C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

Arturus felt like he had hit the jackpot. He was so thrilled to be let on bed. Whispering a small yes he kissed Iruka's mouth, chasing the tongue and tasting the residue of manna. Their kiss deepened as Arcturus also got onto the bed, hovering above Iruka.

The night has been full of passion and steam. Wrapping the spent and tired Iruka in his arms, his belly budging on his abs, Arcturus felt like he owned the world. He kissed Iruka's cheek and said "that's one of the best nights i have. Have I avhieved my side of the deal?"

The sleepy man had been conquered well by the bigger man. His twin sized belly had groaned and yet still pushed out in growth against their abs during the event. By time it was done, iruka lay there panting with a triplet sized belly and slightly bigger chest size. A few kicks littered his skin as the young calmed.

"Yes...very much so." Iruka replied as there was a clunk sound of the safe unlocking. "Though...promise we'll do thus again sometime?"

Alas sleep and manna depletion won the skinner man over as he fell asleep right after asking his question.

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Chuckling softly at how fast Iruka got back to sleep, he whispered in his ear "oh yes we are definitely doing this again, hopefully at a quite frequent rate." Kssing Iruka he settled him and slipped off the bed. Looking into the safe he found that it ckmtained a suprisingly simple medallion. He flipped it several times but still have no clue as to what that was. He decided to ask Iruka in the morning and slipped back on bed.wrapping Iruka in his arms.

When Iruka came too, he felt weird. The events early were a blank abd as he say up with some difficulty, he glanced down. His eyes went wide as he stared at his triplet sized belly. Seeing Arcturus in the bed he tried to get out without waking them and he put on a shirt, still not noticing the growth in his chest.

Once up and standing, he struggled to find his footing and he grabbed the bottle of manna.

"Odd..." He muttered but downed the last bit and started to cook breakfast.

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Arcturus woke with empty arms and felt disappointed, though the delicious smelling breakfsst made him soon forget about that. He got off bed and went to great Iruka, circling him.from.behind and found his arms not.long enough to cover this nelly. "Wow thry have grown overnight! Must have been a burden on your waist. " and he stsrted rubbing.his lower back.

"Seems so though...ooh...its my back that doesnt uke it." Iruka replied enjoying the rub. "I guess they really needed the manna. At this rate I could be due in a few days."

Course he was unaware of the session during the night nor the request of more if that session.

"Can you get me another bottle of manna? The food isn't done yet and I'm really hungry " iruka asked.

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Arcturus went on to go up to the store. Yesterday Iruka had taught him how to use it. He retrieved a new bottle and gulped down some first before returning. He found himself feeling stronger, his senses sharpened and wondered if thats standard reaction from manna.

"Thanks." Iruka replied as he started to drink from it. "Ah, that feels so much better."

He didn't drink a whole lot of it. Though he held onto it as he kept cooking.

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Arcturus almost wanted to offer taking that bottle for him when he cooked, but it could be too risky now to sneak another sip.  He instead went out to take the medallion from the safe and check on it while waiting for breqkfast.

With brekfest done, everyone was able to sit and eat. Iruka wasted no time in devouring the bigger portion he made for himself and when done, he gave a satisfied sound.

"Oh..that feels even better." Iruka said as he got up. "Well, time to open up shop."

Grabbing his apron, he could only barely tie it now. The bigger orb of his belly holding the piece of fabric up in the air.

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"Let me." Arcturus went and help. He got the medallion on his neck now. He decided to aks in the evening about it. The shop wws far too public a place to ask. 

As he went to Iruka's back to tie the apron, he had to pull on the apron a bit to make enough string for the ribbon. "Can you maybe take a deep breath?"

"Alright." Iruka replied.

Doing his best to take a deep breathe, he almost lost it when Acturus tied it. Though it was merely the pressure that did that. With his apron tied and he thanked em, the two spent the whole day working the shop. By time it ended, he was tired and noticed something. His chest...it was swollen?

"Um...hey, Arcturus, can I ask ya something?" Iruka started.

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"Ya sure. Shoot." Arcturus was moving a whole box of something. It had felt lighter than yesterday and he easily lifted while yesterday he had to use both hands. 

"Is...welll...is my chest swollen quite a bit to you?" Iruka asked as he turned around, he poked the 'small' breasts though a new feeling hit him.

A tingling sensation hit them and they started to grow!! Iruka started in shock at this and soon they paused as they were strained against his clothes.

"W.....Arcturus...get the apron off me...please..." Iruka requested.

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Arcturus was not very aware of the growth in breast at first, the apron really hiding it. Then when they started growing he was stunned. He felt like the breasts were going to burst out of that apron. 

He quickly went to Iruka and ripped the apron off. He was amazed by the size they had grown and he unthinkingly poked them, testing if they were real flesh.

They certainly felt like it!! They like the size of canteloups now and that was huge for Iruka. The poke though made him squirm but then there was a new sensation. The front of his shirt felt a little wet and he glanced down.

"I...I'm lactating...?" he muttered, pulling his shirt down he spied the liquid that made his breast swell.

It was a blue liquid, in fact it looked just like the blue manna.

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Iruka looked positively like a pregnant lady now, with huge breasts hanging above that enormous belly. Arcturus, as if hypnotises, got nearer and licked that blue liquid away. He almost exclaimed this was the same taste as manna but held himself at the lsst minute. He instead looked up and asked Inuka "that really looked like manna.... shall I let you taste some to confirm?" He

Iruka squirmed at the feeling of Arcturus licked the liquid away though it was leaking from both breasts and the liquid was quick to return to the one that was licked away.

"I can get it." Iruka answered as he ran a finger over one and put it to his mouth. "I don't understand...how am I producing manna?"

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"Would it be... that manna was in fact the milk for magical babies. As they are pure form of magic, they would be the best nutrients for their growth? But then it should be produced when you were pregnant last time. The two cubs you have are clearly magical  nevermind the human ones. 

Arcturus found he couldnt move his eyes from the blue drop of liquid hangin from the nipple. He saw it gradually increase in size and just before it was heavy enough to roll down that mass orb, he surged forward and licked it, even proceeding to envelop the nipple and sucked.

"Yes but this didn't happen last time and I did drink manna the first time too." Iruka stammered.

He didn't understand this at all. WHy? Why was this? Course a yelp left him as he leaned back as Arcturus latched onto his new breasts. COnfusion was replaced by enjoyment and he squirmed lightly as the man started to drain the one breast.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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