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Iruka had sneaked out after the deed was done. He had to honestly. What would Kyle think waking up to the twiggy man in their bed? Plus he had his work to do. Granted, he wasn't busy and honestly it was a bummer. Now was a new day and when the door opened, he was about to do his greeting when he saw it was Kyle.
"Here to shoplift more chocolate?" Iruka asked.
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"I'm sorry about that I don't remember much about that day really I was hoping you could tell me." Kyle asked hoping to fill in the missing blanks of his memory
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"Well, you must've had more than one of those bars, cause you were very nice to me. Took me out to eat, then to your place, and started to call me love. You couldn't hear a word unless it went with what you wanted and, you wanted me in your bed." Iruka answered.
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Kyle stood there stunned "did we sleep together?" he asked hoping he didn't already know the answer
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"That is what you wanted, so yes." Iruka replied.
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" Oh man! I am so sorry I didn't mean to." Kyle was all worried. "Is it ok if we never bring this up again." Kyle felt so embareased he just wanted to run and hide far away.
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"Yes, I can do that." Iruka said. "You weren't in your right mind so it is only fair to allow this to fade away. Just plaese, don't shoplift anything from here again. I've only just started and money is very tight."
(Shall we do the five month time skip?)
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5 months have passed since that day Kyle found out what happened between him and the store owner. The last five months have been awful for kyle though the first 8 weeks after he noticed he had been getting sick every morning then he had been craving unusual foods. He noticed that most of his clothes didnt fit so he went to the doctor and after running tests twice they concluded that kyle was pregnant. the following 12 weeks kyle tried to push it out of his mind it had to be false. Men don't get pregnant but his increased appetite and constant weight gain couldn't be ignored any longer. So he found the number to Irukas store and asked him to come over to his apartment he had something to tell him.
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THe same had been happening to him, but rather than going to a doctor. Iruka kept to himself. Working through his store as usual and not doing anything to bother Kyle. In fact, the weirdest craving he had was for Manna, it was magic in it's purest form and the only reason to crave that was due to something holding a strong amount of magic. Perhaps one of the children would have a better potiental than himself? Course, he had answered the phone when Kyle called. He had no caller id so he had to answer. But now...he was chickening out. Calling the number back, he allowed it to ring.
"Hello? Kyle?" Iruka asked.
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"Hi Iruka, I .. have some important news to discuss with you would you be able to come over to my apartment please, it won't take long and hopefully we can figure this out." Kyle said in a worried tone of voice.
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"I...I'm sorry but I can't make it." Iruka said. "I really am sorry but...I just can't."
With that, he hung up the phone and gave a frustrated sigh. Hiding his large midsection behind the counter. Hopefully no customers would need help getting something down.
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Another week goes by and Kyle is afraid to leave the house on account of how big his belly has gotten. He has been having food delivered to his house and the only time he goes outside is to check mail. Luckily he works from home making pamphlets for companies on his computer. Kyle had to try and call Iruka again he really needed his help through this pregnancy. It was after all his child too. Kyle picks up his phone and dials Irukas store once again.
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Getting about the shop was harder, if Kyle was having issues then Iruka was worse off. The round belly he had was very heavy, more so for him due to the large size and how weak Iruka's frame was. A groan left him as he heard the phone ring but in all honesty, he ignored it. He couldn't be bothered. It was hard enough to deal with customers when he did have to leave the 'safety' of the counter with them in. They often laughed and berated him. If Kyle wanted any aid, they would have to come to the shop. Poor Iruka wasn't really willing to go outside at all.
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Kyle had to let Iruka know what had happened. He hung up his phone put on his largest shirt he had which barely came to his belly button and he couldn't even fasten his jeans so he found some twine he had to hold them up and semi waddled out his door. He would drive there but he can't fit behind the wheel of his car so Kyle slowly walked to Irukas store. Half way there an ice cream truck stopped by the side walk. Kyle lately can never turn down ice cream so he bought two fudge pops and an ice cream sandwhich and ate it as he finished walking to the store. Finally after huffing and puffing he opened Irukas door with ice cream on his face.
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The door was the thing to catch his attention and thus he sat up. The counter hid his stomach well and he looked the same as usual. Though he had a reddish tint to his face, like he had a fever. In truth he didn't really have a fever, it was just a bit of a manna overdose in himself. It was hard to resist that stuff when there was one of the young inside of him, wanting more. Course, his gaze fell to Kyle's belly.
"Oh....ooooh..." Iruka started but he couldn't figure out what else to say.
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Wiping the ice cream off his face Kyle waddled over to Iruka. " I have been trying to tell you the past 5 months I have been getting sick, eating like crazy, and gaining over 30 pounds I went to the doctor and he told me I'm pregnant." Kyle was both irritated and exhausted that he had to walk over to this store to tell him but he needed to know the truth. " you are a father!" Kyle said pointing to Iruka.
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Iruka ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"I'm sorry....but.." Iruka said as he tried to pull himself away from the counter and once around it, they'd see the large stomach. "So are you..."
HIs stomach looked overdue with triplets, though he didn't know how many were in there. A sigh left Iruka as he stood there though he made a gesture for the man to move. He pulled the blinds closed and put a out to lunch sign up, thus locking the door. Now they were alone and Iruka gave a huff an puff as he finally got back over to the counter.
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" how can this be?" Kyle asked in amazement " two guys ending up pregnant. How or what are we going to do?" He asked Iruka while rubbing his own protruding belly.
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"Well, I think the logical thing is to support each other and thus the kids through some means." Iruka said. "For the pregnancy part, it is simple. I know real magic and it flows through my viens, and magic is known to do very funny things when it wants to."
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" is there anything to take away these intense cravings, or keep me from getting any fatter. I seriously feel like a house." Kyle asked hopefully while still rubbing his belly his stomach is already huge and it's only the 5th month.