C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

When he arrived at the International space station he wasn't mentally prepared for what he saw. The body of what he could only assume was an alien lay in pieces on the ground, green goo like stuff everywhere. It was clear there had been an attack and as he advanced further he began to discover the lifeless bodies of his fellow astronauts. It was likely they were all dead and as he made his way to the control room to contact mission control he wasn't expecting anyone to actually be alive. He turned around slowly when he heard footsteps, followed quickly by labored breathing. What he saw shocked him. Standing in front of him was the last remaining survivor of the invasion, he was naked and it was clear what had occurred. Chris' eyes traveled higher to his comrade's large, swollen abdomen, bumps and bruises covering it quite clearly as the young moved inside. Chris couldn't speak, even if he could he had no idea what he was supposed to say anyway.

After seeing another human finally after 48 hours, he was ready to collapse into tears, but he didn't, he was skeptical of the other instantly. Though he had no weapon, only his fists and that looked to be the case, no way of protection and subsequently he was vulnerable to attack. The attack obvious to anyone who could see, his stomach was distended unnaturally and squirmed with whatever gel like orbs were inside of him, he didn't want to think of them as living things. No matter how much he felt them move, it made him weak in the knees to even recall the final moments with his partner. It was too late when he had realized that he extraterrestrial had disguised itself as his lover, he should have known. Rodney would have never been that rough, he would have never even attempted to...to fuck him anywhere but their quarters, it would be too much of a risk to be caught.
Peter was leant heavily against the pillar as he panted brokenly, his hair was matted and he was half dressed, sinking down to his knees. He let out a low moan, clutching his wobbling stomach and looking at the stranger hopelessly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris can do nothing but simply stare for nearly 5 minutes before he finally shook himself out of his daze. "Peter." Chris recalled the males name from the file he had been given when he had been assigned to this mission. He had been sent to bring another years supply of food to the station.

Peter nodded,"I-I remember you."He groaned as his head tilted back, breathing heavily while his hands roam over his uneven belly. Even in the small, amount of time he's sat on the bloody and gooey ground, more seeped out of him while he sat and he couldn't control it. He couldn't control anything about his body anymore it seemed, he grunted softly with his eyes shutting tightly now,"D-Do you have a s-ship?"

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Chris nodded slowly as he watches Peter's hands roam over his swollen stomach. "It needs fuel though, burned more than I thought to get here." In return for the food the station would supply fuel for Chris to return to earth.

Peter let out a bitter laugh, turning onto his side as he laid down on the muddled ground with a quiet whimper,"Just my fucking luck."He curled his hands into tight fists, sobbing softly and whimpering as he curled up, more seepage pooled out of him and he wasn't at liberty to stop it. "There's... t-things inside of me."He shook his head, gritting his teeth.

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"I can see that." Chris takes a step or two toward him, getting a better look at his condition as he got closer. "What happened here?"

Peter looked up at the other with a glare, when he replied and moved to press his back against the pillar further with a small frown,"Stay away."He told him and kicked his leg slightly,"Don't come..."He went crosseyed as his head tilted back, he moaned brokenly while curling his toes,"Mnn... No... No..."He whimpered and shut his eyes, breathing heavily and shaking his head repeatedly for a few moments before the intense feeling left him.

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Chris doesn't move any closer, simply watching Peter for a few minutes as he squats down to be more at eye level with him. His eyes drifted over Peter's body causing him to cringe slightly at the sight.

Peter saw when the stranger cringed at the sight of him, he wondered if he looked that bad, though from the disgust that had burrowed it's way into him he was sure that he did. "We... Get it out... Get it out of me."He whimpered, his disfigured mound was squirming even more it seemed as he sobbed softly with his head tilted back. Groaning as he felt his muscles clinching against his will and whining as his body beared down, his toes curled and he trembled. Mouth hanging open as he breathed heavily for another moment, he had delievered a wiggling dark, gel-like egg. As small as a fist, but moving as if it would hatch any minute, but it didn't and he tried squirming away from the thing between his legs.

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Chris stares at it for a minute or two before he gets up and makes his way back over to the control desk. He rummages around for a few minutes before finding a lantern. He lights it before looking back over at Peter as the room now has a soft glow about it from the lantern.

Peter was left panting on the floor as the other man left him to find a light, looking up slightly at the flashlight beam and groaning softly. Though not as painful as it was before he laid the thing, he held his wriggling stomach still and grimaced,"Help me... Please."He looked up towards him with wet eyes, he looked like hell.

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Chris slowly makes his way over to Peter before helping him to his feet. "Let's get you somewhere else." Chris leads Peter out of the control room to one of the smaller sleeping quarters.

Peter was relieved when the other man didn't leave him for dead, he whimpered softly when he was brought to his feet and he looked at the other slightly as he dragged his feet along beside him, his hand grasping onto his uniform with his eyes squeezed shut,"Nhh..."He stumbled, almost falling and looking back slightly at the egg he had laid,"What about it?"He asked and felt sick to his stomach at his own thoughts, a primal urge to gather it up in his hands and just keep it close to him,"W-What if it hatches?"

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"We'll deal with it" Chris moves Peter into the room and over to the bed before he has Peter kneel on the edge of the bed for a moment while Chris places some towels and pads beneath him before he has the other male move onto his knees on the towels.

"Deal with- Argh..."He groaned when he was lowered down onto his knees, he was so filled to the brim that even a subtle movement like kneeling had him sobbing into his hands from pain as he curled forwards slightly, his ass spreading slowly with the pressure inside of him. "Fuck! Another's coming.... It's coming..."He grit his teeth as his grimaced, another squishy orb forcing it's way through him and out,"No! Help... No!"He squirmed and whimpered and cried out multiple times, it was obvious that this time there was two eggs making their way out of him,"Why? I... Don't make me."He sobbed out, gripping the sheets of the cot and whining as he tried bearing down.

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Chris can do little more than watch as the eggs make their way out of Peter's body. He sets the lantern down on the bedside table to put some light in the room.

Peter hated this, he hated living with these things inside of him and he hated the stranger for not being able to do anything to help him,"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck this!"He sobbed brokenly, tears leaking from his eyes while his belly shifted between his legs with the slow crowing of both eggs and he cried out loudly, shaking his head and trying to drag himself back up to his feet. "No, it hurts! I-I... Mnghh..."He whined and shook his head, trembling as he tried anything in his power not to do this, anything but this, he was ready to vomit from the agony before the eggs popped out of him and splattering to the ground below him, leaving him breathing heavily. Swaying and almost collapsing as he panted with his head tilted back, leaning back against the cot and letting his eyes roll back while fluid trickled out of his anus.

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Chris had disappeared again only to return with a bowl of ice water and a wash cloth. While Peter is trying to catch his breath Chris moves to run the cloth over his face, wiping away some of the sweat and helping him to cool down.

Peter's breathing was labored with small gags of discomfort, he couldn't breathe that well without thinking about the things that settled within him. Face red and his hair matted to his forehead and back of his neck with sweat, he looked like the hell he was put through these last two days. Though the stranger took the air off with wiping his face with water, he would survive if he just didn't try,"There's too many... He put too many... I-I'm going to burst...,He whimpered in complaint.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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