Closed Lock down lover W/Dots
Name: Ninavah
Appearance: Long ash blond hair, blue eyes, pal skin with light freckles, thin slightly built
Height: 6'7
personality: Kind, zealous, Humble, shy sometimes, Fighter
Role : He used to live with his high class family . He had everything until a very shocking nuclear energy bomb was launch by accident ,Taking down most of his loved ones and those he loved so dearly passed away as time advanced. He was a surviver with the deepest nightmare brought to life by the world and it uncomfortable nature . He kept his head low walking to his hide out , He held a secret ability that brought the attention of the government and their evil deeds to create a secret army . Ninavah will be the start of a big revaluation.

Ninavah heard the cop cars siran go off , he held back the urge to run not wanting them to get suspicious , he walked casually hearing the car drive alongside him  the cope tried to call to him wanting to see his face . "Hey Kid!!...  What are you doing down here ?!... Yo.. hey.. You deaf!!" The cop rolled his window up pulling in front of Ninavah quickly stepping out of his vehicle. "Hey kid you heard of respecting your elders!!.." The cop grabbed him by the shirt pulling him close to his ear whispering."Kids like you need to learn how to give respect..."

Ninavah Kept his head down trying to control his temper feeling his hands get hot ."So..grabbing my shirt is giving respect?.." He took a deep breath pushing the cop against the car, his hood falls down uncovering his face , his blue eyes and interesting markings lit up with pulsating colors glaring at the cop."FINE !  let me give you what you want!!..this so called 'Respect' "

*Everything went blank*

When Ninavah woke up he was sleeping in a large luxurious room he noticed the door was opening and saw three figures walking into his room , the cope who triggered his powers to act up was standing near the bed dressed in normal clothing"Ah~ I see your up... sorry for earlier.. I had to make the arrest believable.. and don't worry.. your secrets safe with us.. "

Ninavah stared blankly at the cope unable to move yet , he was drugged to calm his powers down for the safety of his mate to be. They escorted him in shortly after getting the message of him waking up."Meet Ninavah.  your breeding partner... "  Said the young gent. he seemed nice but also very confusing too.
Name Sam
Appearance short brown hair, green eyes, white skin, thin slightly built
Height 6'0
personality Kind, responsible, easy going, shy
He used to live with his regular but happy family until the biggest thing in his life happened. All of his family members died after the bomb. Sam has never understood why he is still alive. He had lived at the site of the street for a long time till one day the cops found him and took him to their base. "Stay here and do your duty. We have no choice here but you don't know how important you are." One the senior military told him when he took him to the place. Sam can't explain what this place look like. It likes the big house but full of cops outside. The house is decorated with the luxury furniture and things. He can say that it like the high-class family house that he has ever seen.

It's about two weeks that Sam he has stayed here. He doesn't understand the word that "Duty", and he has asked some of the caretakers about it, but they say that Sam needs to wait and the answer will clear soon. His duty now just stay in the house and never go outside without the order from the government.

Sam was sitting in the dining room, eating his lunch alone as he heard the door was opened by someone. He heard someone was talking outside at the living room, so he decided to walk to it. Sam's eyes widen as he sees the man who looks so confused with everything. He has changed a bit, and looks more aggressive, but Sam can remember that man with his face. He has thought that he died from the bomb, but he knows that it's wrong when Sam saw him. Sam smiles softly to the man who is looking at him. "H.....Hi"
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
One of the cops escorted sam to introduce Ninavah to his new room 'mate', He allowed Sam to walk clouser as the older cop explained to them why they're so important to this world. specially in the weak crippled state its in now. "Sam.. meet your breeding partner Ninavah.. you will take on the role of producing further the chances of survival .. in this harsh world..

Ninavah was still doped up from the muscle relaxers but his eyes worked fine he glared at sam, the unique tribal markings appeared dimly , he tried his best to get his powers working again but sighed feeling the strain in his back .
Sam didn't say anything to his mate, just sat on the couch beside his mate. Everything was bad fro Sam now although the man in front of him was the one he loved before. He hadn't understood yet about his role in this world. The cops still explained why they both needed to live here and how they were important to produce the next generation of human. Sam was surprised as all the corps bow down before them then left this room alone. "imprisoned royalty" was the word that could explain them now.
"Y....You are still same with the last time" Sam whispered, looking at his mate who was looking so good although he was not fully recovered yet.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Ninavah laid there pissed off because of the power draining affect from the drugs locking his full abilities up making it incredibly difficult for him to do anything towards escaping. He looked at Sam knowing he was enthralled with the task of breeding with him. He watched sam advance with his big innocent eyes looking down at him with intense signs of curiosity and happiness of finally meeting his highschool heartthrob." you haven't changed either..nm.. your still as giddy and annoying as ev-Ah! a strange spark flickered from the ankle cuff warning him not to try any type of arura infused abilities once more.
Sam didn't say anything after that words from his mate. Their duty was just producing the next generation of human to make this world better, and they didn't want something like love or trust. "I just stay here for my duty, and nothing more than that. glad to see you again" Sam said, looking at his mate. He was a little upset with Ninavah now. Sam wasn't sure if Ninavah had ever loved him or remembered anything about them. He stayed for a little time before walking out of the room without saying anything. Sam walked back to his room the sat on the bed. He sighed while he was thinking about his duty. Sam would try to delay it as much as he could, but he didn't know anything about Ninavah thought now.
I like as realistic male pregnancy about having sex and getting pregnant, life during pregnancy and long hard labor.
PM me If you want to RP. 
I do : Carrier for long-term rp
        : Husband, midwife, coach for birth rp
Ninavah kept his eyes focused on the ceiling wanting to forget about everything he just heard not enjoying himself what so ever . His tattoos were still flashing waiting u til the drugs wore off."Well are you just going to sit there ? " he grunted trying to break free from the chains.

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