C Doctor's appointment (w/ lxcttrll)

"Looking good Alex! So has the morning sickness gone away entirely?" Martin asked cheerfully. He loved how Alex appear more like himself and much more relaxed in his casual wear.

Alex nodded triumphantly, happy that he was feeling so much better. "Tea helps, thank you for the tip."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Good to know. Any new feelings that you want to share? Discomfort or not?" Martin got out of his desk to help Alex stand up and proceed to the check up bed. His belly looked bigger already in a week's time.

"Back hurts a little more as she gets bigger, but I'm pretty sure that's normal," Alex shrugged, sitting on the edge of the bed and holding his belly. "By the way... Prenatal yoga's next Tuesday at six-thirty. Be at my apartment at six if you want to come with me."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Yes back pain is a normal symptom. As she grow you would experiencr more soreness." Martin answered. "And 6 oclock at your place? I will be there." His face light up at the invitation.

"So... measurements. Life your shirt please?"

Alex lifted his shirt, letting Martin take the measurements, smiling softly when he felt Rosemary move at the familiar touch.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Wow you have grown a solid 2 inches since last week! Apetite returning huh? Thats a really good sign. Tjough you may need a new wardrobe quite soon." Martin smilingly said. "And for the ultra sound." With the cold gel came the hiss from Alex. "Here, Rosemary had grown a decent size since last time. Being quite active too I see."

"I'm making up for all the growing I haven't done in the past couple of months," Alex murmured with a small blush, watching his daughter on the screen. "She's just saying hello."

✨don't look at my sin✨

"That's a really good sign. Rosemary also got some catching up to do. Now she js on the tight track, I would say maybe just below 2.5 lbs." With the heartbeating resounding in the room and another picture printed, Martin squeezed Alex's arma nd saif "you have done a great job here for her."

"I'll make sure she's the proper weight by the time I have her," Alex nodded, wiping the gel from his stomach. Now that his morning sickness was gone, his cravings had started to show up.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"I think we can start discussing birth plans too. Have you thought about it?"martin helped Alex put his shirt back and got him off the bed.

"No, not really. I want you to deliver her, though, if you can," Alex admitted bashfully.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Well of course I would love to deliver her. From this trend I am quite confident by the time of her birth everything would have straightened out and it would be a fairly low risk birth. Would you want to try natural delivery?" Martin smiled at Alex's request iand was actually quite thrilled.

"As long as it's safe for her," Alex nodded. He couldn't have anything happen to Rosemary, not after all they'd been through in the past few months.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"The pros and cons if c-section and natural births are still mixed, but personally I supported a natural one. Babies from natural births usually show better resistant to adverse situations, probably from having been through a challenge right at birth." Martin explained. "But that's your decision to make. You could tell me as soon as you had decided. By the way, I have noticed some stretchmarks forming..... that lotion last time, I ah... I got you a bottle here. Do apply as frequently as possible, it could help lessen the marks." Martin scratched his head and handrd over the tube.

Alex took in the information, knowing this would be something he would have to research. He happily toon the tube of lotion, remembering how the scent of ginger calmed both him and Rosemary.

✨don't look at my sin✨

"Ok we are all set here now. So... unless you have questions for me I will see you next Tuesday at 6!" Martin helped Alex up and said to him.

Alex grinned and nodded, leaving the doctor's office and heading home, creating a nightly ritual of rubbing his belly with the ginger lotion before going to sleep.

✨don't look at my sin✨

At 6 sharp, martin pressed the bell on of Alex's flat. He got a bunch of flowers in his hands, though he really couldnt understand why he had bought that. It was a yoga class, not their date really. He nervously waited for Alex to open the door.

Alex opened the door, holding a container of ice cream. He was somewhat stunned to see Martin, knowing he looked terrible, in sweatpants and a huge T-shirt, ice cream around his mouth. "Yoga's tonight, isn't it?"

✨don't look at my sin✨

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