C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Well it's warm at first, like a nice shower but its from the inside. Then afterwards it felt like something is trying to grow tjrough my skin..." arcturus looked at his hands, flipping them over.

"Hm..let me see if I can..." Iruka started though he paused.

He could feel something pulling him, reaching the recently awakening dragon in him. Course he was quick to close the gap and rub against the griffin.

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Arcturus was quite surprised by his rubbing. Iruka had not been the kind who crave for physical touches, but it must have triggered the griffin inside too as he found himself nudging back, granted he had been the touchy kind himself all along.

Things were quick to esculate from there. The night of passion wasn't as long as the others, though when Iruka came to he wasn't in his right mind. The dragon had resurfaced and with Arcturus asleep, he was quick to devour at least half of the manna stock. Fallsing asleep on the bed, he snoozed well into the following day, though Arcturus would notice a round belly that of one child on Iruka. THough...would he find anything different with himself?

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Arcturus woke to find the now familiar belly of Iruka hanging out, and the floor of empty manna bottles. What happened the previous night slowly came back to him and he found himself quite agitated at being thrown into something that he didnt understand and had succumbed to the passion once again. He found himself getting more and more annoyed with not having anything in control, but he suppressed that anger and tried to wake Iruka.

A groan left Iruka as his eyes slowly opened.

"ooooh...what happened?" Iruka groaned out.

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"You tell me. What the fuck are you trying to do last night, throwing that ball to me. And then all of a sudden you rubbed on me like a slut." Arcturus found himself getting annoyed once again. There Iruka went all innocent again. "And pray tell me, is it you deliberately go all horny just to get me unconsicious enough to go drink all those manna."

"Wh..." Iruka started confused as he sat up all the way. "i was trying to do what you wanted....and what I meant to have happen was for it to help. It was suppose to be a massage....I don't know I just felt osmething pull..."

The accusations just kept coming. Though Iruka gave a slight glare.

"You think I like this?!" Iruka questioned. "i can't remember!! Ya know what...fine. We'll do it all your way. You'll be forever right and I'll be forever wrong, so how about ya just do whatever punishments ya like, as that is how the world operates?!"

GEtting up, he moved away from Arcturus and grabbed a coat from the couch. He was quick to put it on and wrap it closed.

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"And now you are accusing me? I felt like I was being played like a monkey right from the start. Like from the moment I got you pregnant, all we ever do together is either work, or another session of passion. Oh and also to milk your breasts. You wont even take care of the children, you got me wrapped around your little finger and never let me on anything. Now you want to just blame me for all that? Dont you try to escape now." Arcturus surged forward and grabbed Iruka forcefully.

A enraged glare was shot at Arcturus. Despite the man grabbing hold of him, Iruka pulled himself free as his magic attacked on his instincts and vines surged forward to grab the griffin.

"YOU USED ME!!!" Iruka hissed. "You wanted Alfred, so your plan was to make me pregnant with the intention to STEAL!!!"

The man's eyes were glowing and the white colored from them disappeared. It was clear the man was pissed and if there was any control, it was probably being lost.

"YOu want to see what I can do?!! FINE!!" Iruka hissed. "I'll erase myself from this town!! I'll take every trace of myself and the children away, you don't want them right?! FINE!! I'll take every single one of them and DIDAPPEAR FOR GOOD!! You won't have to fear fidning me on accident, I will make sure nothing will get near me again!! The shop will be no more, all the purchases will be no more, NOTHING OF ME WILL BE HERE!!!"

Tears left his eyes as things started to disappear from the room they were in.

"YOU want Alfred? TAKE HIM!!! RUIN THE WORLD!!" Iruka snapped.

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Arcturus found himself unable to move and that the once again changing appearance made Arcturus realise the empty bottles of manna must be doing its job. At his restrained state, there's no way Arcturus could pacify Iruka like before. He was once again at a lost at how to deal with the situation, with an obviously out of control Iruka. He was still enraged himself, and even more furious at those accusations, but he could frankly do nothing, even though that tear may mean something.

"My accusred speciality in magic IS to ERASE things!!!!" Iruka's snapped. "I have to have a routine!!!! It keeps me in check and I apologized for being stuck in a routine to you!!"

The sorcerer stood there, clearly angry but saddened.

"I made my own parents disappeared on accident!!!" Iruka's hissed. "I had a routine of being alone with nothing but my magic to create my own little world to keep me company!! One day they decided to be real parents and raise me!!! Well they should've taught me control cause my magic went on the fritz and BOOM!!! Gone for good!!!"

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Arcturus, still being held, laughed bitterly. A routine, yes now he remembered how Iruka claimed he needed the time to adjust his routine when he explained how he couldnr tend to the kids in the morning. How he obsessively needef to open and close the store on time. Now that he and the kids are going to disappear, for good, he felt helpless at the situation. He tried for onr last time."iruka look at me, I am no longer the enemy of you. I wanted to hel, didnt we just agreed on seeing if we can develop a proper relationship?come on Iruka, calm down."

"YOu certainly didn't keep that in mind when you were 'beheading' me just a few moments ago!! You have no idea how hard it is to control magic, when there is a pull from your magic, you can never resist!" Iruka hissed as black lines appeared all over his skin as if they were cracks. "YOu might've been pissed at the time but when you try to work things out, you would take a moment to take a breathe and start it over with a more normal starter!!"

With all of his belongins gone from the room, Iruka stood there. Clearly still enraged but there were still tears leaving his eyes.

"I never wanted magic!!! If I could change it, I would've preferred to have been a mouse. A helpless mouse that has to struggle to survive but no magic ever interfers!" Iruka added as tears rolled down harder.

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"Dont go Iruka... you know I wanted to make this work just as you do. I dont care about your magic, i dont want to steal anything from you. I just wanted to start a family with you." Arcturus said tiredly, trying his best to convince Iruka but he knew he was losing the battle.

"My magic is the problem, thus I am the problem!" Iruka said. "I have to have a routine...I had just adjusted to my two little ones before you and then you.....YOU come in and throw it all off course!! Now I'm into a stranger routine and I'm getting yelled for it? My magic knows what I need to keep it stable, it acts on that. Maybe that's why I can't remember what happened....maybe but....I just..."

Rubbing his eyes, the tears were still leaving his eyes. Even rubbing his eyes, they were still leaving.

"To have a family with me is hazardous enough..." Iruka muttered.

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Arcturus wasnt aware of the struggle before. He felt his heart ache seeing how much pain Iruka was in, he defeatedly sigh and wanted to hug Iruka and help him stop those tears. "Iruka... I wasn't aware of how difficult it was to adapt. I shoukd have used more effort trying to open you up instead of just letting you cope. I thought I should give you space but maybe I was wrong. Now that I have understood the situation more, would you let me have a chaance at starting over?" He looked at him hopefully.

Magic was weakening and thus draining easier. The vines loosened on Arcturus before they seemed to shatter in many pieces. Iruka ended up sitting on the ground, merely sobbing away. The black lines were still there as he merely kept his face in his hands. His magic was out for now, so things would be a little calmer.

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Arcturus rid himself of the vines at once and gathered Iruka in an embrace. "Iruka... I am sorry for not understanding earlier. I know this had been hard on you all along, I promise I would be better in helping you cope ok? Just remember you can tell me anything. Whatever made you feel uncomfortable, let me know. I dont want to see you sad any more." He gently rubbed on his back, not unlike when he sooth their distressed children, and in a way, Iruka was exactly that.

"I can't get any of it back...it's all gone..." Iruka muttered through tears. "The kids are all here but there's no inventory...nothing..."

No food, and not even any running water in the house. Oh boy. Well he really went and screwed things up.

"You can't really apologize for this...it was my fault. I didn't want to tell you erasing thing was what I was good at cause...I was afraid, it would make you hate me or you want a demostration." Iruka added.

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