C War for the Magictorium (bhdire8)

"Why, but i am here to serve you, my prince." He kissed.on his earlobe, nibbing his neck and whisper into his ears. He love to see Iruka lose control under him.

"But you deserve to have sine fun too Mr. Knight." Iruka's commented as he rubbed up against Arcturus. "Hey why don't we get one of those bottles?"

The pleasureable feeling was mounting and Iruka even started to nibble on Arcturus. His mind was actually going as well but for now, he still had a good portion of it. It's just his body was seeking the one thing that was going to help them make money.

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"Alright I will get that." Arcturus kissed on Iruka and struggled to pull himself away. He found Iruka to be quite irresistable now, especially with how he had become so proacitve in getting close to him.

"Something different!" IRuka called as he stayed put.

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"A green one?" Arcturus returned with a green bottle. "So I will be drinking it righr?" He opened the lid and sipped a bit.

"What's that one have?" Iruka asked curiously. "Yes just you drink it, so hurry and get back here!!"

The sorcerer was growing impatient and so was his body. His belly was still swelling at a slow pace, it might look a little bigger but that was hard to tell. Now that he was thinking of the desire to mate, his body was craving it. His breasts had even started to produce a little bit more than they were currently.

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Arcturus also couldnt wait to be close to his mate. He quickly got back and worshipped his partner's body, soon losing himself in heavenly pleasure.

Even not getting answer, Iruka didn't care. Even more so when he saw the bigger man walk over and that just had him all gidy. His body was crying out in it's own small way to get things started and when close enough, Iruka grabbed them and planted the starting kiss. His belly had rumbled a few times during the session, but neither one paid it any mind. Both too focused on the pleasure. Several times the sorcerer called for more though there was nothing to stop them from going on an on. When a hour passed, Iruka was still in the high of the situation. Snuggling against Arcturus and trying to get them to continue. The sorcerer's belly was really bigger by now, he looked ready to have five kids.

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In truth Arcturus had been overwhelmed by desire one he consumed the green bottle that he didnt have enough mind.left.to read the label. The green one was for sirens. He couldnt deny Iruka of anything and he complied with his wishes, his energy refreshed as soon as Iruka asked for more and nudged against him.

Iruka's didn't want to stop. All his body wanted was to get bigger!! Hus belly continued to swell, the eggs growing larger as more joined the clutch as well as sirens started to take form. His breasts were growing faster as well, producing more manna. The blue liquid even started to leak now.

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Arcturus got allureb by the manna's great smell and started latching on it. He had to access to his breasts from the side now that his belly was so large. The taste was as sweet and addicting as ever. He wondered why he hadnt been exhibiting asdiction symptoms as Iruka had.

Arcturus just didn't have as much manna in his system at one time where it pooled in them. It was all used quickly in their case. But in Iruka's cause, it lingered for longer periods of time. At this rate though, the griffin just might start though. Iruka's breast was filling rapidly even with the man drinking it. Moans of pure pleasure where leaving the sorcerer.

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Arcturus continued to pleasure Iruka as he drank, the side that didnt get any attention was leaking like crazy, droplers of manna flow through and got on the belly.

The griffin wouldn't even have to suck all that much on the nipple, seeing as how Iruka's breasts kept growing rather than shrinking. The manna was now doubt like a steady facet now for the man. With so much manna going in, it would defeinatly pool in them. What it would do to them well, that was hard to say. The couch creaked under them, giving it's own groan of displeasure but it was drowned out by Iruka's cries of pleasure.

"MORE!!!" Iruka shouted, his voice shaky and high pitched due to his state of enjoyment.

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Arcturus was not really conscious now as he pumped like a machine into Iruka. The whole couch was soiled, with both manna and other fluid. The blue manna was getting on everywhere, his face and hands especially for Arctueus.

Due to his large size, Iruka managed to get to his other breast and started to drink the manna from there. The overdosage of manna was surely effecting Arcturus now, and the manna that landed on Iruka started to get absorbed into the skin. Contributing the sorcerer's manna intake. IN fact, Iruka's body started to change, his dragon tail had grown larger and now it wrapped around Arcturus's gently. It wouldn't be long before Arcturus started to transform into something else as well. The moans of pleasure grew louder from Iruka despite him drinking his own manna. His feet had shifted into large paws though they were covered in scales and those scales were spreading to other spots on Iruka.

The couch though continued to groan before it broke, resulting in the two going down a bit.

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Arcturus had also turned. If anything he had turned into an even greater griffin hybrid. His wings were out as they dropped to protect them both from the impact, and he was growing a silvery patch on his head that was the unique feature of the king of griffins. The king was in possession of magical power. However peculiarly his tail, which had been a snake, was slowly turning into a medussa with a hair of deadly snakes and eyes that would turn whatever it see into stone.

Iruka had yet to grow any wings, though he still remained mostly human sized, save for his belly and breasts. These things were rather large as they were merely filling up more and more!! Digging his hind claws into the floor boards, Iruka felt ready to pass out. As gloriuos as this all ways, he was growing tired despite the manna high, his body still needed rest.

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arcturus gave his final few thrusts into Iruka, his cock had grown even bigger and successfully reached grounds that he never had, exploding finally deep into Iruka. His belly was filled again. They both past out in the extreme pleasure, no longer aware of any change on their bodies.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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