the veils, as I'm certain you know. But we have sealed ours as a safety measure against the humans. You will need a special trick for getting through", he smiled and gave the Pegasus and hippogriff a glance before turning it once again to the Website.

"I'll see you given a veil ripper. Welcome to Blood Haven Sage, Thorn, and Jude. I'm certain you'll like here".

(You're post was perfect darling. But I find this Halo a little creepy XD)

Thorn frowned at the reply he was given, lips turning down into a pout as his shoulders deflated slightly. "Yeah, walking made it take a really long time." He shuffled on his feet, trying to ignore the tightening of Sage's grip on his shirt as he tried to pull the Pegasus away from the stranger named Jude. "It wasn't so boring because Sage was there, but I would have been happier in the sky. Plus Sage is really quiet and I like to talk-"

He was cut off as Sage, finally getting tired of Thorn's ambition and need to converse with others, took a hold of his wrist and spun him around to face the entrance way again. Effectively cutting off his connection with Jude. "Keep to yourself," Sage warned the Pegasus, Thorn sighing heavily as he shook his head at the Wendigo's protectiveness as he shot a wink and a smile to Jude.

Sage's orange eyes scanned Jude from the corner, shining in the shadows of his skull mask.

It wasn't as if the young creature was threatening Thorn, it was simply that Sage didn't want Thorn to get too close to the stranger, didn't want Thorn to get close to anyone. He worried for the Pegasus and his flighty nature, worried he'd get himself back into trouble without even realizing it. It was just the way the Pegasus was. Having nothing against the two others with them, Sage attempted to keep his cool while simultaneously wanting to shove Thorn in inside and away. Instead he ground his teeth slightly and increased his grip on the Pegasus's wrist.

For a moment their group was interrupted by the presence of a young girl, her looks and smell telling Sage clearly that she was related to Halo and he was proven correct as she called the Reaper 'momma'. From behind him, Thorn waved his greeting to the young girl with a smile while Sage simply nodded in her direction.

They waited patiently while the girl and Halo interacted, watching the two bid their farewell as she disappeared into the darkness of the night. Thorn watched her go with bright eyes, the smile still never having left his face. Sage knew Thorn adored children, perhaps getting along with them better than any adult he'd ever met. He was spirited and carefree as they were, and he played their games endlessly when Sage allowed it.

Turning his attention back towards the Reaper, Sage offered his thanks. "We appreciate your hospitality," he started, nodding at the mention of being given a way to hunt freely. "If there is anything that I can do to assist you, don't hesitate to ask. For as long as we are in your home, my magic is yours."

(All my replies are taking forever and are ending up so short. I cry. Forgive me.)

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Jude noticed the way Thorn was pulled away from him by Sage, and his gaze briefly flicked towards the other bearing the skull; he wanted to say something but he knew it wasn't any of his business. He wasn't really here to make friends anyways, he just needed a decent place to stay until he could figure his situation out. Still, the way Sage had turned the pegasus away from Jude made him a bit uncomfortable and somewhat self-conscious. Was casual conversation going to be a thing he'd have to avoid with Thorn? He'd have to remind himself of that, no need to get in unnecessary trouble. Even then, however, he might have to speak to Thorn again sometimes. If there was anything they could relate over it was that they were kind of in the same species family, to some extent. Jude offered a small smile back when Thorn gave him one. Alright, well, he wasn't a nuisance yet. That was always a plus.

Sometimes Jude was thankful he didn't have a partner with him, but it'd be a lie to say his travels hadn't been lonely... and unnerving. If only he'd known for sure that this place had existed beforehand, he might have teamed up with some of the others that escaped from the ranch those two weeks ago and came here with them. Or... maybe not. If they were being sought after, splitting up might have been the best possible route to have gone. It didn't much matter now, Jude was in the company of others so he could set those worries aside.

When the younger girl came out, Jude followed suit and waved a bit to her. He watched the interaction between her and the owners for a moment. He'd never really been around children too much. Jude himself had been an only child, and most of his old friends back home had all been singletons. He didn't know if he was even good with them or not since he hadn't much experience with them, but he'd definitely have the chance to work on that soon enough.

Jude nodded towards Halo, giving a grateful "thank you" after Sage was finished. He wasn't a man of many words but he was generous and honest, and even if it didn't seem like it, Jude thought this place would be like heaven for as long as he could stay. "I don't mean to jump right into things but, uh, do you guys have a bathroom close by..?" He made a casual hand gesture. "I'm just feeling a little sick." Jude had been praying the churning sensation in his stomach would vanish but it'd been present since he'd started his flight to the haven earlier - the only difference now was that he didn't need to run off into the woods somewhere to find a suitable place to heave his breakfast. A bathroom would be preferable, obviously. Prolonged morning sickness or maybe bad food, Jude was hoping it was the latter right about now.

(Whaat your reply isn't short! xd I feel like mine are short lmao )

Halo listened to the converse. Moving to a rounded counter that Halo used to keep a thick black book of the guests names and species, the reaper bent and pulled out two sets of keys.

He added their names to the book, added the room number and then returned to the others.

"I thank you for your offer", he told Sage as he handed him the first key. "That room has double beds. I assumed you wished to share with your friend", he sent a glance towards the Pegasus.

"All rooms have an adjoining bath, and the West wing rooms have doors that open out to the verandah", he moved forward and handed the other key to Jude.

"As I said before, we have food for all...", another glance at Sage..." Well for nearly all. The kitchen is open to everyone, as are the library and court gardens. Rooms occupied by other guest are off limits unless permission is granted by said occupants. My personal garden is closed to guest. I have medicinal plants for teas and such there, as well as rather dangerous ivy that creeps about", he thought of the time the seemily harmless plant had captured Davin, and he grinned.

"My office, which is on the end of the East wing, is always open. Now, I'll let you all get settled. I have a few things to sort out. Feel free to exp!ore to your content otherwise. I do hope you enjoy your stay here and let me know of any needs or concerns", Halo tipped his head forward then turned and disappeared down a long Hall.

(Whoops, adding my newest bb. He refused to be subdued. D: )

Name: Ayal Hjortr
Age: 3467
Gender: Male
Species: Demi-God (Born of a dragon and Cernunnos)
Pregnant/Children: Not pregnant. No children.
Role: Carrier/Seeder
Info: As a demi-god Ayal has aged slowly, time passing differently for him than it does for others. Sometimes he'd sleep for centuries and then not rest again for another hundred years. Being of a rare breed, Ayal has spent most of his long life in his forests. Tending to the beats that lived there, keeping the balance in nature as his kind were known to do. His mother; a water dragon of noble stature. His father; Cernunnos, the Celtic god of nature and fertility. The powerful mix making him the perfect guardian for the forest. Now, awake for the first time in three hundred years, Ayal has noticed an influx in supernatural activity around the border of his land, not quite inside his forest but on the very outskirts near the sea. Curious, he's come to find out what exactly has drawn the attention of such different creatures.

Sage accepted the keys offered to him with a nod. "Double beds are perfect." In fact Sage was more than pleased that the Reaper seemed to be able to read the two of them well enough to realize that Sage was not romantically involved with the Pegasus. In fact it was more like Sage had adopted the young creature as his own, and due to the winged boy's history he had a protectiveness over him that couldn't be controlled. Humans were disgusting creatures, toying with species and powers they didn't understand. The thought alone made him excited to dig his fangs into their warm flesh later, orange eyes glowing even more intensely in the shadows of the mask.

Listening to the rules of the mansion, Sage nodded along to show that he understood. "I will take Thorn to his room," Sage informed the Reaper, ushering the taller man in front of him and towards the direction of their rooms. "Where he will stay." The last bit was directed at the Pegasus with a warning tone behind it, to which the Pegasus seemed unaffected by.

"Thank you for letting us stay here," Thorn managed to say over Sage's shoulder with a wave towards the Reaper that had welcomed them, then turning towards the Hippogriff he offered another smile and a farewell wave to him as well as he allowed himself to be walked away. "Let's talk again soon, alright? I've only met one other flier before, let's fly together sometime too." It was clear that Sage's protectiveness had no affect on the Pegasus what-so-ever, knowing that the Wendigo was being more than a little over protective considering where they were. It was safe here for everyone, he and Sage included, he could break a few of Sage's rules now at the very least couldn't he?


There was a surplus of energy coming from the outskirts of his forest, near the cliff by the sea. It wasn't often Ayal went out in that area, sticking to the populated center of his forest. The activity though, lately it was enough to rouse him from his sleep, a sleep that until recently had lasted him three hundred years. His body felt refreshed, rejuvenated, though it would take a few moments to get his full bearings back and shake off the remainder of his deep slumber.

Meanwhile he followed the water to the cliff-side, coming up upon a large manor visible from the borders of his lands. That was where the activity was coming from, a group of supernaturals, many different species and different levels. It had to be a safe haven, he could think of no other explanation for that gathering of that many.

His long serpentine tail swished behind him as he contemplated his choices; stay in the forest and ignore it or give in to his curiosity and see what had so suddenly appeared during his centuries long slumber. Running a hand through his medium length violet hair that darkened into a deep red, he turned back to his forest and the creatures watching him closely within. The forest was in good shape, his creatures healthily feeding off his magic while he slept so they were strong and smart. They would be fine without him for a time, but he made a promise to return as he shifted his form into a dragon and bounded out of his territory.

Really, he only meant to spy. It had been so long since Ayal had spoken to anyone outside of his forest, many of the creatures having lived many years longer than normal due to the disruption of time around the dragon-god. He was curious as to what kind of interesting people were guarded behind that wall, coiled in the shadows. Many species had never come across something like him and easily passed him over, unable to catch the ever so light scent his kind gave off or spot the dark violet scales within the shadows.

[Image: UXpL7lx.png]

By what right does the wolf judge the lion?"


Jude listened to Halo and took the key offered to him, smiling a little and nodding gratefully at the response. Not that he hadn't doubted his room wouldn't have a bathroom, but he was just eager to get to one now... and maybe a laundry room. He had a small satchel of clothes with him but only enough outfits that he was able to cycle them every two or three days. He could stay here for awhile and get back onto his feet and maybe things would be alright for a bit. Turning the key over in his hands a few times, Jude thought the future wasn't looking so bleak for once. When he was spoken to by the pegasus again, Jude's eyes skirted towards Sage for a moment, wondering if he'd yet again tug Thorn away in the middle of conversation, but he focused back on the taller man when it didn't seem to play out that way. "Alright, definitely. I'll be around." He nodded and waved back, entering the manor after the others and closing the door behind him gently.

It didn't take long to find his room but maybe that was just because he was on a mission to make it to the bathroom before he were to vomit again. He didn't even bother looking at the room itself, instead first rushing into the pristine bathroom and kneeling on the ground in front of the lavatory. He moved forward so that his forearms were resting atop the lid and his face pressed against the cool plastic. Jude isn't sure how long he sits there like that but it is for some time. He focuses on his breathing and is able to stop the nauseous feeling in his gut for the time being. Jude rubs at his face tiredly, cursing something aggravatingly under his breath until he is finally able to force himself to stand again. Taking a deep breath in, Jude cleans himself up and changes into a cleaner outfit he'd yet to wear - he'd been saving it for safety purposes, like in case he accidentally flew into a storm and needed clothes that weren't grimy and mucky to sleep in. He tossed his dirty clothes to the corner of his room and made a mental note to wash them later.

After finishing up, Jude heads back down to the main floor of the manor, shuffling about quietly and eventually taking a seat at one of the chairs in the room. It was nice and quiet and he actually felt like he was someplace safe for once, a place he didn't have to worry about being kidnapped or recaptured from; it was unusual not to have to make plans of escape just in case either of the prior happened because they were both very real situations that could happen to him or any other supernatural.

Frowning, Jude considered going to Halo's office to inform him of his predicament. It was only right of the man to know, although Jude had a feeling he knew already. Either way, it would let his conscious leave him be if he told him in person. Looking around once, Jude stood and made his way down the hall he'd seen Halo vanish down not too much earlier. When he came across what looked like his office, Jude knocked firmly but not hard enough to sound like a nuisance. The sooner he got it over with the sooner his mind could rest well... to an extent.

(I'm posting this to remind me of joining it later, since I'm a bit busy now, hope it's okay)

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