C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

Just then one of the newborns wailed and Arcturus was quick to sooth the infant.

The sound of the infant crying startled the man. Causing them to push into the wall harder but their magic softened the wall making that easier.

"Its okay, sorry we got a lot of kids." Iruka said.

"I...I shouldn't be here..." The man said.

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Rubbing the infant's back soothingly, arcturus asked the man in a gentle voice "no matter whether you should be here or not, you are here now. We meant no harm."

"Besides there are people who want you, we can't let them get their..." Iruka started though he paused as a woman appeared in the room.

"Of all the possible futures to unfold why this one?!" The elderly woman hissed.


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Arcturus was shocked by how the woman just appeared out of nowhere. "Grandma.....?"

"Yes...this is my grandmother." Iruka said to Arcturus.

"I'll deal with your Griffin in a minute." The woman commented before snapping her fingers and a outfit appeared on the stranger. "Glasses never suited you Alfred."

"You...you know me?" The man asked.

"Yes. Time hasn't been kind."

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Arcturus watched the twist in front of his eyes. Though he felt strangely safer now. The grandma gave him a feeling that she got everything under control.

"So what are you planning on doing with Alfred?" She asked.

"Try to keep him safe honestly." Iruka replied.

"Very well. I'll put some magical barriers up. That should keep the dangerous things out."

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"What? So that's Alfred? As in... you both know him?" Arcturus found it quite incredulous. "Could someone maybe explian to me a bit the situation?"

"I don't know him." Iruka replied.

"I do." the grandmother said. "He was a family friend who well, I honestly got along with very well back in the day."

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"So.... he is like revived from the dead? Then what now? We protect him from those evil guys?"

"Yes." The elderly woman replied. "He was dead till now."

"I already said we'd protect him." Iruka added. "He's still my responsible for him."

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Arcturus found himself at a total lost. He felt like there was so much of the story that he do not know. He sighed and let the calmed infant lay back on the bed and said, crossing his arms in front of his chest. "So what. What kind of enemies are we dealing with, what type of defensive measures we need to take? I am thinking they already knew Alfred successfully revived, so we need to come up with something fast. We got too many children here to risk."

"I've already put several barriers up around the shop earie." The elderly woman said. "It'll take many tries to break and they should hold for a good time. I also have these for you."

Reaching into her bag, she pulled out three necklaces with a gemstone at the end.

"These have their own personal barrier on them, they won't allow things with evil tention to harm you as easily." She added. "And I'll put up a barrier to keep this room safe so the children are."

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Hearing they at least have some means to keep the children safe made Arcturus sigh in relief. He wordlessly took the necklace and wore it.

"But you still need to use caution if you leave here." The woman said as she walked away. "Keep him safe, I'll try to find a way to remove the corruption from the poor lad."

Alfred and Iruka wre given their own necklace, though Alfred was a bit hesitant to wear it.

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"So Alfred is it? I am Arcturus. I guess we would be stuck together for some time."

"Yes...I'm Alfred." Alfred replied. "I still don't like this idea...I mean, I ended up causing so much..."

A few of the newborns started to make a fuss though Iruka went to tend to em.

"I'm going to take these ones to where the others are. I'll be back." Iruka said and with that he left with the newborns in tow.

A sigh left Alfred as he adjusted the glasses.

"I...I know you are probably against this, even more so with them about..." Alfred added, pointing to where Iruka and the infants disappeared to.

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"Honestly? I do not know what to think. I sort of know you are dangerous, but that's about all. Though I gotta say you do not appear to be anything related to powerful. How long would it take for you to regain your strength?"

"My strength is back....the glasses or at least the spell on them is working on keeping my magic and the corrupting force seperate. For now it seems." Alfred said. "If these weren't on, I pretty much wouldn't look like this at all."

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