C Somewhat Star-Crossed w/ bhdire8

"Yeah, so did I. All that's different is our little addition, but I don't think he minds us too much," Cass smiled, looking at Gabriel, who seemed to know his daddies were talking to him as he cracked open his eyes. "Hey, baby. You don't mind your daddies spending some time together, do you?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Haha Gabe you are such a smart kid. You timed your time waking up perfectly didn't you?" Lifting the baby up, he kissed his chubby cheek fondly. "Now play with ur dad for a bit while papa do the dishes. Try not to burp on daddy too much ok?"

Gabriel smiled softly at the kiss to his cheek, reaching out to Cass as Henry handed him over, Cass nursing the infant as Henry went off to do the dishes.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry felt like his eyes were almost sticking together as he finished the dishes, having gone through a long day himself. "Cass babe, I think I am gonna go sleep early. Tomorrow I got another early class.... would you mind terribly putting Gabe to sleep?"

"Not at all," Cass smiled. "I'll join you shortly, shouldn't take too long." He finsihed feeding their little angel, easily roocking him to sleep and settling the boy into his crib before crawling into bed with Henry.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry couldn't quite fall deeply asleep until Cass' familiar weight got onto the bed too. Even being only semi conscious he wrapped Cass nearer to him and mumbled a good night with his eyes closed, falling into a deep slumber immediately afterwards.

"Good night," he murmured to his love, eventually dozing off as well, getting up and taking care of Gabriel when need be.

✨don't look at my sin✨

It was early morning that Henry regained consciousness. He totally passed out last night. Seeing Cass deeply asleep this time, he placed a morning kiss gently on his forehead and slipped down the bed as quiet as he can manage, not wanting to wakr Cass or Gabriel.

ass cracked an eye open when he felt Henry leave the bed, wanting to pull him back and never let go, but decided against it. He let Henry go about his day, watching him as he got dressed.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry turned around to check on his family, surprised to find Cass awake. Leaning close, he said in a low voice "go back to sleep love. Though I appreciate you waking to give me the morning kiss that i craved." He then kissed him squarely on the mouth, "i would be back earlier today. Let's dicuss our weekend plan when i got back and maybe, we could consider asking your dad to join us for Saturday or Sunday, if you want to."

Cass smiled at Henry's words, returning the kiss with a content sigh. "Maybe. I'm sure he'd want to," he shrugged, stretching slightly in bed before curling up once more, falling back to sleep as Henry left.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry actually bumped into his dormmates in the cafeteria, he greeted them warmly and showed the family photos that he quickly accumulated. All the while he and Ben ignored each other, or more like Ben was no longer welcomed in their circle, eating alone at the far corner. Henry cant help but sneered at that. All in all, it's great to meet his friends.

Ben, of course, glared at Henry the whole time, wanting to punch his nose in.

✨don't look at my sin✨

Henry didnt even pay any attention to that jerk. He spent a great time with his pals, excusing himself when hr got class to catch. He had wanted to let his pals meet Cass officially, not like under the circumstance last time. Though he decided to ask if Cass was willing to do so first.

Cass was on his laptop when Henry came home, Gabriel laying on a blanket contently at his side. He looked up when Henry came in, smiling at his love. "Hey, baby. How was your day?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Great. I bumped into some pals today. Cass..... i got something to ask you." Sitting down near him, Henry started, choosing his words carefully. "I wanted to introduce you, and of course Gabe too, to my pals officially.  What I have in mind is a little housewarming over the weekends. I promise you this would not involve the jerk last time that you have the misfortune to meet with. I would not allow him near, hell I would not allow him to be near ever again." He stole a glance at his fiance. "So.... what do you think?"

Cass nervously twisted his ring around his finger, nodding as Henry explained. "I think we can do that, yeah. I'm sue Gabe wouldn't mind, he'd just be sleeping the whole time," he laughed nervously, looking at the infant sleeping next to him.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"There's no pressure at all. If you are not ready yet I would be more than happy to just leave it." Henry enveloped Cass' hand with his own. "Your wellbeing is the most important thing to me. So if you are not comfortable with the idea tell me." 

Cass shrugged, letting Henry take his hand. "I just don't want them to think bad of me, y'know? I don't really know them. Don't wanna make a fool of himself."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Well Cass you are pretty much perfect to me. I could already see several of my pals shooting me envious glances when they saw you the other day. If you get any perfect-er i would need to seriously worry about competition." Henry's brows furrowed at that. "Anyway, it's your call. All i can say is i promise my friends are friendly and kind, well the friends that I plan to invite are anyway."

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