C Packed with Pups (With 018Luxio and Lovebite.)

Tobias looked up when James called them, he smelt the food but couldn't manage to get up with how large he was in general,"You'll have to bring that here, James."He told him, trying to move and sit up but only put more pressure between his hips, he exhaled and sat back again. Adjusting the still whimpering pups in his arms and looking down to them for a moment, letting them latch onto his puffy pink nipples to begin suckling for the first time. While he simply sat back, eyes closing slightly, he sighed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James gets the pups seated and their food cut up so they could eat it, making sure they each had everything they wanted before he brings Tobias' plate in to him. "I know, I wasn't expecting you to get up." James sets the tray down on the bedside table.

"I feel bad... Making you still do all the work around here still."He sighed, watching the wolf come back into the room after taking all the older, more self sufficient pups away to eat their morning meals. Tobias went silent again, looking down at his middle and rubbing his hands over it for a quiet moment even as James set down his plate. He wasn't hungry, he almost felt as if there was no more room inside of him for anything else. Those three pups he had birthed were proof of that, without them taking up space inside of him he only felt more full. Though he thanked him and went silent again afterwards, before reaching for him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Your in no condition to do anything around here, at least not yet."

He shrugged, still holding his hand out to the other,"Humor me."He told him, not dropping his hand,"Come here, please."He urged him, and looked to be on the verge of joking with him when he didn't acknowledge his want to hold the other.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James steps closer to the bed, holding out his hand so that Tobias can finally grab it. James looks at him for a second or two before sitting down on the bed.

Tobias pushed himself up slightly as he took James's hands and squeezed his hand then wrapped his arms around him, closing his eyes for a moment. Then moving to let his lips press against the others as he let their noses touch, letting out a soft noise of content. He nuzzled him and then placed his head at his shoulder as he embraced him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nuzzles against Tobias' cheek, growling low in his chest as he did. He pulls away soon after before looking down at the triplets on Tobias' chest before he lightly runs his hand along their backs.

Tobias pulled away slightly as well to look down at the triplets nursing from his chest, he wasn't sure if he felt anything for them like he felt for his other children. He reached up slightly to let his pinky run over their small paws, making them twitch ans shift against his chest, rolling over slightly. "They aren't yours."He told him softly,"I don't even think they're his either."He muttered and let a few of their tails wrap around his fingers, he sighed and leant in still to rest against James.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"But they are yours, and if you'll let me stay that makes them mine." James sits down on the bed before running his hand lightly over Tobias' stomach. "All of them."

Tobias closed his eyes as he pressed his lips together silently, he didn't know if he wanted to laugh or to cry again at that moment. Everything had become so different and strange, he had children...thirteen of them actually, and he had something like a partner to help him...through thick or through thin as far as he could tell... Despite things being shitty once in a while, things were okay. They would be okay. He kissed James again with more passion, placing his hand on top of his and keeping one arm steadying the three pups on his chest while the other embraced the other male. "I... I think..."He laughed softly and shook his head, rubbing at his face with his hand and going quiet once more,"I think we should move."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James returns Tobias' kiss before nodding slowly. "I know, this little cabin isn't big enough anymore." He pulls away to lightly kiss Tobias' forehead. "Lay them down, get some food in your stomach, and rest." He turns to go toward the door opening it slightly before he stops. "I'll take care of our runts." He leaves then, leaving the door cracked open slightly, Tobias able to hear him talking to the pups in the kitchen.

That's what Tobias did after James left, he laid the newborns down beside him, making sure they wouldn't roll over and touching their ears gently. Before reaching for his plate to pick at the food in disinterest, though managing to fit enough food into his mouth to call it a breakfast. Then setting the partially empty plate down, laying back and sighing as he looked over towards the window, closing his eyes just a bit as he reclined back.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Tobias can still hear James and the pups in the kitchen, the noise of plates being gathered and water running in the sink along with giggling though he couldn't entirely make out what was said.

James enters the bedroom later to gather up the plate and everything, thankful to find Tobias asleep. After getting everything cleaned up he played with the pups for a while before getting them all settled down for a nap around noon, finally able to slip into the bedroom and lay down, drifting off as well.

Tobias woke up early in the afternoon to the whimpering of the triplets and the pair of twins crawling onto him, he groaned as he awoke slowly. "Hm...?"He turned his head and stretched out his legs some, though careful of his body when he felt more furry and chubby bodies at his feet and laying near his legs. "Papa..."Jasmine whispered while little James poked at him and he sighed, opening his eyes up,"What is it?"He grumbled sleepily, and Sam and his twin brother wiggled beneath his arms, he tilted his head slightly and looked down at his body that was steadily getting invaded by all of the children climbing onto him for his attention. "Play with us?"Little James asked and he sighed softly, shaking his head,"Papa can't do much playing like this."He shook his head.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James himself had moved over to a chair by the window when the pups had started climbing into the bed, his head resting in his hand as he leaned against the arm of the chair, just watching Tobias and the pups. He had gotten about 2 or so hours of sleep before the pups began invading.

Tobias gently moved to sit up carefully, wrapping his arms around the eldest set of twins and kiss their heads before placing them beside him. Then moving to pick up the newborn pups, shifting them in his arms so they laid down and latch onto his chest to begin suckling again. He looked over the litter of six playing at his feet then down towards the younger twins who were playing at his side opposite from Jasmine and little James. "I'm looking more and more like a brood mother."He murmured and glanced up at James with a slight smirk as he shook his head, sighing and leaning back more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Who says that's a bad thing?" James shrugs lightly as he continues to watch Tobias and the pups.

Tobias snorted softly and rubbed the triplets backs as they fed from him, tilting his head slightly as he looked down at his children again,"Just never saw myself as one to be like that."He replied, sighing and turning his head,"Makes me feel... I don't know."He shrugged and shook his head, shifting his hips and furrowing his brows as he moved to rub s hand over his middle. "Wonder how many are left to come."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James shrugs lightly before getting up from the chair and going over to nuzzle each of the pups. "I'm going to make a quick run into town for supplies, think you'll be alright?"

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