C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"They appear to be exactly the same to me. Well your i think is a slightly deeper shade of blue." Arcturus raised both bottles up to look at them under the light. It was strangely erotic to be examining one's "milk" like this. "Well you are the expert here. What do you think?"

"I..honestly can't see a difference of any sort." Iruka replied as he stared at the bottles.

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"Do you want to taste them? I got my fair share from you directly." I smirked.

"Well it's one way to tell the differences." Iruka said as he took the bottle of his own manna and drank it. "Tastes warm but with a sweeter flavor."

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"So... the warmth is probably from high 'fresh' they are. The taste though, is it something that is relative to the strength of it?"

"I don't know about that, I think it's just due to how they're made or how old it is. Cause I don't know how the manna from the supplier is obtained or how old it is." Iruka said.

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"Hmm it is indeed strange. Consider that you needed the manna to replenish and now you are producing them your own. It is really amazing."

"Amazing and really weird. I honestly don't understand how this is happening. Magic works in strange ways." Iruka answered.

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"So.... will you sell your own manna?" Arcturus' inside screamed at him no. The manna was far too delicious, he cant even bear with the idea of some others sharing it, yet it wasnt his decision to make.

"No." Iruka replied. "I don't know the exact differences, it could be a bad idea to sell it on the market."

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"Great!" Arcturus got it out way.too fast and he blushed a little. "Etm.. hnm.. i mean i agree with you. So, what should we do now?"

Iruka raised a brow at this though gave a shrug.

"Sleep is what I need." Iruka replied. "It's hard to move with this belly."

Laying back down, he gave a sigh and wiggled a bit. HIs stomach sticking up in the air as he laid there.

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Arcturus was at a lost whether or not he should climb into the bed. He decided to brave it and climbed in beside Iruka. Stretching out a hand he asked him "can I touch it?"

"Go ahead." Iruka replied. "I just need a few minutes of sleep."

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Arcturua put his palm on the highly raised orb. The triplet size belly was huge. The movememts inside seemed to have strengthened since last time. Arcturus started rubbing circles, attempting to calm the kids inside.

Iruka tried not to squirm as he felt the stronger kicks. They were slightly painful but the pain would passed quickly.

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The kick's force past tight through to Arcturus' hand. "Wow we surely got strong kids." He rubbed at that spot to sooth the babies, murmuring soft nonsense to lure them, and Iruka, to sleep.

It was easy to fall asleep, his body was tired and in turn so was he. So Iruka merely closed his eyes.

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As Arcturus felt Iruka finally asleep, he laid his head on his shoulder and let his huge belly rest on his body so that he could breath easier. He soon fall asleep himself.

Iruka would wake up a hour later, his breasts larger and the pressure in them was really strong. Getting up was a hassle and he did try to find some jars to put the stuff into. Sadly he was having no luck.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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