O The Addom's Family Values

Skin problem? Luigi gave a glance down at his hand, seeing the skin red still from the previous change. Turning his gaze away from himself, he glanced back up at the medic.

"Y...yeah, sure..." Luigi replied as he accepted the items. "Thanks..."

With everyone gone, he set the items down and fell to his knees. Heavy breathing as he felt somewhat relieved to be alone. Though...what now?

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Ethan waited on the waiting room, sitting patiently. He wanted to see if his mother was okay, if the babies were already born. However, no one had come to talk to him yet, and he didn't know if that was normal or if there was something going wrong. Soon he stood up and started to walk around the waiting room, and, when one nurse appeared, he said "Hi, excuse me ma'am, but do you think i could see my mom? His name is Mathens Addom, he is pregnant, and probably in labor."

"Oh you must be one of his sons. He was asking about you earlier. Your mother is surely in labor and is already at 5cm dilation. It would be a while before he becomes fully dilated so maybe you'd want to accompany him?" The nurse led the pregnant teen to a room where moans of pain can be heard. 

"Oh dear it must be really painful. Go in boy and comfort your mother. He needs the support right now." She then looked at the huge bump of Ethan concerned. "And if you feel any complications of your own, please don't hesitate to tell. If anything goes wrong, push the button beside the bed. I'll be returning later to check."

(Hello May I join?)

(Is it alright if I appear right after Mom delivers his children?)
Name: Todd Addom
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Pregnant?: Yes
How many, how far along: Unknown/6 months (Big bellyy)
Description: Black hair with natural bangs,between pale and fair skin, lila/ligh blue eyes (kind of like his father's eyes), beauty mark on left cheek, He's short and small in size and looks feminine like his mother.
Other info: Went to study abroad for highschool and finally returning home. None of them know that he's returning and the fact that he's pregnant. He's known to be childish and positive.

Walking out of the airplane exitedly, stretching himself a bit, taking a deep breath. "Home sweet home!" He said out loud, cheerfully making the people around him laugh at his humor. He just smiled brightly and skipped out of the airport looking at the map he was holding.

"Where was my house again?" He said nervously.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Ethan followed the nurse to his mother's room, and knocked the door before entering. "Hi, mom" he said, trying to keep himself calm, for his mom "How are you feeling? Are you okay? you fainted in the kitchen and... I was so scared. I'm sorry mom, this is all my fault. I shouldn't have reacted like that to Luigi's moving. I'm sorry" he repeated, his eyes filled with tear. He could barely look at his mom now, because of how guilty he was feeling. 

(Tomoshe, it's fine by me but tjopj44 and anibus3 must also consent first Blush )

Mathens breathed deeply after another contraction ended. He opened his eyes to see the worried face of Ethan. Trying to sit up so he could better see his son, he called for the latter and gestured for him to sit beside him. When the son had seated himself, he reached for the younger, hugging him in comfort.

"Don't be sorry. Your brothers must be ready to come out anyway. I didn't realize it sooner but I was having contractions all day. I didn't know that my water broke while you were cooking, mistaking it for some spilled stew you were making. We're all at fault here so don't put all the burden on yourself, Tan." The embrace got tighter with Mathens breathing heavily.

"hee hee hoo..." he was used to this, doing this for the 5th time already.

(Ohh. Yay! ^^ I'll wait patiently till their post)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(It's fine by me. ^^)

After several minutes of debating, Luigi took the pain pills, shoved the container into his pocket, and grabbed his coat. As much as he didn't like it, he wanted to be there for his family. His mother was giving birth! How could he lock himself away in here? Sure for a good reason but still. Choosing to walk to the hopsital just in case, he started the slightly long journey there.

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(Thank you anibus3! I'll have to wait for tjopj44's reply then. ^^)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


An hour passed by for the laboring mother. It was painful with twins but he got through with this before so he handled the pain better. It was also made bearable with Ethan there helping him ride out the contractions. 

"Thank you for being here, son." He said but then a loud groan came from him. He felt the strongest contraction yet hit him that was accompanied with the need to push. He quickly called for Ethan to hit the button for him, being in too much pain to even reach for it.

"Ethan, please press the button for me hon... ahh!"

(sure, it's totally okay. I'd love to have more persons roleplaying ^^) 

Ethan stood there with his mother the whole time, squeezing his hand when he needed it, and trying to make the moment the best he could, telling jokes, hugging Mathens and even telling stories to his unborn brothers, glad to know that his own babies were hearing it as they kicked him. When Mathens told him to press the button, Ethan instantly obeyed, hoping someone would come soon to help his mother.

(Thank you so much!)

Todd finally arrived home, heading inside, getting excited. "I'm home!" He called out, taking off his jacket, walking to the living room, carrying his luggage beside him. It was extremely quiet. It seemed like no one was home.

"Hmm.. Maybe they're busy and stuff." He said to no one in particular, sitting on the couch taking his phone. He began texting the family chat, pretending that he's still overseas. 'Hello hey hey! Sorry for not being active online. I've been busy doing some projects. How is my lovely family?? Everything a okay?' He texted, smiling softly as he send the message.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(you're welcome)

Soon after pressing the button, Ethan received a message on his cellphone. Seeing it was his brother's, he read it quickly as he walked back to his mom's side. He smiled at the message and typed back "Hi, Todd, it's okay. We are kind of fine, but mom is in labor. He is fine too, but at the hospital, waiting for a doctor. Soon our little siblings will be born. I wish you could be here too."

Todd was sitting on the couch, rubbing his 6 month tummy, receiving a message from his big brother. He almost fell of the sofa, reading the message, with a shocked look.

'W-What?!' He quickly replied panicking, worried for his mother. He turned his phone off, putting on his jacket, then ran out of the house, running past his brother Luigi, heading to the nearest hospital. Despite his condition, Todd was always the hyper and active one. So he had a lot of stamina. After about 10 of running, he finally arrived at the huge building which was the hospital.

"W-Where is Mr. Addom's room??" He asked, resting his hands on his knees, catching his breath. "I'm his son.. Todd Addom." The nurse nodded and checked the computer.
"He should be in the emergency delivering room." She told him while Todd's heart almost stopped at the word 'emergency.'

"Is he alright?!" He blurted out, with a worried look on his face as the nurse tried to calm him down. "Please calm down mister. He's not injured. He only fainted from hard labor. His room is on the second floor, right in the corner to the left." She gave him the directions, watching the boy sprint off to the stairs with a shocked look on her face. Finally on the second floor, Todd opened the door, looking at them with wide eyes, leaning against the door frame, panting heavily, holding his pregnant belly. After all that running, he needed to catch his breathing, completely forgetting that his family did not know that he was pregnant. But he did not care at the moment. He just wanted to see that his mother was doing fine.

"M-Mom..!" He wobbled over to his mother's hospital bed, feeling his legs are about to give up on him. "A-Are you okay?"

(Wow what a long post O.O I think I went a bit overboard there. Ehehehe..)

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


(Lol, it's okay)

Ethan started at the young man who had just entered in the room, and his eyes got wide as he realized two things. The first one: that man was Todd, his younger brother, who was supposed to be studying overseas. Ethan quickly concluded that he had finished his studies or was in vacations and had gone back home. The second thing was that Todd was pregnant too.

"T-Todd...? What... Oh my god, what happened? We didn't know you would come back today" Ethan asked walking to his brother and quickly pulling him to a hug, which was hard to do, since both of them had big bellies now "I missed you" he said with a smile, happy to see one of his brothers with him and his mother "Woah, I don't believe it. You  are pregnant too, just like mom and I" he said, shocked

Todd almost lost his balance, but was saved thanks to the hug his big brother gave him. Ethan was Todd's big brother. He always looked up to him and admired him every since he was little and liked to follow him around. After years of not seeing him anymore, Todd smiled brightly, hugging back gently.

"Ethan! I missed youu." He said softly, grinning ear to ear, also looking at Mathens, his mother. "I missed you to mom. I missed you all so much." He then looked back at big brother Ethan, laughing nervously.

"Hehehe... I kind of wanted to surprise you guys. But no one was at home. I'm on my 6th month now! How many I'm having is a secret." He said, still hugging him.

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


"Well, you did surprised us, we were not expecting you" Ethan said, amazed. "Woah, 6th month... that's amazing brother, congratulations. Who is the other father?" Ethan asked, looking at his younger brother and internally praying that his brother were not all by himself. The older brother promised himself that he wouldn't let his brother go through pregnancy alone, then shook his head and smiled. "Well, who would say we would both be pregnant at the same time?" he said, rubbing his own belly "I'm about 8 months with triplets, and you are 6 months with a secret number of babies" Ethan laughed and then extended a hand to his brother's belly "Can i feel it?" he asked.

Mathens smiled with the sudden appearance of his Ethan's other brother, Todd. Though he was surprised to see his son supporting a big belly of his own, still the happiness of meeting his boy again after months of being abroad.

He called for the him to come closer to his bed, excusing him from Ethan.
"Todd, it's nice to see you again!" He embraced the boy tightly. "So how have you been? I see you've been busy creating a family of your own. Tell me... ahh!" The mother temporarily forgot that he was in labor only to be reminded with the huge pressure descending on his hole.

"We-we'll talk later! Uhmm...." A group of nurses rushed in wheeling the bed to the delivery room.

Todd slightly frowned slightly at the mention of the father, but covered it with a smile. "Well Um.. He couldn't come with me unfortunately. He's been really busy studying for college lately." He answered. The father of his babies was very busy all the time. They did love each-other so much, but he just couldn't be there for him. Todd didn't mind, he's been being independent through his whole pregnancy. His lover did visit him sometimes when he had time, which made the younger sibling really happy.

"Of course!" He said cheerfully, gently taking Ethan's hand, placing on his bump where one of his babies was squirming around. After a few minutes, he heard his mother speak up, turning around, he smiled brightly, walking to his mother. He hugged back, kissing his parent softly on the forehead.

"Hello mother." He said, relieved that he was doing well.
"I've been doing fine- Oh.. Alright. I'll tell you later." He said, also realizing that he was still busy laboring. He stood up, standing beside his brother, watching the nurses being him to the delivering room with a worried look on his face.
"Is mom going to be okay..?"

"Smile for me! I'll give you free belly rubs! Angel "


Unaware of his brother's arrival, Luigi made his way into the hospital. Giving a shudder as he pulled Hus coat tighter around himself. While he wanted to see his mother, he knew it might be unwise. So he merely took a seat and waited.

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