C The Magictorium (jrcash)

Nothing hit Kyle, one moment they were in the shop and the next outside of the hospital.

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Kyle amazed at what just happened walked slowly up the stairs into the hospital. Out of breath by the time he got to the counter and asked. "Is there a doctor that can do an ultrasound I think it's an emergency." The nurse noticed Kyle holding his abnormally large belly. The nurse told Kyle to have a seat she will let the doctor know. As Kyle sat there waiting he felt the babies kicking in his belly. Frantically he rubs his belly hoping that will calm him down. Kyle was wondering if this is what Iruka was feeling as well.

Kicking hadn't come yet for Iruka. After struggling to get back on his feet and still clinging to the manticore plush, he gave a sigh. With a flick of Hus wrist, he made the blinds go up. Though as the diir opened he was shocked to see the elderly form of his grandmother walk in.

"Grandma...what are you doing here?'' Iruka asked.

At the hospital, the nurse managed to get a doctor for Kyle

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The doctor helped Kyle get on the table after lifting his shirt he put the gel on his giant belly and began looking for babies. What he saw threw the doctor of guard there was not 1 or 2 babies in there he counted 8. Kyle almost passed out when he heard the news. "What am i going to do." Kyle asked himself wondering how he would tell Iruka.

"You've gotten yourself into quite the mess." The elderly woman commented. "I sent a cab to pick up your friend."

"Yes well...it wasn't planned." Iruka replied as she headed over to the rather round young man.

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As Kyle waddled his way outside he saw a cab outside waiting on him. He got in and was about to head to Irukas shopbut his stomach kept growling so he asked the driver to take him to the fast food place down the street. As kyle ordered his food the driver was in shock to see the rather large man just ordered 15 cheeseburgers and 6 large fries and was eating them all up on the drive to the store. When Kyle makes it to Irukas shop he waddels to the front door and walks in still holding his last burger.

"And here they come." The elderly woman said as she turned around and spied kyle as they came in. "At least you didnt steal those."

Her comment was to Kyle and their last cheeseburger. A sigh left Iruka.

"Kyle this is my Grandmother." Iruka introduced.

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"Hello ma'am " Kyle said with his mouthful of cheeseburger. He waddled over to shake her hand until the button on his pants finally gave and burst on the other side of the room exposing more of his massive belly.

Seeing the button fly off, iruka shook his head slightly. Oh dear.

"Dearie please, don't talk with food in your mouth." The elderly lady replied as she ignored his hand. "Its giving you a poor first impression "

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Kyle gulped down the burger and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Sorry about that." Kyle said. " Iruka can we talk privately I have something to tell you." Kyle asked while holding his belly.

"Sure, just let me...." Iruka started.

"No you are not leaving that spot young man." His grandmother instructed. "Whatever news of the babies you have, you can share with me. As I am their great grandmother."

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"Ok." Kyle said " well I went to the doctors and he said ....well. ...I'm not having just one baby......it's 8 of them." Kyle said afraid to see Irukas reaction he turned his head and closed his eyes.

"Well I could've told ya more than one, you were probably going yo only have four till you ate that one candy." Iruka started but took a deep breathe. "But that doesn't mean I won't be there for em."

"My aren't you two productive together." The woman commented. "Eight normal humans in you and ten normal ones in him! Plus two manticores."

Iruka's ryes went wide and he paled.

"W....w..." Iruka stammered.

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"10 human babies!" Yelled kyle " how can we afford all these kids?" Kyle asked Iruka hoping that he had the answer.

"Eighteen counting yours." The woman added in. "Then two more special youngsters."

"I...I....I don't know..." Iruka muttered.

"Calm yourselves, i came here to help you twi andvmy twenty grandchildren."

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Kyle had to sit his belly was getting too heavy to stand long periods of time. When Kyle sat in a nearby chair he asked Irukus grandmother "how can you help?"

"My dear I am a powerful witch. I can nearly do anything." She replied. "I can give you both a big house with plenty of room for the children, get you a better paying job, and help with the children while Iruka is here."

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"I could use alot of help, no person let alone a man should ever carry this many children at once." Kyle said while feeling a little nauseous.

"You still have to raise these children! And NY grandson has it worse than you right now!! He's carrying twelve in there!" The woman hissed. "The only reason I'm helping your thieving butt is due to the children in you being my grandson's spawn."

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"Well pardon me ma'am for being concerned about my condition!" Kyle yelled feeling a mood swing coming on. "Lets see you carry 8 babies at once!"

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