Secrets [bhdire8]

A soft noise left his lips when the other managed to slip his fingertip inside of him. He gripped onto the bed with his claws slightly. Careful with the soft bedsheets, not wanting to tear at them too badly. He didn't want the small tears to be quite noticeable. He shifted and moved against the slight touch. Mewling weakly from the pleasure he felt.

The mewling went straight to Klint's cock and he filled out quickly. He grumbled deep in his throat as if responding to Jay's sound, and he moved to tease at Jay's opening with his cockhead, smearing his opening with precum making a huge mess, contrary to what Jay was thinking, he didn't really care if they are making a huge mess. It's their first heat together, they are bound to be messy.

His body jolted when something brushed against his opening. Tail lightly bristling at the size. He sure hoped he was larger than the toy he had. That made him become a flushed mess. He whined and shifted back against his length. Trying to push himself onto the others cock, but that didn't really go well. So he just waited for the male to push into him.

Seeing Jay's eagerness, Klint didnt hold on any longer before exerting more pressure on the opening to breach the tight ring of muscle. It felt heavenly tight, his cockhead getting pressed down by the flesh of Jay's inner canal. It took considerable effort for the huge head to pass through, Jay was way too tight for him even at the height of his heat.

He let off a slightly loud mewl when the other finally pushed into him. Tail flickering sharply at the pleasure he was feeling. This felt new, and was way different than the toy he used to have. Now he had an actual person to please him. He wondered if Klimt would even want to love him romantically after his heat. He would hate for him to just call it quits after.

Klint was afraid he had been hurting jay at first hearing his loud mewl, but later when he saw his tail flicking so much he was settled that it wssnt discomfort. He pushed in with slight diffcutly, though the slick Jay was producing was great help. He hugged Jay tifht, heaving him up so he was basically sitting in his lap, and released him on his length so that he went in hilt-deep in the neko while his tail wouldnt get crushed. "Jay... i think i am really fond of you. So fond of you i might say .... hmmm " he moaned with how nice it felt in Jay.

Jay shifted down onto him as he was moved to his lip. Arms tightly wrapped around the other male. Purring loudly as he nestled his neck. Licking it lightly as his tail flicked and swayed about. "You think? You better be. I've been waiting a whole decade to hear three simple words come from your mouth," he murmured. Soft noises still left his throat as Klint thrusted deep into him.

"You have waited a decade? No way! I thought we were onlyfriends.... since when you had your eyes on my handsome face? Or is it my gorgeous body that got you infatuated." Klint smiled as he moved, grinding deep into the neko that he dodnt realise he desired so much before.

"Yeah I've been waiting a decade. I thought you only wanted friendship between us. I wanted there to be something more when I had found out my attraction toward you. Maybe I was fixed on both your handsome face and gorgeous body," he purred playfully against the others neck. Shuddering in pleasure as his length pushed deeper into him.

"Jay... youshould have said something.... i didnt know to think on that direction until yesterday..." klint hugged Jay tightly, grateful that they didnt miss each other in the end. "I would feel like my life is incomplete if i didnt have you as my mate. So at least i am hankful we finally managed to clear that."

"I know I should have said something about it. But I was worried that you would get upset with me over it. I wasn't sure how you would feel towards me after my confession. That's why I kept myself shut. I was afraid..." He spoke quietly. He nodded as the other spoke, shuddering against him sharply. Finding himself growing close to his orgasm. He just mewled and fidgeted lightly.

Jay's scare was quite understandable for Klint and he jnew he had always acted as if the two were best bros and nothing more. It didnt occur to him that he had feelings for his best friend as well before. He just kissed Jay tenderly, everywhere he could reach, to show him his feelings and as a silent protrayal of his adoration. The mewlings of Jay grew more urgent and his canal spasmed around Klint, both of which encouraged Klint to thrust harder and deeper

Jay kept his face buried agains the others shoudler. Blinking as his head was slightly moved up, blushing when kisses pressed against his face. His purring grew louder, fingers kneading into the other happily. Tail flickering around in content. He cried out when he reached his orgasm. Shaking and quivering in pleasure as he released on both of their stomachs. Keeping a firm hold on the other, not letting go.

Klint held tight on Jay's trembling form as well, enjoying the spasming canal around his membre. "Jay, you are mine, you are mine alone..." He murmurred and teased with his teeth the flickering blue tips of Jay's ears, burshing against the soft fur again his tail that's curled tightly in the omega's extreme pleasure. When the trembling died down a bit, he resumed his thrusting, getting rougher this time.

He listened to the canine speak to him. He was certain the male would become obsessive and protective over him. Thy thought only made him smile, wanting to see the other get unhappy and moody every time they were apart or someone came close. His ears continued to twitch away as teeth grazed them. His trembling soon died down, moaning when he started to roughly thrust into him. Claws gripping onto the other lightly, careful to not break any skin. He was worried he would hurt him.

The slgihtly ticklish feeling on his back fueled Klint's lust and he grabbed Jay tight, almost slamming him on the headboard, and started thrusting even harsher into him, his canines now on full display. Jay's heat seemed to trigger Klint's rut and he was showing his predator side, getting more aggressive but still with enough mind to not really hurting Jay. "Mine... Jay you are mine. I wouldnt allow anyone else to lay their filthy finger on you." He caressed the bottom of Jay's neck, searching and tasting, finding the gland that was constnatly releasing pheromone.

He mewled as he was nearly slammed into the headboard. Gripping onto him tightly as he roughly thrusted into him. Closing his eyes tightly, shuddering and shaking in pleasure. Knowing the others canine instinct was becoming more prominent. And that made him feel pretty amused. Shuddering when lips met his neck. Causing him to mewl in pleasure, skin sensitive due to his heat. "I'm all yours, Klint..." He breathed. Hoping the other was ready to have a mate. Or even a litter of their very own. He wondered if they would, but he as almost certain they would have one.

Klint's so close now and the murmur of Jay admitting his ownership gave him a wolfish smile as his cock throbbed and his knot started to fill as well. He pumped forcefully into Jay, rubbing against against his slippery opening that's dripping his own precum and Jay's slick and whatever fluid, he slammed into Jay and finally pushed the knot in strerching Jay's hole so much the skin was barely holding. "Take my seed and bear my litter my love!"

Jay hissed as the others knot stretched him when it was shoved. Quivering as he started to feel the others warm seed shoot up inside of him. Causing his claws for flex lightly, still not letting go of the male against him. He finally quivered and exhaustion finally slipped in. He decided fm have a little bit of fun tomorrow. He wanted to just be a flirt and tease him to the point of explosion. Everywhere they would go, he would just tease and flirt with him until he snaps. A soft purr rumbled from his throat as he nestled close to the other. Gently nipping and licking his neck.

Klint roared as he punctured Jay's neck to mark him as he shoot his load, everything blanking.out for a few seconds before he feel his mate collapse onto him, returning him to his senses. Being driven into rut, he had become extra possessive and protective with his mate, especially when his mate could be getting conceived now with his seed deep within him. The purr lightrn up Klint's face as it showed he had satisfied his mate tremendously and he growled out a half chuckle feeling Jay lick on him. He moved tjem so they could lay comfortably down and let his cock pump further into Jay.

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09-28-2018, 04:37 AM

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