O The Addom's Family Values

Ethan looked at Luigi and asked, moving his mouth without making any sound "Do you want me to distract mom?" he, after all, had promissed to keep the secret from his mom, and wanted to help his brother on keeping that secret.

However, when he saw the ears had appeared on his brother's head, he understood he would have to distract his mom. So he did the first thing he could think of: grabbed his belly with one hand and yelped loudly "OUCH, damn". He had been feeling braxton hicks contractions for the past few weeks and it wouldn't be hard to pretend he was having one right now

The mother saw Luigi getting more and more tense. He backed off a bit, hoping that the space would help calm the boy. "Luigi, honey calm down please." He tried to plead but then he saw luigi grabbing the sides of his head, and was that ears on his head? He was about to do a re take when he heard his also almost due son whelp in pain. Instantly his attention was on Ethan.

"Ethan dear, are you okay? Is something wrong?" He gave a worried side glance at Luigi before proceeding to lead his pained son to his room. "I'll just make sure you're brother and the babies will be fine and then I'll come back for you okay, honey. Just sit by the couch for the moment."

His heart raced in worry for his two sons. Just what is going on? The babies inside him might have felt his anxiety and began kicking up a storm that made him slightly wince in pain but he kept his hands busy with steadying Ethan. 'Your brothers need me, little ones. Please bear with me for the moment.'

Ears twitched to the pained sound that Ethan made, though he wasn't sure if it was real contractions they were going through or not. Or the just doing a distraction for them. Either way, he didn't feel like taking a chance with his 'condition.'

"I...I need to go to my room.." Luigi muttered before taking off.

He had fled before his mother had started upstairs with Ethan, so that way he didn't get in their way. Getting to his room, he locked the door the behind him and leaned against the door. A sigh left him as claws appeared and he sank them into the door behind him. It was a bit too close for his liking, that situation.

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"Mom, calm down, i'm okay, it's just braxton hicks contractions again"Ethan said, worried about his mom's health and feeling a bit guilty. He sat on the sofa, rubbing his belly and breathing deeply for a few minutes after his brother was gone to his room and then, slowly stopped and opened his eyes "It's okay, mom, it stopped. It was really just Braxton hicks" he said.

Mathens sat himself next to Ethan. He leaned on the edge of the couch and tried to soothe the active twins first before turning to face Ethan again with a relieved smile. He sighed. "If you're sure. You got me really worried and it would seem that your younger brothers felt the same too. I'm glad you're just fine at the moment."

He then scooted closer to his son, his face becoming more serious though there was the hint of concern. "Dear, I'm glad you're fne but can you tell me what's wrong with Luigi? I know you know something, and don't go trying faking another braxton hicks." Mathens chuckled at the surprised expression of his son.

"I knew the moment my hands got near your stomach. Your body lacked the tensing that comes with the cramps, dear. And remember I was there for some of your braxtons, I immediately knew the difference." Now taking a hold of his son's hands, he looked into his eyes as if pleading.

"Ethan, tell me what's wrong with your brother please. It's not like him to storm up to his room all anxious, and you seem to be hiding something from me."

Ethan blushed as his mother revealed that he knew he was faking contractions. He covered his face and said "Oh, mom, i'm sorry, i'm so embarassed. I didn't meant to scare you, but i promissed i would help Luigi to keep the secret, i promissed him i would distract you if he needed." he looked at his mom and said "Look, mom, i love you, and i don't want you to worry, but Luigi is only trying to keep you and i safe. He is going to tell you what the problem is as soon as he gets used to it too, but, for now, he needs to be alone. You know him as well as you know me, and you know he needs some time alone when he is stressed. I promissed to keep the secret and i would be betraying him if i told you"

A sigh left Mathens. "If that's the case then I guess it should be alright. I trust both your judgement. It's just you got me so worried. You know I'm always here when you need me right?" He glanced at the clock and saw that it was almost noon. He smiled at Ethan and proceeded to slowy get up from the couch.

"Don't worry I'm not angry. I know you and your brother well. You must have a very good reason for all of this. Now it's time to cook lunch, are you up to do some cooking? I might need the help." he said trying to cheer up Ethan.

(I'm sorry for the long wait, i have been busy with some things on my real life. I hope it is okay)

"Thanks for understanding, mom. I love you" Ethan said, hugging his mother carefully. "And i don't thing you should cook, mom. Let me do the lunch while you rest, it wouldn't be wise for you to do much effort right now. You should rest all the time you can" he said, standing up "What do you want me to do for lunch, mom?" he asked with a smile.

"Thank you son." he said as he helped Ethan get up from the couch. "Agree on having some home made stew? I'll be sitting on one of the kitchen stool so I can still guide you if you needed me." Together they walked towards the kitchen.

HIdden away in his room, he felt himself reverting to normal but he took a few more moments to compose himself. This was going to be hard to get used to. A cough left him as he did have a hard time breathing during the change and the reversion. Finally feeling enough of himself, he unlocked the door and started to head downstairs. Each step was taken slowly and uneasy as he was still worried of what would happen.

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Seeing that Ethan was cooking well on his own, Mathens decided to be useful and set up the table. The babies were now still, probably asleep but still he felt off. He shrugged the feeling for worry he has for his sons. To distract himself from the thought, he hummed the lullaby that both his sons ere very familiar of.

He was almost done placing the spoons and forks when he saw Luigi coming. His son looked ... uncertain? He feels it has something to do with their clinic visit and thought about not prying for the mean time. What his son needs right now is to feel the support of his family, make him feel assured that no matter what happens everything will be fine, that he will always be accepted. So with a gentle smile he greeted his son.

"Come sit with us Luigi. Your brother will soon be finished with Lunch"

Luigi froze as he heard his mother's voice, though his uncertain look never faded. Even with that gentle smile a sigh left him as he stood there.

"Mom...I...." Luigi started though he wasn't sure on how to do this. "I think for a while I....I should get a apartment room....just until I can....figure this....'thing' out. So you and everyone else isn't at....such a great risk."

Leaving home, it was a normal process but not really in this case. He could turn into a monster, and so far he didn't know if that would hurt his family or not.

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(Sorry for the late)

Ethan was almost finishing when he heard his brother talking to his mother. Instantly he turned around, still holding a knife, and said "WHAT? You are leaving? Luigi, you can't leave, brother. We are your family. This is our house, it's where we belong" he said, nodding and turning around to his mother. "Mother, he can't go, right? Tell him he needs to stay" he said. He was afraid that his brother would slowly lose himself to solitude, and eventually kill himself

"You know why I'm suggesting this so why the hell are you against it?!!" Luigi snapped at Ethan as he pointed a finger at them. "You saw what was happening and you can take a guess on how ba it could possible be so why are you saying no to this?!"

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Mathens paused in fixing the table after hearing what Luigi said. "Y-you want to leave?" He bowed his head breathing deeply when he felt the babies stir awake again. "But why? I've been patient with all of this but if whatever is this prompting you to leave then I guess I can finally intervene." His tone was firm. He was worried, yes. His thoughts going to worst scenarios even. But the thought of his eldest just leaving without saying anything of this illness, he feels betrayed.

"Luigi Addom, answer me." He heard his younger son yell from behind him and turned to see the very stressed face of Ethan. "Ethan calm down, stress isn't good for the babies." He wasn't sure if he was reminding that to his younger or to himself. Throughout the whole day he had been worried and stressing about what is wrong with his eldest.But Ethan didn't stop. And for reasons unknown to him, Luigi became furious with his brother's words, yelling back at Ethan.

"Boys, please calm yourselves!" he tried to shout but it was weak. He felt himself stressing even more. His grip tightened on the chair he used to support himself. The babies were getting very worked up,and he began rubbing his bump and taking in deep breaths. He feels lightheaded then suddenly he could see spots. He panicked, knowing that he was about to faint.

"B-boys..." He managed to croak out before fainting.

"Mother" Ethan gasped and ran to his mother, holding him and managing to stop him from falling on the floor. "Luigi, hurry, call 911, we need help" he put his mom on the floor carefully and looked at him "Mom, are you okay?" he asked, trying to wake Mathens up. He shook his shoulder and placed his head on his chest, to check if the heart was beating, sighing reliefed when he heard the heartbeat. Right on that moment, he started to feel some contractions, and rubbed his belly until the pain was gone. He knew it was just one braxton-hicks, probably intensified from the stress.

While Luigi felt angered that his side was ignored by his brother, that anger was pushed away for the care and love he had to his other. Seeing them fall to the ground, had him concerned greatly. Where they in labor or was it something worse? A miscarriage? Could that even happen this far into their pregnancy? He had no idea!! The man swerved about for a few moments, trying to find the phone. When he found it, he ran over to it and started to dial the numbers.

"Hello? Yes uh...I think my mother might be going into labor.." Luigi said, right now it was a struggle for him due to the fact taht his changes were always triggered by something like this so far so that had him concerned.

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Paramedics soon came rushing in the house of the Addoms. Seeing two pregnant men, they had to ask who was the one said to be going in labor. That was answered however by the mother that though was unconscious began wincing and moaning in pain, grabbing his stomach.

"Put the unconscious one on the stretcher, I think he's the mother. Quickly! And you, assist the other pregnant one on joining the patient." The leader of the team then headed to Luigi. 

"You're the one who called I assume. Well it seems you're right boy, your mom might be having your sibling soon." But the leader noticed the struggle of the son though he doesn't know what it was about. "Boy, it might be better if you come with us as well."

"Yes...I...I called..." Luigi stammered out as he wrapped a arm around his chest. "I...I see. My brother is the one who...ngh deserves the praise though, he snapped me out of my shock when mother fell over."

Grabbing hold of a chair, he tightened his grip on it and cringed.

"No! I'm fine...a little over whelmed right now and...worried." Luigi said. "I...I don't do well in...situations like this...and tons of new people around.."

He had to make up something to make them leave him be.

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The paramedic bbecame confused and suspicious by how Luigi was acting. It was clear that the boy was not alright so why insist he's fine? His mother and brother are already on their way to the hospital, he should have been more welcoming of the idea. But the paramedic respects the privacy and decisions of their patients as long as it isn't harmful. With uncertainty, the leader just gave the boy some itching cream and pain relievers, instructuing him how to use it, then went off.

"I'll leave you be but you know the number, call us if your skin problem gets worse. Alright, boy?"

Meanwhile at the hospital, Mathens was rowsing to consciousness. He was at first confused at how he got to the hospital but was reminded of it when he felt another contracton. Was he in labor? he asked himself. It was confirmed when a midwife came in asking permission to check his dilation.

"You're dong well sir, already at 5cm. Your babies must be really excited to meet you."

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