C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

"I don't know, but he is. Can't you contact NASA or has earth gone to shit to?"

"No. All the Martian bases have and I'm afraid that NASA just might not give a shit about us any more."She looked away and disappeared from view a moment, before coming back,"There's no way that they couldn't have heard the distress signal other than them ignoring us."She flipped through a manual book,"I have sectioned off the infected for safety and this base has the remaining food supply, the only chance the both of you have making it back home is to strap on suits and travel over."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"He's in no condition to travel anywhere." Chris glances over the room before he sets the creature off of his lap before going to grab his own manual before coming back to sit down as he looks through it. "And I have no idea if he'll even survive this round."

"Leave him then."She said, watching as the creature climbed back up onto the chair when he was gone and then onto the desk where the screen was to lick it. It turned over onto it's side then it's back with it's limbs in the air, it's tail wiggling happily. "And could you get rid of that thing?"She asked again, pulling the keyboard to her to type something into the computer.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"He's not hurting anything so I see no problem with it." He looks through the book for a few minutes before shaking his head. "And I'm not leaving him here to be an incubator."

"So I see I'm stuck with a morality compass as my last hope out of this hellhole."She frowned for a moment, taking a deep breath and exhaling as she scooted into the desk more,"You said it yourself, he's not going to make it, so why not smother him with a pillow and get it over with. He's not in his right mind anyway, he won't know the difference."She closed the manual,"Don't start giving it pronouns, next thing you know it has a name and hurts even worse when it rips you apart."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"We likely won't survive that long so what does it matter? It's mother is still running around here somewhere looking for something to stuff some more eggs into."

"You have to try. We're the only ones left."She urged him,"Come on. if you don't kill him then bring him along. I have a fully stocked med bay, we can do something about the eggs inside of him and you get your lover back."She looked at him,"Anyone who cares about a stranger that much must be attached in some way."She said and adjusted the camera as the feed began fuzzing up,"Can he walk? Talk?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Walk, no, talk yes." Chris watches her for a moment or two as she adjusts the camera. He glances around the room again before getting up and making his way over to the door to slowly open it and look down the hallway to make sure he was still alone, or mostly alone.

"Bring him back with you!"She called after him,"Can you do that?"She asked, hopeful that he could hear her as she watched him walk off out of the center along with his creature pet who hopped after him at his heels, nosing his ankles and tugging at his pants leg with it's teeth. There were sounds coming from down the hall behind the cabin door, moans and groans of varying volume, Peter was on the floor, he had fallen there after laying a few smaller grey eggs, though now he was struggling with the delivery of another black egg.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I'll do what I can." Chris watches the screen go black before he makes his way down the hall though he stops at the cabin door to look down at the creature. "You stay out here, take a nap or something." He was surprised that when he opened the door and stepped inside the creature continued to sit outside. He closed the door behind himself before making his way over to Peter.

The creature understood some what from the tone of the human's voice that it was an order and the creature didn't want him upset at him. Like sometimes it's mother was at it, mother was mean but the humans were nice, though it's mother told them they were weak and not to be trusted. It wasn't sure as it laid out beside the door, watching the distance as sounds of agony littered from inside the room to the corridor.
Peter was aware of what was happening to him, the look of sheer terror on his face told that much, he wasn't asleep any more. He could see and process and understand the gravity of it all. Despite how unimaginable it was, it seemed that he had grown and sounds came from inside of him loud and clear. "Chris... Chris... Oh God..."He looked green in the face, tears flooding his eyes, his stomach clinched and contracted with the small twinge of needing to lay. "No... No..."He sobbed, his hands were in the sheets of the bed and he sobbed as he couldn't force himself upright even a little, it felt like one more inch and he just might burst open.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris moves over to him before wiping some tears from his face as he smoothed his hair back. "It's okay, it's going to be okay." His free hand moved to run over Peters stomach a few times before his gaze travels to the small pile of grey eggs on the bed.

Peter laid his head in the other man's lap, sobbing softly into the leg of his pants and grasping onto him where he could,"I-I want to go home."He whined quietly and tried bringing his mind off of what his body was being put through even as his distended, bruised stomach wobbled with movement before tensing with a contraction, his eyes squeezed shut.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know." Chris runs his fingers through Peter's hair before he looks around the room. There was no way that Peter was going anywhere, not like this. He couldn't even fit into a space suit and to go out without one would mean instant death.

Peter didn't ask where Chris had went, he hadn't been lucid for when he was gone and to him it felt as if he never left, he didn't question him and only embraced his presence now,"I don't want to do this... Don't make me..."It felt like he had been through this cycle before, it hadn't even been enough for him to recover from last time, despite his ass being loose and filled to the brim with eggs. It wasn't up to par to be pushing again, though there was a large black egg making it's way through his anus at the moment and he was sobbing and whining breathlessly, his stomach tightening and even a few more stretchmarks appearing. As he struggled to stay awake himself though the pain did that no problem, he cried out and arched his back as he felt himself tear, the sound he made was weak and high in tone as he tried pushing.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris runs his hand along Peter's back for a few minutes. "It's going to be okay, just keep breathing." As he continued to look around the room part of him was trying to figure out how he could get both him and Peter out of here. Part of him considered leaving the man here and seeing if he could find the other base, just to see if there was really someone else out there.

"The alarm... It stopped..."Peter mentioned, he seemed to fade off slightly with his head tilted back to look up at the other man, his eyes were half closed and he looked flushed and dehydrated as well as hungry and tired,"Did you... Did you hear?"He asked hopefully during the short reprise from the pain, though his stomach was still bloated to unimaginable proportions, a beer belly x2 and he seemed to be able to deal with it better than any other man could in his position when he wasn't contracting.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yeah, I heard it. I want you to push with the next pain alright?" He keeps running his hand over Peter's back.

"Wh-What- Mgh..."His eyes rolled back and he groaned as his hips lifted up from the ground, the bulge of the large egg could be seen from his spine and his perineum , he shook his head some for a few moments. He couldn't speak though he could move the smallest of his limbs and he did just that, he shook his head and wiggled beneath the weight of his middle and gripped at Chris's clothes. Until he couldn't avoid it any more, his mouth opened and he bared his teeth as he strained to push.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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