C Somewhat Star-Crossed w/ bhdire8

"I know," Cass replied, smiling softly at the kiss to his knuckles, his other hand being gripped in Gabriel's tiny fingers. "Just drop it, okay?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

Feeling Cass wanting to not further dwell on this topic, he silently complied and led his love to the park, intertwining their hands together.

He smiled and laced their fingers together with Gabriel still gripping the fingers on his other hand.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The sun was warm and sky was blue, everything was perfect for a picnic. They settled down and laid the things out, enjoying the nature and breeze. Henry was excited to finally see a carefree smile from Cass, something that he had missed for tok long.

Cass settled happily with Henry, Gabriel tucked safely in his arms as the infant looked around at the outdoors. He was able to push toxic thoughts from his mind as he watched his baby look at the outside for the first time.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Taking a strawberry, Henry teasingly fed it to Cass and kissed him while he was munching, successfully stealing half of the chewed fruit away.

Cass laughed softly when Henry stole away half the fruit, covering his mouth afterwards. "No fair."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"You could retaliate!" Henry smiled and held a strawberry by his teeth, inviting Cass with an open mouth.

Cass laughed softly and rolled his eyes, gently putting the strawberry into Henry's mouth, kissing him mid-chew and stealing some fruit with a laugh.

✨don't look at my sin✨

The picnic had gone on smooth and nice. Some joggers or grannies would come and coo Gabriel from time to time. They are so proud of Gabe to have tolerated them all nicely, never once making a fuss.

They eventually headed home, night falling and the family settling into bed. Cass couldn't stop thinking about what Ben had said, trying to get it out of his head. Thankfully, Gabriel began to fuss out of hunger, Cass taking him to the main room and nursing him, rocking the boy gently, whispering love and praise to the sleepy infant. "I love you, baby. I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you, but I'm trying."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry couldnt help but feel the same. He was just at the door about to walk in when he heard that. He came in and wrapped them both and mimicked "I love you both, baby. I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you, but I'm trying."

Cass laughed softly at Henry's repetition, shaking his head. "Go back to bed, honey. I'll be there after he's done."

✨don't look at my sin✨

Seeing Cass didnt treat his statement seriously had disappointed Henry. He retired to bed as told, feeling defeated. He thought proposing to Cass to show his love and commitment would improve things, but what Ben just said had crushed his rfforts and cancelled it all out. He let out a deep sigh sounding very depressed himself.

Cass stayed up for most of the night, rocking Gabriel in his arms, trying to think of somebody he could vent to. He didn't want it to be Henry, not wanting to burden his love with his problems. He eventually did come back to bed, settling Gabriel in his crib and laying next to Henry.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry wasnt fully asleep lying in bed, he coudl relax until he finally felt Cass climbing up. He wondered if it was him not dojng enough or was it he wasnt the one Cass needing. He considered asking for some counselling advice in school to see if they cojld seek the help they needed.

Cass huddled close to Henry when he got back into bed, closing his eyes and attempting to sleep. He couldn't, mind still buzzing with Ben's words, wondering if he was right. Wondering if he was making it true with his actions.

✨don't look at my sin✨

It was a restless night to both of them, much to Henry's chagrin. This wasnt anywhere close to the night of proposal that he had in mind. As dawn came, hey were both awoken by the wailing of Gabe.

Cass cracked his eyes open at his baby's cries, kissing Henry's cheek softly before pulling himself out of bed, going to Gabriel to console his cries.

✨don't look at my sin✨

After lingering for a tad bit moment (at leadt it hadnt felt that long for Henry), he also dragged himself out of bed to check on his fiance and child. He could hear that the baby had stopped crying. What he saw when he entered the room melt his heart. Cass had fallen asleep with Gabe latching on his breast, the baby was looking around seemingly searching for things to play with while sucking hard not wanting to let go of his food. Henry smiled at this and gently nudged his cheek. The baby soon fall back asleep while eating, so Henry gently lifted him off his fathers nipple and burped him, settling him before carrying his fiance back to bed.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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