C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"That's brilliant!" Arcturus came over and helped with holding the box tight while Iruka was opening it. "So you would be healed when you drink that?" He was half relieved by not having to get stuck here, but also half disappointed as he was starting to enjoy life here. Well maybe not with the sleeing arrangement. He was asked to sleep on the floor last night for that's the only option in Iruka's tiny living units if he wasnt sharing bed with him.

"In a way yes." Iruka replied as he pulled. "For me, it won't really heal. It'll just supply the children with the needed magic that they aren't getting. They're converting all my magic currently to help them...grow but they need much much more."

Getting the lid off was hard but he managed. Reaching inside he started to take the bottles out. A total of ten had been sent.

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Looking at the mysterious blue liquid Arcturus was very curiois. "Only 10 bottles! Hoe long would this stock last for you?" Seeing Iruka having difficulty opening the bottle, he helped him with it.

"Depends on...how much I go through a day." Iruka answered.

However as soon as the bottle was open, he took it and took a big drink. A sigh left him when he stopped and there was still a little over half left. Course he noticed that.

"Might not last long...." Iruka admitted weakly.

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Arcturus held the cap for the bottle so he took it back to close it. He quickly sipped some as Iruka wasnt paying attention, closing his eyes somehow maybe to absorb the energy or something. He was so shocked at the amazing sensation this blue liquid brought. It tasted brilliant, maybe one of the best things he had ever tasted, and he felt immensely more powerful after that one sip alone.

He pretended to ask casually "so.... how do you store this? Do you need to keep it in a fridge or what like those drinks since it js opened already?"

Iruka didn't notice the man take drink. Too busy feeling the effects of the manna, in fact he could feel the young taking the new magic and stretching forward in new growth. The mass halted at twins and Iruka struggled to untie the apron behind him

"Yeah opened ones in the fridge." Iruka replied.

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Noticing Iruka trying to tie the apron, Arcturus took over to help him tie. "This apron was really stetching to tie now. I guess you would need something new very soon." He said as he finished. Even with the apron covering, the belly appeared huge. He remembered how Iruka seem to dislike touches on the belly but he was very curious. He decided then maybe he could try to reach it at night, after he had fallrn asleep.

"Its survived worse." Iruka replied as he glanced at his twin sized belly. "Course I'll probably get bigger."

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"How big did your belly get in the end?" Arcturus asked as he started putting the stock away under the instruction of Iruka

"The original bunch...too big." Iruka replied. "Hopefully I won't be as big."

Iruka moved past them and the day carried on as normal. Thankfully he didn't need anymore manna. Though as he was asleep the mound pushed forward a little bit more but not by much.

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Arcturus was awake and sneaked to the side of the slightly snoring Iruka in the middle of thr night. Taking off the blankrt, Iruka's belly appeared to be even larger without the apron in front. He looked at the belly amd was amazed by the lack of stretchmarks. He gently put a palm on the belly. It was warmer and harder to the touch than he thought, and all of a suddrn he felt sething insidr kicked.

Indeed the manna was helping with h no stretch marks. At the kick though, a Brian Iruka as he adjusted his position but remained asleep. The warm mass didn't even feel cold the longer it was exposed to cold air. It remained warm.

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Arcturus got bold with how deeply asleep Iruka was, he put both palms on the belly to feel the movement. It was an amazing feeling and he tried pressing with a little more strength and felt a sphere shaped hardness, probably the head of one child.

A groan like moan left Iruka st the feeling of pressure. He squirmed lightly before waking up.

"What...what are you doing?" Iruka asked sleepily.

The feeling though if hands on his belly tingled and yet rather nice. Though it was starting to trigger something.

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Arcturus was caught red handed, though he calmed down quickly. He whispered "i couldnt sleep and found you have kicked your blanket away... and then I couldnt resist the temptation of touching your belly. They are my children too inside of you. Sorry to have woken you up..."

When Iruka moved the shirt had moved further up, showing the breasts that appeared to be quite swollen.

To be honest he did feel hot an even removing his shirt, he was too sleepy yet caught in a strange desire to notice the small swell in his chest or belly. Instead he leaned against Arcturus.

"Can you get the Open bottle of manna?" Iruka requested.

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"Sure." Arcturus let out a breath he had been holding and hurried to retrieve the manna. He couldnt help but sipped another mouthful, finding it irresistable, before going to the bedside and handed it to the sleepy eyed Iruka.

"Thank you." Iruka said as he took the bottle.

Course he was quick to drink a large portion of it but there was enough for one glass left when he was done. The poor man didn't realize how much he drank. Feeling the big dose of magic go through him a hiccup left him before he leaned against the bigger man and he looked up at Arcturus with glowing mix matched eyes.

"I have..deal for you.." The sleepy sorcerer said.

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Iruka's innocent eyes were mesmerizing and Arcturus felt like he couldnt say no to anything he asked. His body leaning to him and beibg so pliant had made him very happy. Hugging him, Arcturus gently prompted. "Yes what deal?"

"Give me a really enjoyable evening and you get, the thibgy ya wanted in the safe." Iruka replied course he reached up to give them a kiss, hinting at what he meant.

The strange desire had been arousal yet the manna made it stronger. As if putting the sleepy sorcerer into heat.

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