C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

One major difference Arcrurus felt this morning after his shifting was the boost in his senses. While he was working around the shop, he could smell some lingering scent. Scent from several people that had been close but they never came in. Like they were spying on the shop. He took a mental note of these scents for now and continued with his work.

Iruka didn't notice anything though as the days passed, he found himself just growing until he finally had the brood he was carrying. A total of eight griffins, though they were all in their human form .It took a few more weeks for the production of manna to stop as the children no longer needed it. Though he found himself finally able to head out into town and something felt like it was missing. He had gone to a store but he didn't know what was missing.

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Arcturus was at home taking care of 2+8 youngs together, making him quite busy. Though griffin babies took less effort to take care of than human ones, they were still a handful. He started tk worry about Iruka as he had been gone for quite some time but had still not returned.

The people who lingered about the shop had noticed the pregnancy that Iruka had gone through. Thus they had their own objective in mind. Having been caught in a spell, the men rendered him unconcious and started their scheme. They planted their experiment into the sorcerer before he woke up. course when he did, Iruka got finally got home. Not knowing what happened and feeling a certain...need.

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"Iruka! Finally!" Arcturus was getting really anxious, he stood up and held Iruka at arm's length. "Are you alright? How come it had taken you so long. It had been almost 5 hours since you went out this morning."

"I'm sorry, I..I don't know where all the time went." Iruka replied. "But, come with me I need something from you."

Grabbing hold of the griffin, he took them to the added on area down bellow. A room for themselves pretty much.

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"Iruka... what is it?" Arcturus followed him. This felt a bit fishy but Arcturus cant place exactly what was wrong. He found Iruka laying on the bed immediately and started taking off.his clothes, smiling seductively. Arcturus' member immeidately responded to that and he blushed profusely.

"Just...come here and get it going. I don't know why but I feel like it's what I need." Iruka replied.

Course this session was one of their longer ones.

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Their night of passion was very enjoyable and a much needed break from kids that both needed. As they enjoyed their cuddle afterwards, Arcturus absentmindedly play with a lock of hair from Iruka and said "that's really.... nice. I didnt realise I needed this so much."

"Oh...I guess do." Iruka replied. "I guess we both needed it."

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"You rest. I will go check on the kids. Hopefully they have all exhausted themselves and gone to sleep now." Placing a kiss on Iruka's cheek Arcturus got off bed.

"Rest...I certainly need that." Iruka replied as he laid down, slowly drifting off to sleep.

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Arcturus returned a few moments later. Two of their cubs were quite stubborn and needed some convincing to finally go to sleep. He smiled when he saw Iruka's sleeping form and joined him quickly.

The following morning, Iruka stirred and slowly sat up. Though there was a familiar feeling that quickly came to him, causing him to glance down. His chest was already a little swollen but further down was where the feeling was. That familiar full feeling as his stomach was already sticking out in a small bulge. His shirt hide it easily though so quickly putting on his apron, he looked as he normally did. For now, he went ahead and opened shop as usual.

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Arcturus woke up and wasnt too surprised to see Iruka was gone already, he was usually the one taking care of the kids while Iruka would go open the shop. He would go up to help with the shops then.

Iruka wasn't fond of that system of things but he was used to a routine and breaking that routine was difficult. He didn't want Arcturus to always handle the kids but...this was just something so ingrained into the sorcerer mentally, he wasn't sure if he could change it. When Arcturus did get to the shop later on, he looked at em.

"Sorry...that you always have to deal with the kids while I..open up." Iruka apologized.

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"It's fine. You are more familiar with the shop anyway. " arcturus waved it off. "Though if you want to shift the roles I would welcome it too, you just have to show me around to let me get more familiarized." Seeing it was a quiet day, he got closeer to Iruka and asked in a discreet voice. "About that thing in your safe, that black medallion. What is it really?"

"True...I'm just so used to my routine, it's hard to switch it up.." Iruka admitted.

Course he gave a raised brow to Arcturus's words.

"Why do you need to know that? And how'd you even get in the safe?" Iruka questioned.

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Arcturus was shocked. "Dont you remember? You gave me that after the first night we... reconciled on bed. You let me take it opening the safe yourself!"

"I....I don't remember that at all...." Iruka replied, a look of confusion came to his face. "Oh no...what have I done..."

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