C Otherworldly (with Lovebite)

"I wouldn't call it nothing, it was something, whatever we decide to call it." Chris looks down at him. "And if it lasts once we get back, then we'll eventually learn to call it something, if it doesn't and you return to your family, then it was to help us both cope until he were able to return home."

Peter agreed silently, it was definitely something, something that explored a new part of his sexuality as a man, it was...something alright. They looked at each other for a moment, he thought about it as his brow furrowed and he nodded now before leaning up to kiss him again. As his arms wrapped around him,"One last time?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris smiles softly as he kisses him back, his hands moving to run down Peter's body as he leans down even further to kiss lightly at his neck.

Peter sighed in content at the kisses and tilted his head back,"I've always wanted to try this."He said, a leg hooking behind the other's thigh as he pressed himself against him for a moment,"Y'know, it makes me feel...better that whatever this is...inside of me...is more human than whatever they were."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris holds onto him as he basically fucks him in zero gravity. Afterward Chris settles them back down into his chair, Peter resting in his lap as Chris' fingers ran through his hair.

They drifted through space, the ride back to earth would take at least a couple of days and he had trusted Chris to pack more than enough supplies for then. He relaxed in his lap more often now after the artificial gravity was turned on, with his head against his chest and hands on his belly. The largest he's ever been, though showing no signs of giving birth yet as his belly hung between his knees like an over ripe watermelon. Sleep was once again his friend and he took to being unconscious more so than the other way around.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris made sure Peter was fed and slept as much as he wanted. They still had no idea what exactly Peter was carrying though at the moment Chris wasn't concerned about that.

When it was time, Peter felt the most uncomfortable he's ever been, though he was glad for the lack of pain the pressure was unbeatable. No matter what he did, and while floating through space, there wasn't much he could do to take his mind off of things. He had begun barely wearing clothes since nothing fit anyway and he didn't have much option when it came to it, plus it gave Chris better access to him when he wanted to fool around. It had been a day or two since he had been actually fucked and now whatever was inside of him wanted to come out,"Chris...?"He woke up slowly, turning his head and grimacing, what he didn't know was that of all the times the other human had fucked him he was just breeding him larger and larger. "I-I...feel sick."He ran his hands over his bare stomach, it was still bruised from how strong the offspring was and still is at times and covered in stretchmarks like a melon.

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Chris's hand runs along his back for a minute or two. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" The bathroom aboard the ship was small and mainly consisted of a toilet and a small shower.

Peter looked up at Chris slightly and nodded,"Y-Yeah..."He thought that was it, that had to be it, he wasn't used to this type of pregnancy and just agreed to go with the flow as he moved to the edge of the cot,"Help me?"He asked him,"Or take off the gravity, please..."He held his oblong stomach as he moved slowly to sit up.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Chris comes over and helps him to his feet, slowly helping him to the bathroom. They took slow steps, Chris allowing Peter to lean against him if he needed.

Peter sank down onto the toilet after a while of walking and sat back with a heavy sigh, a grimace still on his face as his hands ran over his middle. He shook his head,"I don't want it to come... Not yet... I can't protect it outside of me..."He shifted his hips forwards with a light groan and spread his legs a bit more, his stomach clinched and he grunted some. The human panted lightly and wiped his brow, he hadn't noticed he was beginning to sweat until it collected at his brow,"Could I get some water?"

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Chris leaves the bathroom for a minute or two before coming back with a bottle of water. He unscrews the cap before handing it to Peter who immediately takes a few big gulps.

Peter held the bottle on his middle and looked down at it, poking his round belly for a response though he didn't gain one. Not one like he usually would, the water only wiggled a little and his brows pinched together in worry, though he didn't say anything more. As he finished the water off and closed his eyes, laying his head back against the wall,"I'll be okay... You can leave."He said quietly and tossed out the bottle, rubbing his belly quietly.

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"If you need me, holler." Chris lightly pats his shoulder before he leaves. He makes his way over to the control panel, looking over the different charts and things, trying to judge just how long it would take them to get home.

Peter didn't call for him for a few hours and he never left the bathroom either, he might have fallen asleep again though when he regained consciousness he wasn't sure what was happening. Almost as if he was still half asleep, his brows were furrowed and he hissed out when his ass burned to move, he blinked aware slowly. Leaned forwards on the toilet with his belly in his lap, something was coming out of him, he hadn't even pushed, he would have remembered pushing. He grunted when his belly tightened like a cramp, it still didn't hurt, he was so confused and just physcially exhausted didn't know what to do. His belly was just a bit smaller and he felt something hanging between his legs,"Chris?"He called now, worried for his own safety.

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Hearing Peter's cal Chris made his way back into the bathroom. "I was beginning to wander if you were still alive in here." He goes silent when he noticed Peter's expression though. "What's wrong?"

"It's coming out- Nh..."He tilted his head back again when his middle constricted itself and he panted heavily, hands cupping the underside of his round middle. "Help me get up..."He leaned forwards again and moaned out, it was strange not to feel pain, the pressure was just too much, he couldn't move and...and... His hips... God his hips felt like they were on fire, he noticed as he sat forwards, groaning loudly and breathing when he could. If Chris had helped him up, it would have been too late to catch whatever was making its way out of him as it thudded into the toilet with a splash of fluids that spilled out of his anus afterwards. He couldn't see what it was, though it sounded large and it was, like some sort of...enhanced human infant. It had a long tapered tail and rounded ears, almost a sickly grayish black color but it whined like a child up at the other living being standing over it.

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Chris stares down at it for a minute or two before he reaches down to pick it up. He reached over to grab a towel before beginning to wrap the creature up, it's whining growing louder.

Peter laid on the ground, stomach down as his ass gaped and he panted for relief, he wasn't done yet, not yet. The alien mother still had a few tricks up her sleeve with the womb she gave him and he cried out as a real contraction hit him. No time to prepare, a cold sweat broke out over his skin and he sobbed out for Chris to help him, his nails digging at the steel floor as he arched hus back, crying and blubbering as his ass stretched visablily now. The pain felt like someone was ripping him apart from the inside out as he let out a blood curdling wail, tears streaming from his eyes.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

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