Closed Otherworldly (with Lovebite)
"I didn't convince you to do anything, it just happened." Chris sighs softly. "You were upset, people do crazy things when their upset."
Peter agreed with that at least as he didn't respond verbally or physcially, while he ran his hands over his large paunch,"Crazy things happen when you're upset too."He replied simply after a while, staring down at his expanded middle.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
They stand there for a moment or two before Chris sighs. "Whevever you decide that your ready, the ship is fueled and we should have enough supplies to last us until we can make it back."
He laid there and startled when the other male spoke, his mind had gone off somewhere else and he had almost fell asleep if it wasn't for what he said. "Not now."He replied simply, he didn't want to go back to earth yet, not like how he was, they would only do a few out of a handful of things and none seemed to be something he would want. "Just... Let's wait."He said and laid his head down, not looking to Chris as his hands were almost planted at the same spots they were an hour ago, the human male shut his eyes.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris simply nods, saying no more as he laid back down as well.
As he slept and even as he laid awake in the mattress his stomach grew, not as large as it was the last time this happened and not as...misshapen. This time he filled out everywhere, his belly grew round and full like he was a woman half way through her pregnancy. He reminded himself of the day he left his wife to go on this godforsaken Mars exploration, she was this pregnant with their child when he said goodbye. It felt like a curse when he thought about it, he brought this upon himself for being how he was, selfish and egotistical. Being here had changed him, and he wasn't sure if it was for the greater good or the lesser, the aliens must have been on a misson to punish him. They must've.
Despite what Chris told him, it still terrified him to think of what might be inside of him, what sentinent being could be festering... He knew that the other man was already attached to it and that made a sick feeling bubble up in his chest like some bad dessert. His hands rested on his perfectly round belly and he looked down at it as he sat up beside Chris in bed, it had been two nights since their conversation. He wasn't sure what he would do, the last time this happened it hasn't taken so long, only maybe a full day and some odd hours. Never almost three, his nails dug into the soft flesh of his broad paunch and he grit his teeth, he didn't feel anything so far. The astronaut was almost glad, maybe whatever is was inside of him was dead, his shoulders relaxed slightly at that thought.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris has said nothing else on the subject, simply letting Peter think and do what he wanted. He continued to keep track of the ship, and track of their supplies.
The young human man stood up to his feet, moving towards the bathroom to rinse himself clean, he had thought about staying until the birth. Though he felt that wouldn't happen until a few more days from now, so he cleaned himself up and took one of the captains old suits to pull it on over his body. Without the belly he had, it wouldn't have fit, though now it was a snug size and he stretched in it to loosen it up as he moved out of the room. Towards where he knew Chris spent most of his time, trying to take care of him and the little grey children who were as big as medium sized dogs now. Though he hadn't seen them lately, they stayed close to Chris and almost seemed to shy away from him in fear.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris was sitting in the captains chair in the communication room, his fingers drumming lightly on the keyboard.
Peter looked at the offspring curiously as he shuffled quietly into the room behind Chris and placed a hand on his shoulder before moving to sit in his lap carefully. He wasn't sure how much he weighed, though hoped it wasn't too much for the other man as he sat and looked up at him, not speaking for a moment then looking over the captain's place.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Chris makes no complaint as Peter takes a seat in his lap. He wasn't heavy by any means, fitting nicely on Chris' lap.
"What's wrong with them?"He asked as he looked to the floor again where the grey creatures sat a few feet away, just staring at Peter silently for a moment. Until the oldest walks off with the others in toe, his brows furrowed and he frowned slightly as he laid his head against the other's shoulder with a sigh. Not really caring either way as he ran his hands over his belly, his palms seemed to be no where else since he had begun growing again. Almost as if he was taking up the mother of it, more than he did with the others, he hadn't thought about something like this as much as he had now. "I think... I think we should go."He said after a few moments, looking up at Chris.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Are you sure?" Chris glances down at Peter's hands but says nothing as he turns his attention back to the black screen.
Peter nodded as he watched Chris and then looked to the aliens he had birthed,"I think I'm ready... Aren't you?"He asked in reply, looking up at the other man as he moved his hands now to wrap around his neck and hold him close despite his belly.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Yeah, I want some different scenery."
"Different scenery..."He nodded in agreement, he was still scared but now he knew that Chris was with him through thick and thin,"I don't want to be tested on... I don't want any of us to be tested on."He murmured against his chest as he sat in his lap, hands running beneath the others shirt to sit on the warmth of his skin for a moment.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"We won't be, not if I can help it." Chris continues to hold him close for a few more minutes. When Peter finally drifts to sleep that night Chris goes to make sure everything was operational and was able to run. By morning Peter had managed to squeeze into one of the largest space suits they had and they were preparing to leave.
At the airlock to the ship, Peter had begun feeling sick, not a painful sick but a nauseous one that made him nervous before even stepping inside. He had grown more too, luckily the growth spurt had happened when he had already been stuffed into the space suit. His gloved hands tried cupping his round belly as whatever was inside shifted anxiously, he hated the suit and wanted to feel his skin beneath his fingers. Though they were already suited up to leave, he frowned at the inside of the ship and looked back towards the bloodied inside of the station. The aliens he had birthed were no where to be seen and that made him even more nervous,"What about them?"He asked, looking towards Chris.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"They'll be safer here, we both know that." Chris steps onto the ship before holding his hand out to Peter. "Come on, once we're on board you can get out of that suit."
Peter's brows pinched together and he stood firmly where he was even when he held out his hand, looking down to his palm and pressing his lips into a thin line for a moment, he shook his head simply,"I can't."He looked back and his hands moved over his rounded belly,"We can't-"He stopped himself and his face twisted up, his eyes watering before he blinked them and sniffed, nodding quickly and stepping forwards into the ship. Tears fell down his face, but he said nothing more, not taking Chris's hand and going straight over to the passengers seat to lower himself into it.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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