C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Is that why your belly is so.... large? What would happen later? When will they be due?" Arcturus considered.

"Yes, it's why I'm so big already. Well, I assume I'll only keep getting bigger." Iruka answered. "I don't know, I have no idea what they are so...I can't tell when they are due or figure it out. My grandmother probably knows due to her powers but...eh."

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"And where is your grandmother? I think it is not that healthy for you to be so weak while the children are so big." Arcturus said. "Well since you dont want to release your spell, i guess i would have to stay around. I hadnt felt as weak as I had been for the previous weeks."

"Home but she'll probably reveal herself with time." Iruka replied. "I can't release the spell even if I wanted to, I have no magic to spare."

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"Actually it did bother me a bit. Why have I felt my strength return as soon as I enter this shop?" Arcturus looked at Iruka intently. He had a feeling he was missing something here.

"Hm...well I'm not that sure then." Iruka replied. "I still feel really weak and...hungry."

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"I think there are some leftovers. I would go get them ." He walked away and collected the dishes. He had decided he would stay here then. It was in his instincts to care for the mother of his child...children.

"Thanks..." Iruka replied.

Even the left overs didn't feel enough. Course, he didn't say anything to show it. He was glad he was able to eat as much as he had. Sure there was still food left but...magic was what the children were really needing right now and they were using the food to substitute for it.

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"So.. i just managed to close the door of your shop. Maybe it's time now to reopen it. I guess since I am here... i could be the helping out salesperson?" He suggested to Iruka. They were both standing in the kitchen, Iruka still in his apron and all. As they turned to get out his belly bumped into Arcturus.

Iruka put a hand to the belly and ruvvwd it. He wasn't fond of that feeling.

"Oh no. I've had help in the past and all they did was make my condition worse." Iruka replied.

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"So... when you were in a similar condition as you are now," Arcturus glanced at the belly "you didnt hire anyone to help out? I could imagine how you are restricted physically with children." He asker incredulously. 

"Their other parent was helping out. U was pregnant with them and a few others. But he kept stealing from me and eating things in the shop that our pregnancies worse." Iruka replied.

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"What do you mean by you are pregnant with them and a few others? You have other children that was brought away by the other father?" Arcturus asked. If it was the case then it must be hard on Iruka. He could see how much he loved his children. Separating him from some of his children must have been hard.

"Before the idiot messed with anything, he was going to have tweleve children. However when he messed with stuff, my pregnancy got doubled or...almost trippled." Iruka explained with a sigh. "My grandmother saw it best for both my wellfare and the children that were almost all normal humans, to be sent to families who wanted children. She changed their genetics so they would match the families they were given to and she put a spell on them to prevent the other partner from finding them. I wanted to keep the the two manticore cubs an she understood."

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"Oh ... sorry to hear that, i guess? Well I am certain they would have a wonderful life eith their family. At least you got 2 little cuties here with you." Arcturus said. "Well ... I am here anyway. I am gyessing i would be stuck with you somehow so why not let me help out? You obviously could use the help and even though my track record was bad, I knew better now not to touch anything fishy. Well tripling the number you are carrying! That would be really bad."

"You better not touch anything upstairs in the shop." Iruka hissed. "The only things you should eat are down here in this kitchen."

A sigh left Iruka as he set a hand over his stomach. The apron was still on and thus the bulge was still visable just fine. Course, he lightly drummed his fingers there for a few moments.

"Fine, but I better not catch you doing anything stupid." Iruka replied.

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Arcturus raised his hand in midair as if to surrender. "Okok, i promise not to do anything stupid alright? So, what now? Do you want to get the shop open again? Or shall we do some stocking? Anything that I need to help with cleaning or something like that? Just use me however you want to. I am right at your service." Arcturus gave him a goofy smile.

Iruka gave a sigh and headed towards the elevator, gesturing for the man to follow him.

"Just, don't get your hopes up too high. I still don't like you." Iruka commented.

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"I am not getting my hopes high. What are you implying on that?" Arcturus smiled teasingly. "You want to develop something with me?" While he offered to help out in the shop, it was purely out of his habit of making himself useful in whatever situstion he got stuck with. That's his way of survival all his life. Although he have to admit he was indeed little attracted to Iruka alright, he didnt plan to let him know of this too early.

"For whatever scheme you have in mind, don't get your hopes up." Iruka replied annoyed.

The day went by without much issues, Iruka wasn't really trusting Arcturus. Keeping them away from the really dangerous stuff. The next day came in and he was glad. Getting the crates for the new inventory, he searched quickly and gave a relieved sigh.

"Yes, we have some." Iruka said as he grabbed a crowbar.

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