C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

Chris looks around the room for a minute or two before he sets out to find Peter. His hand slowly moved to the gun that was currently tucked safety against his back as he began to hear faint noises the closer he got to the back of the ship, and the stench of death was also thick in the air.

Peter was like a test subject at first, though now he was a breeder, he carried more of the large black eggs now and less of the squishy grey ones. He struggled to breathe as he shifted his hips forwards and mewled beneath the glue like substance covering his mouth. It was salty and sticky, keeping him from making even the slightest word, the queen was still on top of him. She shoved egg after egg inside of him until his hips were creaking with the pressure, stomach ugly and deformed with lumps and bruises along with impossible stretch marks that looked more like scars now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When Chris finally happens until them she is still filling Peter, her shoving one last egg into him. He was so full that the tip of the egg would occasionally peak out of his abused hole before disappearing again. Chris removed the gun from his pants, barely thinking when he fired, getting a clean shot through the head.

The barely conscious astronaut flinched only slightly at the sound of the pistol going off, he slightly worried about the bullet puncturing something important down here before his eyes rolled back in his head. He was still breathing at least, most likely, if one more egg had been laid inside of him he would have struggled to death. His insides hurt and he looked to be in agony even as he fainted, murmuring in his sleep and writhing around some.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Thankfully the gunshot at least knocked the alien out though he wasn't sure if it was dead. Chris goes over and picks Peter up before carrying him out of the room and into another room. He couldn't deal with the scent any longer and was just hoping that the alien was dead.

"Hariett..."Peter mumbled into the fabric covered shoulder of the other man,"I'm sorry... So sorry..."He struggled to breath with all of the pressure and weight on his organs, he had relieved himself uncontrollably when he had been fucked. His body was covered in black ooze and he clawed the fabric of the man's space suit,"Get us... Out of here... Please..."He panted, he couldn't take any more either, his sanity was failing.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He carries Peter to the room nearest the ship, laying him down before he left again. He went to quickly check the fuel, finding it only about halfway full. Sure, they might could possibly make it back, but then they could also be stranded in outer space for the rest of their lives.

He couldn't help the sob that escaped him when the other didn't come back with a determined look on his face, he tried rubbing the overly stretched skin of his belly to no avail. He turned into the wall in a fit of sobs as he gripped onto the cot post, they had settled in the captians cabin, he recognized it though he took comfort in it with a small, half smile half grimace,"He saved me... I've never... been able to take... care of myself..."He snorted brokenly, laying on his side and facing the wall, his breathing was labored and he tilted his head back with a moan.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris's brows furrow as he watched Peter, eventually making his way over to him after making sure the door was locked. He could still notice the egg peaking out of Peter's still puckered hole. If he had to imagine Peter probably felt like he needed to go to the bathroom really bad.

Peter shuddered, his body pushed on its own accord and he flushed in the face as his stomach rumbled and tightened, the egg didn't move much than a few unnoticeable centimeters. The human sobbed softly, turning onto his back and gritting his teeth as he struggled to cope with the discomfort of having his intestinal track used as a breeding ground. He beared down until his face was red, it only took a few pushes for the black egg, the size of a grapefruit to crown.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Even what little bit of effort he had just used had left the human panting. The actual labor hadn't begun yet, but he couldn't fight the urge to continue pushing, grunting with the effort.

"I knew her... I did..."Peter whimpered out,"Her name... Paula..."He shook his head and sobbed between his heavy pants, he shook his head, back arching and crying out as he gripped his middle,"No... No..."He teared up, shaking his head frantically and sobbing harder between the heavy breaths, he reached to grip the man's shirt.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris sits down on the bed, bringing Peter's head into his lap as he slowly ran his fingers through the man's hair. It Peter could deliver this batch of eggs, maybe the ship would have enough fuel by then.

"Why would she do this...? Why did this happen...?"He turned his face into the others middle as his hair was stroked, sweat ran down his face and he trembled with the shock of having his body invaded. He shook his head, arching his back and moaning softly into the fabric of the other's shirt, his stomach tightened. Not with a contraction but with getting comfortable with being filled to the brim with large eggs. He didn't ask for the man to kill him at least, not any more, though he did jump some at the sound of scratching at the door,"No... No..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Shh, it's alright, just breathe." Chris runs his hand along Peter's back as the scratching continued.

His hands clutched at the others space shirt tightly, the sudden movement made his stomach tighten up, not in attempt to expel the things within him but keep them there. Almost as if his body knew that they weren't done incubating yet, he whimpered quietly and his back arched as the egg that was sticking out of him shuddered some. Peter nodded quickly as he forced himself to ignore the sounds, taking in deep slow breaths and groaning softly as his body relaxed somewhat. He didn't know what was outside the door, though he did remember the things he gave birth to, they were alone in here all but the unborns gestating inside of him. "The babies..."He wasn't sure if that was a mention of fear for himself or them as he simply pressed himself against the other human more.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Chris doesn't aknowledge the fact that Peter was worried about the creatures. He continued to listen to the scratching at the door, him continuing to stay silent as he rubbed Peter's back.

Peter grimaced some as he shifted again, he uncurled his fingers from the fabric of Chris's shirt and tried pushing himself up with a groan. He began crawling, or more like dragging himself towards the edge of the bed in attempt to reach for the door that was a room away from him. The human collapsed against the bed, he was too heavy to move anywhere but a few feet and his hips wouldn't let him walk properly either way. "Nhh..."He turned his face into the bedsheets and whimpered as his body shuddered with movement.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Where the hell do you think your going?" Chris watched him though made no move to stop him either.

"Get them...they're out there with...with her..."He murmured into the bedsheets, he panted as he gripped onto the others pant leg and the bed with a grimace, his anus contracted around the egg. He groaned into the sheets, his stomach tightened slightly and he whimpered softly as he lost control of his own body again. The human was exhausted and even his unnatural worrying for the alien children couldn't keep him up with all of the eggs sapping his energy.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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