Closed Strange night
(Looking for one person to join the thread to play the creature that interacts with Jerry the most.)

Plot- After getting lost in a forest during the winter season, a man finds himself growing and strange creatures keep appearing. Trying to offer deals or wishes to him though they don't seem to grant much. Until he ends up coming across a even stranger being in this forest.

"This is...stupid..." Jerry groaned as he rubbed his stomach which now looked like he was due with a child.

Jerry was just a average young man, nothing impressive about him. Short brown hair, a pair of square glasses on his face, blue shirt with a red tie, and black pants with brown shoes. Course, he now sported a large belly in which the buttons of his shirt were starting to struggle. All he wanted was a short cut home and ever since he set foot in this place, he started to grow in his midsection; even more so when...the 'local wildlife' kept coming near him. He had to be dreaming or something.

The man had just moved to this small town for a job at some lab. Sure he didn't do much, just ran errands and worked in a office room to file things. That was it. He never went near any chemicals but little did he know was there was magic in the land still. Creatures of strange design and powerful beasts, this forest was their's and thus anything entering it would be played with. Currently he was their plaything and all they did was cast spells on him without his knowledge. His stomach groaned and he sighed, holding the aching mass.

"Why can't I get out of here...?" Jerry moaned.

Taking a seat on a log, he glanced up at the darkening sky. Night was coming and if he didn't find a way out, he was screwed when night came. Not a thought he really wanted.

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I can join if you'd like.
May I play a faun? I can play either gender, you can pick.
You can join if ya want. ^^ I have no preference on gender or species so go wild.

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Sage, a female faun, silently tracked Jerry through the snow. She giggled at him every now and then. She and the other woodland creatures were messing with him and for the moment Jerry was their plaything. Although if he started getting too cold or uncomfortable she'd lead him to a warm place. But at the moment she watched him from a distance, giggling at his growing belly. Maybe she'd get to poke and play with it later.
A groan left Jerry as he sat there, a hand on his round stomach as he rubbed it. There was no way to sooth it, no way to stop it form getting bigger. In fact one of the creatures cast another spell on the man and his stomach groaned loudly as it started to grow however it wasn't slow but a sudden surge. A started sound combined with a moan as his stomach doubled in size suddenly, straining against the shirt that was clearly too small for it now.

"" Jerry groaned, his face turning red from the discomfort.

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Sage watched, snickering a little. Although she noticed Jerry becoming increasingly uncomfortable. Perhaps this was enough for now. "Hey-hey! Leave him for a minute, let him adjust," she scolded the creature casting the spell. She decided to aproach him now. Hopefully he wouldn't faint at seeing a faun.
She silently trotted towards the man, adjusting her coat a little bit. "Hey- you okay?" She came closer. "They really did a number on you, huh?" she said. Sage had freckles and brown eyes, and of course the long deer ears. Her hair was long and brown and she had very small antlers peeking out. Then of course she had her fluffy deer legs and hooves.
By time the creature stopped, Jerry's belly looked overdue with twins; as it had grown a little bit more after the larger growth spurt. Panting as he sat there, he glanced down at his belly. It looked read to burst out of his shirt. COurse he was shocked at a voice and he looked. Though confused at what he saw, he tried to ignore it.

"They? Those things in this forest you mean?" JErry asked. "I just want to get home..."

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Sage giggled alittle bit. "You- you want to go home like that?" she said, motioning to his belly. "What will your family think? It's snowing too much for you to make it home anyway, but my home is pretty close if you'd like to come with me." Said the faun. Surely he'd rather come home with her than stay out here in the cold.
"I just want to go home..." Jerry said. "I live alone, there's no one to stare. Besides, it should...go away.."

He could only hope. The mass had a weigh to it and he knew that. She was right...the snow was too deep and he was lost. Giving a sigh, he yeilded.

"If it's not a inconvince....sure." Jerry replied. "It's better than being out here."

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"The storm is gettin too bad for any sort of travel," said Sage. "Here I'll help you up okay?" She reached for his hands. "One.. Two.. Three!" She helped him up, wrapping one arm around his waist to steady him and in case he needed help walking. "My home is real close by- you'll be warm in no time."
"Thank you.." Jerry said as he tried to get up with her help.

It was hard but they both managed and they trudged on to her place. Once there, he felt a bit of relief as he felt some warmth. Though some of the creatures crowded nearby outside. Eager to do something else to him or to see what the faun was going to do.

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Her home was small but cozy. It was made out of a cave and it had a nice fire place and some wooden furniture. "Hey are you hungry?" She wanted him to feel welcome here. While she got him some vegetable stew she explained a little bit. "We're not gonna hurt you okay? We're just playing a little bit." She noticed some creatures gathering outside and she invited some in. Well- as many that could fit comfortably inside.
"But this isn't fun." Jerry said as he glanced down at his belly though he looked up and reached for the stew that was offered. "Thanks.."

When a few creatures came in, he adjusted his position nervously.

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"Hmm well maybe after you warm up a little you'll want to play with us," Sage said. She didn't want him to be unhappy the whole time- she'd feel a little bad.
She looked down at his belly. "Can I touch?"
"How would I play with them?" Jerry asked confused. "I mean..I can't do what..well, whatever they're doing to me."

How would he play with those creatures if it was their 'play' that did this to him? Course he was confused by her questioned before he glanced down at his belly. Well...what was the harm in it??

"Sure." Jerry said.

SOme of his belly was poking through the stretched buttons of his shirt. The mass was round and tight, the skin was somewhat soft but if pressed against it would have a firm feel from whatever was inside of him. However when her hands came in contact with his belly, one of the creatures outside saw it as their chance. With a wave of their paw, the contents of his stomach shifted about roughly. Causing a shocked expression to come to his face. Sadly that shock would stay as the mass groaned before it started to grow again.

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Sage grinned, happily stepping closer. She pressed both hands against the sides of his belly, rubbing slightly. "Hm are they moving yet?" She asked curiously. Her question was soon answered and she squealed with delight as the creatures in his belly started to squirm. She giggled when his belly started swelling up again. "Oh dear, your buttons are going to pop off! Lemme help," her hands worked fast to undo the buttons to free his belly. She rubbed his bare belly, trying to soothe what was going on inside. She laid her head against his belly, her ear pressing into the front of it so she could hear the babies' heartbeats.
HIs sensitive skin tingled with her hands against it and even more so when she leaned against it with a ear to listen. The mass rumbled as it swelled and he couldn't help but moan. So big and heavy, with his stomach free of the shirt it grew without restraint and quickly filled his lap. SOme of the creatures giggled at this. Though none of them added in yet. Let the one who was making him grow have their fill, they could do what they wanted once he was done becoming the baby factory that most of the envisioned.

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