Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
Chris can't help but shrug as he stares at the creature. He really had no idea what to do, with it or with Peter. Would he just continue to pop out eggs until he was empty or was there more to it that not even Peter himself knew?.
Peter was empty, his stomach was puffy and he was shaking from head to toe from exhaustion and shock as he reached out to the thing he had birthed. "It's okay."He murmured when he turned back to it, when it came forwards to sniff at him he drew away in fear though it kept coming. Now that the room was dim and even a bit quiet besides the other things writhing around on the bed, they were small and barely resembled people, though this thing did. It was almost like a small child.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris continues to watch Peter, and the creature. There were a million things running through his mind and he had a feeling that he shouldn't be watching, but he also couldn't turn away, his curiosity was getting the better of him.
Peter froze up as the thing ran towards him to burrow it's scaly mass into his bloated middle, it's head rubbing against his chest and belly button. While it settled down on his lap, he looked down at it, holding up his hands and looking from it towards Chris,"I knows me."He said, pressing his lips together into a thin line,"What if it's valuable?"He looked over all of the remainder of what the alien had left him with,"What if they all are."He mentioned.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Valuable? Money wise?" Chris raises a brow at him as he continues to watch the creature as it nuzzles against Peter.
"Yeah... I mean, we don't know what they are, what if we could sell them?"He looked at Chris and wasn't sure if he would be okay with that as he looked down at the thing, reaching down to pick it up slightly then set it down. An arms length away from him, it didn't make noise like the other things, though it did play slightly like a child. "That could actually be a good deal... I can have them and we sell them, take the money and good, y'know?"
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"We have to get back first, and it's going to take at least 3 days to refuel, another day or so to finally return to earth..." Chris lets his voice trail off, the thought was forming itself in his mind. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad of an idea, though he was certain that the scientists would lock Peter up, experiment of him while he continued to birth these things.
Peter thought it over again, he watched as the thing played with it's smaller siblings, he gasped when it looked like it ate one of them,"Hey!"He called and the thing jumped when he rose his voice, coughing up the squishy, creature and backing away from the human slightly as it curled up. It's tail curled up from fear and Peter pressed his lips together as he felt bad for yelling,"I'm sorry."He said gently, reaching for it to run his hand over it's back,"Come here."He urged it, the creature looked up slightly with big black eyes and hopped into his lap, it's weight knocking him back with a grunt.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris continued to watch them before he decides to take his leave for a few minutes. He walks around the station for a few minutes before he makes his way into the kitchen and begins looking for something to eat.
Peter couldn't stop the creature from bounding off of the bed after the man, he sighed quietly and let it go as he moved himself to lean against the wall and uncomfortable mass produced pillows. He closed his eyes and tugged the covers over himself in attempt to deter the other offspring from climbing onto him while he slept.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris was rumaging through the fridge when he felt he was being watched. He grabbed something to eat before slowly closing the fridge and turning around to find himself staring at the creature. "What do you want?"
The thing stepped slowly towards him and tilted its head as it looked up at him then the food in his hand, it came closer and tugged on his pant leg with its teeth. It crawled upwards as far as it could on its hind legs, opening it's mouth so the pink of it's gums showed.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Your hungry huh?" Chris moves over to put the food in the microwave to warm before getting it out to cool. "You'll have to wait, it's hot." He looks around the kitchen before finding something he wouldn't expect. He makes his way over to the counter before picking up a banana, peeling it before going to sit down at the table to cut it up into a bowl.
The creature pulled away and sat down as it watched the human move between the microwave and the counter before sitting at the table. It bounded over towards him and climbed up his leg once more to take a seat in his lap, paws on the table. It bounced happily on their feet. Nudging the bowl with its broad nose, short tail wagging back and forth.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
After Chris finishes cutting up the banana he takes a piece before holding it out to the creature to sniff and taste. He makes no comment about it being in his lap or the fact that it seemed almost dog like in a way. What exactly had impregnanted Peter?
The thing sniffed it repeatedly, though didn't move to take a bite as be sat back again, looking up at the human as it's scales shuddered contemptly. Then it jumped from his lap, lifting it's nose to the air and sniffing repeatedly before bounding off out of the kitchen.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris watches it disappear before he goes to see if the food was cool before he begins to eat. Part of him wondered where the creature had gone, but then again it was probably none of his business.
The creature was gone for a long while, where it went was towards the recesses of the ship where the smell of the dead crew permiated, it fed there on the corpses. It wasn't that much interested, naturally, in fruits and vegetables especially of human kind. It came back to the main deck where it could feel it's birther and the other human that had attempt to bond with. The small chubby thing waddling from it's large meal, climbing onto the bed where Peter was laying sound asleep, it lacked vocal cords to speak or make any sound to gain his attention and subsequently his affection, as it burrowed beneath the human.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris finishes his meal before eventually heading back to the room Peter was in. He noticed the creatures currently curled underneath the covers next to Peter as they all slept. Chris made his way over to the chair he had been sitting in earlier and took a small nap himself, unaware of what the creature had been eating.
When Chris woke up, Peter wasn't there and neither was the infants, even any sign of what had happened was gone including the stained sheets or the blood on the floor. It was almost as if he didn't exist, though he did and Chris knew it. Peter was somewhere aboard the ship, deep in the recesses on the opposite side, the fully grown alien had to move him away from the nest she had made from corpses. He had begun hyperventilating from the terrifying sight of all of his crew slain and torn apart, even missing things from their bodies. The human was unable to scream, the mother alien had covered his mouth and held him down as she did again what he thought he was done with. She filled him up with as many eggs as she could push into his intestines and the pouch she had implanted in him until he was on the brink of simply tearing apart from the force of all the offspring. He could only take in shallow breaths and could barely breathe, leant up against the old lockers as he sniveled and cried silently. No movement from inside him yet.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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