C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Well I am glad grandma got the glasses then. So... you know about the corruption and all? It must be hard for you to have known you have done damage but was unable to stop yourself."

"Yeah...I...I know about it. I shouldn't have gone into that ruin alone...I should've waited for someone else who was more..experienced." Alfred admitted with a sad sigh. "Trust me, you don't want to know of anything I've done. It's hard enough just dealing with it in my head. I'm just worried that it's going to happen here...all it does is grow and feed off of any magic it can get. I can't even remember how large it became last I was....well I guess alive is the right word."

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"So that corruption was an object? Couldn't it just be destroyed? Well I guess I am asking a dumb question here. Well I guess we couldn't really do anything now. Just settle down with us, we will see how it goes from here."

"No, it was a being sealed away in the ruins. I broke the seals by entering the room it was hidden away in, a person of magic entering that part of the ruins would result in the seal breaking." Alfred explained. "Thus I am now in the state I am. At first...well it's not important now.."

It was so strange at first, the rush of power and the feeling of being able to keep himself safe. He honestly never felt like that before and didn't see any reason not to question it.

"I just...I don't want to cause harm to you or your family.." Alfred added.

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"I know you are a kind person, but there's frankly nowhere for you to go. Stay with us here, at least grandma seemed to be of some help here, and Iruka is with power himself."

"I don't really have a choice in this matter..." Alfred replied. "Since it's three against one so..majority rule."

A sigh left Alfred as he scratched the back of his head.

"The problem is mine has had a long time to grow, to get powerful with what it is absorbed. I don't think there's anything able to equal it's might now.." Alfred admitted.

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"Well even if there isnt a single thing that could be compatible enough, the combined forced of all of us together could make it. It's what teamwork is for isnt it?"

"I can only hope it works if it happens....and hopefully it doesn't happen." Alfred said. "I really don't know what to do...I'm so used to being bound to some item so I kind of just stay in one place...and it's not safe to leave here..."

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"No use worrying over what could happen. I always dtay positive whenever I got myself into, and I think that's how I survived being on the street since I was a kid. Try to enjoy life as it is."

"Enjoy...?" Alfred questioned, his eyes started to water as tears were threatening to leave. "I CAN'T ENJOY THINGS!!! NOT WITH WHAT I'VE DONE!!!"

Alfred shook his head a bit, not even daring to try and wipe the tears away. That would require moving the glasses and he didn't want to do that.

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Arcturus was stunned by his reaction and seeing the man's face filled with tears was pitiful. He approached the man and thought idly since he was in the womb of Iruka before, he was in a certain extend his son too. He patted the man's shoulder to console him wiping away the tears from below the rim of the glasses without moving them.

Alfred put a hand to his head, letting his fingers sink into the locks of hair. He honestly didn't know what to do. How could he enjoy anything when there was the constant danger of him being the one to ruin it?

"I'm sorry it's just...I was kind of hoping to stay stuck in that medallion forever..." Alfred said.

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"I know you are still feeling guilty and all, but really you shouldn't be. All of those were forced on you. Now that you have a chance to live again, embrace it as best as you can. Take it as a chance to atone, to start over, whatever you want to define it. Cherish this."

"How can I embrace anything knowing that it's just under the surface? I can feel it in there, trying to find one small crack in the magic that's keeping it back so it can take over. It's hard to ignore that, it's like feeling something just under your skin slithering about."

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"I understand how stressful that can be, but believe in yourself and us, brave through it, even if it comes to the worst end and it did manage to penetrate have faith in us that we could evict it. You can only battle when you believe in yourself."

A sigh left Alfred as he stood there, his gaze was directed down at the ground. What was he suposse to say to this? It was just so hard to know what to do.

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"Dont think too much. That's all I could say. Now I will go check on my family. You could come along if you want."

"It's natural for me to think though....unless well....it's in control." Alfred commented. "No I....I'll stay down here...."

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Arcturus nodded and wordlessly get out of the room. The longer he talked with Alfred, the more ignorant he felt himself to be. He walked towards the source of noise wanting to see his children now.

Alfred took a seat on the ground, merely only fiddling with his fingers as he sat there. Course Iruka was having a bit trouble, he had been overpowered by young griffins.

"Come on stop! Please, I love ya guys too but I have....things to do ha..." Iruka said as he tried not to laugh as he was being tickled.

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