C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

Chris runs a hand along his back. "It's alright, I'll take care of it." He said nothing else afterward, simply gathering up the pouch and what he could of the eggs in a bucket before he headed for the incinerator.

Peter only nodded slightly as he turned away when Chris left him, the infant still sat at the door when the other astronaut took the eggs out of the captians quarters. There were more of them, about five toddler sized grey aliens sitting there with the oldest, it was almost eerie the way they looked at him when he passed. Then went to look at the door which held their birth father behind it, their tails wagging as they scented him. Yet still obeyed the other human who had treated them right so far, staying outside of the room while the human rested fitfully.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris sees about disposing of the pouch and the smaller eggs into the incenterator. He stands there for a few minutes, just watching the orange flames dance in the dark room. He still had the pistol, it tucked into his pants and he found himself reaching back to run his hand over it, making sure it was still there. Eventually he turned and made his way back into the control room, taking a seat in the chair as he laid his head in his hand as he stared at the screen.

The request for a video call came again, the woman seemed to be doing her research with all of the notes posted around her and the difference was obvious. There was blood, but no sign of struggle, she had it under control,"You're back?"She glanced back at the screen when she heard the call start,"Did everything turn out alright?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"And why do you care? You wanted me to leave him here to die."

She huffed,"It's not that I didn't care."She replied as she rolled her eyes, looking down at her notes for a moment then pushing her fingers through her hair,"I ask if he's alright so I can know when to prepare for your arrival, without someone else, we all have no hope of getting back to earth."The woman looked back at the door to the room where banging came from and she went silent for a long moment.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"And you actually expect us to escape now? Actually think they're going to let us leave?" As if on que the toddler like creatures appear in the doorway, the oldest one moving forward first before being followed by the others.

"Yes! I don't care about them, I'm not dying here like a dog. I'm going to fight, and if you two won't, then I'll just go without you."She snapped at him, not knowing that the alien's had followed him in as she stared at him with undying determination. "Either you're with me or you're not. You can stay, I'm not."
The creatures came closer as their oldest sibling rubbed itself against Chris's leg fondly, then climbed up onto his lap to sit, or tried to. It had gotten bigger, much bigger almost like a toddler now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris glances down at the creature, watching it for a moment before turning his attention to the others as they followed the older one in and toward him. He doesn't respond to the woman, simply watching the creatures.

"Hello?"She urged him to say something in reply,"If I go, then that's the last pod, there's no other way off this floating rock and if you take that hunk of metal you got refuelling down to Earth's atmosphere, they'll shoot you down in a heartbeat."She stared at him,"You understand that?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"And they'll let you pass? That's not very smart now is it?"

"Of course they will, the escape pod is attuned to the station on Earth."She glanced back again when the banging came back.
The creatures climbed onto the human man and curled up at his feet, they made sounds like a cat purring while they did.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Then by all means, ladies first." Chris can't help the smirk that crosses his features as his hand moves to rest on the oldest creatures back.

"Don't get cocky."She frowned at him when he gained her attention once more with hussly remark,"I'm leaving tomorrow morning, with or without you two."She looked behind him at the door, where a stranger stood naked and covered in alien sludge as he looked to be having trouble walking. It looked like a human male, though she had learned not to trust things like that, he had wide, more than feminine and no breasts to speak of. "Is that him?"She asked, as she watched the pint sized grey offspring bound towards him and circle him while their little tails wiggled with joy to see their birth father finally after so long. .

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris turns for a second, just watching Peter as he stood in the doorway of the dim lit room. The oldest creature still sat on his lap, though it's tail was wagging rather quickly as it too stared at Peter.

Peter looked up to meet Chris's eyes, he was out of it completely, almost like a zombie as he moved forwards more to sink down onto the ground next to the other man, leaning against him and collecting the creatures into his arms. Not saying anything for a moment, then nuzzling them happily, the woman frowned at that,"Is he okay?"She asked after a moment of watching the strange interaction.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"If you had given birth to them you would feel a connection as well." Chris sets a hand on Peter's shoulder, squeezing lightly.

She watched the strange pair and the aliens who he had spawned, before shutting down the connection after a long moment of silence. Peter said nothing about the woman as he simply held the children in his arms, nuzzling them some more then looking up at Chris when he squeezed his arm,"Are you okay?"He asked finally, still in his own world as the children licked and nosed at him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yes." Chris sits there for a minute or two longer before he stands. "Let's get you something to eat." He helps Peter up before heading toward the small kitchen.

Peter nodded and let himself be brought up to his feet, placing down the small ones and picking up the oldest of his offspring to hold it against his chest as he purred at the human who took a seat at the table,"Have you checked on the fuel? Or thought of a better idea?"He asked, stroking the child's head and scratching his belly when it turned over on his lap, tail wiggling in happiness.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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