C Packed with Pups (With 018Luxio and Lovebite.)

"No. Not that."He shook his head as he looked down towards the pups in his arms, then the others as they seemed to fall asleep contently and he sighed softly. "Every time... I just... I see him in them...and I... I just want to hate them as much as I hate their father."He grit his teeth with a quick shake of his head,"But I know I can't..."He rubbed his face with his shoulder and turned his face away from James's sight slightly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"They are not him, they are not his and as far as I'm concerned they will never be his. He will have absolutely no influence over them wether his blood runs in their veins or not."

Tobias pressed his lips together with a heavy sigh as he nodded slightly, looking down at the furry little pups and rubbing his thumb over their backs and ears. He looked towards James and took in a quiet breath this time,"You're a better man than me."He replied and turned his head to look towards the window, he heard the pups playing outside.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The cabin goes silent then, Tobias eventually switching out one of the newborns with the one that hadn't been fed and letting him eat. The other pups played together outside, unaware of what had occurred inside sometime earlier.

It took another full month for Tobias to finally say that the last pup wasn't coming, he had gotten back up and on his feet, more than mobile finally. Tobias began packing up the things in the cabin, they had been settled in too long, he was ready to get his family back into the habit of moving. He had always been nomadic, he would give his children that trait if he could as well, no where was safe. "James? Do we have any more boxes?"He asked, sat down on the floor with his belly laid in between his crossed legs, the second group of younger sixtuplets were crawling around him and playing around with some of their toys their father had dug up. He huffed softly and rubbed a hand over his middle before moving to push himself up to his feet, the fire was going and the heavy, late autumn wind could be heard outside the cabin.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I'll have to see if I can find some." James holds out his hand to finish helping Tobias to his feet, holding his hand for a moment or two as he balanced himself. "What else do you still have to pack anyway?"

"Yeah. Go do that."He nodded, thanking him as he was pulled up to his feet and huffing as his hands move to his belly. "Not that much. You know, I only do this to keep the pups out of stuff."He exhaled and looked down towards the younger pups who stayed around him now that it was a bit to cold for them to go outside and play. "A few of them are starting to teethe. It's bad enough them getting to my shoes."He moved towards the kitchen to drink a sip from the can of soft drink.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James watches him for a moment before he heads into the back room to search for some more boxes. At the moment their only plan was to load everything and everyone into the back of a moving truck and drive until they found a suitable place to stay.

Tobias finished his drink then went to follow James into the bare room, he came up behind him and wrapped his arms around him as he laid his head on his shoulder. "Thank you.... For everything, just... I'm glad you're coming with me- with us, I mean."He murmured and nuzzled the back of his neck while his belly pressed into his back,"I don't think that I could do all of this without your help. It's just all so..."He sighed and shook his head, kissing his jaw and hugging him gently.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Without me you wouldn't have to deal with all this." James glances back at him before turning back to face to wall, letting his body relax in Tobias' arms.

"Without you I would be dead."Tobias countered and pulled away slightly to look at him in the eyes when he turned. "The twins...all of the pups. We wouldn't be here."He then kissed him softly against the back of his neck once more, resting his head on his shoulder afterwards. His hands rubbing over his arms and shoulders,"I know...its hard and there's regrets to have...but I'm happy...the pups are happy... Are you?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"If I wasn't, I probably wouldn't still be here." His words are quiet as he stays relaxed in Tobias' arms. His eyes drifting closed.

"Fair enough."Tobias replied with his arms now wrapping around him as he held him, head resting against his back for a moment while his own eyes closed. He let the moment extend into a long, quiet peace before he pulled away again gently,"I'll get the boxes."He said, then pulled away and went around James to do as he said.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Nothing to heavy or strenuous." James watches him for a moment before making his way out of the room to do see about getting some of the loaded boxes together and ready to go.

"Yeah, yeah."He waved a hand and smiled softly over his shoulder at him, then disappeared to collect the rest of the blankets and towels. His other hand rubbing over his middle as he sighed softly, soon enough after another few days they had packed up the truck. The pups and him were situated in the back a few minutes before they were to get on the road, the back was opened and he sat on the edge of the truck. "One hell of a time for them to try and come."He leaned his head onto his arm as he sat against the side for a moment, his fist pressing into the crook of his back.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James comes out of the cabin with another box and sets it on the truck before looking at Tobias. "How far apart are they?" James sits down beside him on the truck.

Tobias glanced up at James slightly with a small shrug,"Far enough."He replied, moving his fist to open up and run his hand over his low middle, eyes drifting close while his head rested against his arm. "I'll survive."He murmured, then pushed himself up to his feet slowly with a small groan,"Everyone's packed up?"He asked and glanced back at the youngest of the family who he's placed on some sheets in the back of the truck. Then back towards the yard where the oldest played, he whistled then gestured them over to him,"Come on."He told them,"We're leaving."f

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

James nods and helps the pups into the back of the truck before he slides down the door after everyone was inside. He climbs into the front then and starts the truck up before they start down the road.

Tobias gave James a quick kiss before the truck's shutter was closed between them, he then took a seat on the quilts they had laid down for him and the pups. Careful of the younger ones as he lowered himself down to his bottom then sat back against the wall of the truck bed. Turning on the lanterns for the back so he could see the pups and they could see him as they settled in for the ride, he rubbed his belly while he sat back with it outstretched before him. Watching the kids entertain themselves with what toys they could find and checking over their supply of snacks, taking out a sandwich to eat it while they rode.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

They ride in silence for a while, the pups ocuppying themselves with their toys and eventually managing to fall asleep as they continued to ride.

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