C Packed with Pups (With 018Luxio and Lovebite.)

"God, James..."He purred as his head tilted back and he bucked his hips up into the others, wanting to grind and just ride him until he couldn't. Though it was too late for that, he moaned out softly and turned his head the other way now as he beared down. The pup spreading him slowly, he kept a firm grasp onto James's shoulder and shut his eyes with a heavy exhale.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James grinds against Tobias for another minute or two before moving his free hand down to Tobias' hole, running his fingers across the skin as the pups head stretched him open.

Tobias pushed himself against James's fingers to let them slip in around the pup, his mouth hanging open as he moaned out softly. He gripped James's other hand tightly while his other dug into the male's back, grunting with his next long hard push. The head taking it's time before slipping out of him with a burst of warm fluids,"Aghnn..."He panted and let his head fall back, resting before the next cramp.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James closes his eyes for a moment at the feeling before he slips his fingers out to give the pup room to turn and get ready for the shoulders.

"You kinky fucker... Nh..."He leant up to wrap his arms around his neck and shoulders as he shut his eyes tightly, gripping onto the other. Tobias groaned as he continued pushing, the pup spreading him wider with the width of it's shoulders after its head until they slowly popped out. Though the body was still enlodged inside of him and he whimpered softly,"Get 'em out."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James moves to slip a hand underneath the pups body to support it before easing it out as Tobias pushed once more. With the pup free James goes to work quickly cutting its umbilical cord before patting it's back as it begins to cry.

Tobias turned over with a low groan as he arched his back with his ass in the air, careful of his legs and the squirming, crying pups on the other side of the bed. "Ohh... James- James!"He bares down with a grunt, reaching back to grip the other mans arm tightly as he groaned loudly, bearing down again.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James finishes with the pup before laying it over to the side with its siblings before he runs his free hand over Tobias' back. "Your doing fine."

Tobias stayed on his knees this time again, that seeming to be the most comfortable place at the time to even attempt to give birth. He swayed his hips from side to side slowly as he groaned into the pillow he had gathered up in his arms, whining softly as he flexed his thighs and beared down again. The fourth pup wasn't as in a hurry as it's second oldest sibling, but he felt the burn either way,"Ngh... Fuck..."He groaned out, gritting his teeth.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James continues to rub his back before he moves to kneel behind Tobias running his hands down his back before running them around and over Tobias' stomach.

The human rocked now, forwards and back as he reached to grip onto the headboard tightly with a groan, his thighs flexed and he panted. "James..."He complained as he kept pushing and whined softly as he leant forwards, breathing heavily for a moment and shaking his head. "I think this one's breech."He caught his breath slowly, before he was pushing again, sure enough the bottom of the pup was finally stretching his opening in preparation.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James continues to rub his back and stomach for a few more minutes. "Just breath for a minute or two, let your body adjust."

Tobias did just that, resting his face on the backs of his hands and moaning through contractions when they peaked while only breathing through the intervals between them, panting and tilting his head back,"Ughh...."He groaned while feeling the baby stretch him slowly, it's bottom revealing more and more until it's legs slipped out of him with a small trickle of fluids, he grit his teeth,"Get it, James... get it."He told him quickly, feeling the infant slipping out of him more with each breath between pushes and beared down again deeply with a long moan.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James reaches to support the body as Tobias begins work on getting the shoulders free. Due to their unusual position it took a little longer than they had each anticipated, James eventually having to work them free.

Tobias almost collapsed when the fuzzy, well sized pup was delivered finally into James's hands and he let himself catch his breath fully for a final time as he grimaced slightly with quiet curses at the emptiness he now felt, though he knew there was still a child or two inside of him. He exhaled with a low moan before delivering the afterbirth, then collapsing onto the bed with a huff, his eyes closing as he barely even turned to check on the wailing baby, crying meant okay in his book and so he promptly fell asleep.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The contractions died down enough for Tobias to sleep for a hour or so before he was awoken by not only the 3 newborn pups but also the other three he had delivered earlier. It seemed they were all hungry. As he awoke Tobias looked around for James but didn't see him anywhere in the room.

The human tried sleeping for a bit longer, though the whimpering of all six hungry and attention seeking pups drew him out of his dreams, he groaned softly as he turned onto his back carefully with his arms reaching to collect the young litter,"Shush... Shush... "He murmured with his hands moving to rub his chest to get himself stimulated enough to get lactating for the pups,"Some of you have to settle... Pa doesn't have six nipples."He kissed the heads of the two puppies as they mewed with their paws batting at him, the three oldest climbed onto him and one of the newborns laid as they squirmed, he shut his eyes as he let two of the newest pups latch on and suckled from him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James slips into the room soon after before he sits down on the bed and collects the three older pups before moving them over onto a pillow as he lays the bottles down, the pups automatically latching onto them and suckling hungrily.

Tobias looked up to James then towards the older triplets who began feeding from the bottles they've been substituted on since he had been gone. "I feel bad."He spoke softly and sighed with a shake of his head, looking away and down towards the pups in his arms as well. The human closed his eyes and rubbed the infant's backs gently, kissing their heads softly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You can only feed two at a time, there is nothing to feel /bad/ about." James keeps an eye on the older triplets as they continue to suckle from the bottles until their bellies were full, them soon curling up and drifting to sleep once again.

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