C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

Iruka's shop had been doing well and it had him hslpy. The Magictorium of Feku had many things in it, both really magical and none. Hus two children were asleep downstairs, resting peacefully as the day was slowly carrying on. Though not all was well outside of his shop, a war was currently being raged.

The man's mix matched eyes glanced about before he heard the door open thus he turned his gaze to the person coming in. Iruka was a very scrwany man with cream curly hair, a harvest gild turtleneck with a green apron over it, and he had a few freckles on his face.

"Hello welcome to The Magictorium of Feku, his may I help you?" Iruka greeted.

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Arcturus walked into the shop with a mild interest. He was a tall lean guy, with dark hair and red eyes. He was a mercenary of sorts - he steal things for commision. Under his layers of clothing was a well-trained and agile body that could be much stronger than he looked. 

Glancing at the shop owner, he matched the description as in the latest commission. He was requested to steal from this shop an artifact that was rumored to be hidden within the magical safe at the core of the shop. The only thing was, the magical safe was maintained directly be the shop owner's magical power, there was simply no way to go through it. Yet arcturus didnt come unprepared. He had learnt of a peculiar way of ripping the sorcerer's magic. 

He moved closer to the owner to ensure he could smell the aroma from his body. He had spent a quite a fortune on this aphrodisiac spray. "Erm, I am looking for some of the rarer kind of artifacts. I would rather discuss about it in somewhere with more privacy. Do you have a room of sorts for this purpose?"

Arcturus walked into the shop with a mild interest. He was a tall lean guy, with dark hair and red eyes. He was a mercenary of sorts - he steal things for commision. Under his layers of clothing was a well-trained and agile body that could be much stronger than he looked. 

Glancing at the shop owner, he matched the description as in the latest commission. He was requested to steal from this shop an artifact that was rumored to be hidden within the magical safe at the core of the shop. The only thing was, the magical safe was maintained directly be the shop owner's magical power, there was simply no way to go through it. Yet arcturus didnt come unprepared. He had learnt of a peculiar way of ripping the sorcerer's magic. 

He moved closer to the owner to ensure he could smell the aroma from his body. He had spent quite a fortune on this aphrodisiac spray. "Erm, I am looking for some of the rarer kinds of artifacts. I would rather discuss about it in somewhere with more privacy. Do you have a room of sorts for this purpose?"

(I'll be slow, doing dishes)

The smell wasn't ignored, though Iruka wasn't sure on what it was. Despite knowing his own magic and that of his family, he never really got to experience other things. To him, it kind of smelled like cologne or something like that. A bit too strong though but Iruka kept a smile on his face for the customer. Their question had him a bit surprised.

"Well, not really Sir. This building isn't really big enough for another room designed for something like that." Iruka explained. " We can discuss it here, there aren't any other customers here."

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(Sure take your time!) 

"Oh is that so." Arcturus was hoping he would be able to get to some place that was more secluded for what he was about to do. The aphrodisiac would also work better in a closed area. "Hmm what I have in mind was a bit tricky. I didnt know its name but I recognise its form. It was a herb that work well in healing magically inflicted wounds. Would you happen to have some directory for me to look at? Or if it werent too much trouble, can maybe go to your store room to try recognise it?" He tried to describe it as ambiguous as he can, he wanted... he must get into that store room with the owner to implement his plan.

"Oh that's not tricky at all! Course I have several things that can be used to cure magicially caused wounds, are you sure you want the herb or are you open to other methods?" Iruka asked.

Pure Manna or magic in liquid form could often be a great healing asset. Granted it was more expensive and harder to find than the herbs the man was talking about. But if they were suffering from any wounds or someone they knew was, maybe they would hear him out?

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"I was buying for a friend and he seemed to be rather insistent on the kind of herbs ge needed. I am not sure if he was going to use if in other way or not. Well are there alternatives that you would suggest? Maybe I could get both back and let him choose." Arcturus was going to insist on finding the herb, but he heard the hint for some alternatives in the owner's words. He then decided to hear it out too, maybe that could provide him some ideas on what he needed to steal.

"I see, well since you'll hear me out give me a second." Iruka said as he went over to a crate behind the counter.

Reaching in, he pulled out a wine shaped bottle with a blue liquid inside it, for a moment he read the label to make sure he grabbed the right one. With a smile he went back over to the counter and set the tall bottle down.

"Well the purest form of magic is often a great aid in healing. Course you would want to get the manna if it's blue, if it's blue it's positively empowered and can do many things in a good light. If you find any red manna however, it will do everything negative and destroy." Iruka explained. "Course for a healing tonic, you really only need a drop rather than a big amount of herbs and it can work on any aliment."

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"This sounded quite fitting to the purpose. Well but I can't be sure if it was healing that my friend needed. Would you mind if I insist also on the herb?" Arcturus pretend to lean close to look at the manna, making sure the scent surrounded the targer at all times. He feigned an apologetic face as he finished his words.

"That's okay, you just want to make the best choice. An in all honesty, the herbs are cheaper than the manna. It's just manna is so hard to come by the price is so high up." Iruka explained as he put the bottle away and made a gesture for the man to follow.

The store room wasn't that big, it just felt like a broom closet. A tight little space where other items were put. The safe was downstairs, in the area that was Iruka's home. That was just a precaution to keep the items in it safe. But for now he was in his 'storeroom', searching through boxes.

"Let's....see..." Iruka muttered.

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Arcturus hurrayed in his heart for finally achieving his goal. He made sure to follow the shop owner closely, way closer than stirctly necessary. The store room being stuffy itself made the whole thing work even better. As they turn to another shelf he pretended he had tripped and crashed into the shop owner. To stop his falling, he reached put his arms to stable himself, trapping the smaller guy between himself and the shelf as a result, effectively crowding him with his presence - and scent. 

"Oops I am so so sorry Mr.... erm how shall I address you? I am Arcturus by the way. You can call me Archie." He pretended to be embarrassed and said, not letting the small guy out of his arms yet.

A oof sound left Iruka as he was squished kind of, though he did attempt to turn around. Only to feel embarrased at this as he was now looking up to the larger man, a blush came to his face.

"It....it's okay....uh..." Iruka said, trying to stay calm and keep a level head; though it wasn't working as the man's scent was very overpowering. "I...Iruka. J...just call me Iruka..."

He still squirmed though, trying to get free though it was useless. The man had him where they needed and Iruka was none the wiser.

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"Iruka. Thats a beautiful name. Have anyone told you you are beautiful too?" Arcturus said seductively. He knew he was handsome and he usually use it to his full advabtage.  He minutely shifted his angles to present in the best way possible to Iruka. 

From what the seller was telling him, the aphrodisiac at its full power would make the affected individual almost hynotised. This was sold at such a high price as it had an added effect - it almost guaranteed 100% conception rate. To avoid any change of accident, he had a bit of fertility drug prepared, which he would let Iruka drink when he was at that stage.

"Eh...h...hard to say...honestly..." IRuka replied.

The incident that had given him his two youngsters that were asleep downstairs well, the person invovled was too caught up in themselves. So honestly, he doubted they ever mentioned anyone else was beautiful, including him. Iruka felt something in his mind slip. He wasn't sure what but the man was getting exactly what they wanted. HIs eyes glazed over to show that the man got what they wanted, the poor sorcerer was hypnotized and at their mercy.

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Seeing the glazed eyes Arcturus was so excited. He retrieved the fertility potion and let Iruka drank it all. He had become so pliant Arcturus almost wanted to pat his head. He then started his plan and took the man. 

As he came down from his high, he laid the still hypnotised Iruka down and took out a test paper. He would know if Iruka had conceived through a drop of blood. Picking his delicate finger, the test paper turned ponk indicating he had succeeeded. 

"Yessssss. That was easier than I thought." Arcturus mumbled to himself and started his search for the safe, leaving Iruka out cold on the ground.

The whole matter was a blank for Iruka, the poor man was in his hypnotic state and out cold now. The only way to the safe was through a magically hidden door that Iruka knew where it was. After all, that safe was in the home part of the store for Iruka. A area to relax and keep his children safe. They wouldn't just leave the way down there for anyone old person to find.

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Arcturus had been searching for the better half of the hour to no avail. He started getting agitated as he knew the aphrodisiac would wear off very soon. As a last resort, he could forced Iruka to tell him but it unavoidably would imply some kind of violence. He wouldn't want to torture a pregnant man forbgod's sake, not to mention it was his own child/children he is carrying! 

After another round of failed search, Arcturus gave up and decided to just wait for Iruka to wake up and tell him.... if it's that smooth.

A groan left Iruka as he started to wake up. Soon he was up again and rubbing his head. His head was pounding, though he didn't see why.

"Oh...what got into me..." Iruka muttered, not aware of Arcturus was still about.

(Sorry for the short post)

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(It's alright)

"Hello Iruka." Arcturus voiced out. "Do you recognise me? I am here, in fact, on a mission. You know, I was commissioned to get the artifact you hid in your safe. The problem is, it is impossible to get through a magical safe. The solution? Can you guess?" He looked at Iruka with a curious face. He was somehow very interested in seeing how would he react when he realized what had just happened.

Iruka stared at the man. At first, he was confused but a angered expression came to his face as he stood up.

"I am sick of you people...Stealing!!" Iruka yelled as a glow appeared around his hand but it disappeared.

The man looked at his hands in shock. His magic was already weakened.

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