Closed Future Love (w/ Thatcher)
Name: Ryne
Age: 18
Species: Human
Description: pale skin, blue eyes, 4ft 6in tall, blonde spiky hair, thin with wide hips.

Ryne sat in a small cafe waiting for his date. He signed up for a dating service, meant to meet someone to start a relationship. Dressed in a simple shirt and jeans, he waited for his date.
Name : Eoein
Age : 27
Species : Asterion
Description: he posses a light purple skin color and a muscled complexion. he has a thick like diadem formation in his forehead and from its back two tentacles sprout almost resembling hair.

He had been unsure of going to this date not knowing if the young man was aware it was an interracial date. He had dressed in his best robes, he was nervous, he needed a mate with urgency yet as he had sadly found out it was not an easy task at all. Asterionians weren't that liked as other races, shy reserved creatures, and their partners endured long gestation periods with many young. He practiced a bit what he would say on his way there. As he entered the cafe and saw him his mind went to blank and couldn't rembering what he had practiced for the occasion "Good afternoon" he pronounced with a heavy accent
"H-hi. I'm Ryne. It's nice to meet you." Ryne greeted politely as he reached his hand outwards to shake Eoein's hand. He was surprised that an Asterion answered his date request. Ryne was always fascinated by other alien races so meeting someone who was interested in him was a great experience. "Please, let's order some food?" He suggested.
"I'm Eoein" He mumbled politely shaking his hand and a bit expecting to be told to go on sight as most did, he was surprised even more when he invited him to eat so property "I would love to... You are aware of what I am though?" he asked in hopes to clarify if there was a misunderstanding with thr young man
Ryne nodded. "You're an Asterion. I'm very interested in learning other race's cultures." He explained as he took a sip of his drink.
"I am and most don't bother considering a relationship with me because of our... reproduction biology" He said stuttering and blushing yet it was hard to be discarded when you where emotional invested.
"Your reproduction? What do you mean?" Ryne asked, blushing at mentioning the idea of reproduction and basically sex.
"Our young need a long period of gestation, and that's a problem for carries always. I'm sorry to talk of this now, but I would rather us speak clear before I actually get to care for you" he said blushing deeply as it was not easy to admit all of it.
"I understand." Ryne said as dinner arrived. They ate and enjoyed each other's company. Ryne smiled the whole time with Eoein.
He was surprised by how calmy Ryne was taking it all, he even forgot to worry about it and found himself enjoying the evening and their dinner. "Perhaps we could... do this again?" Eoein proposed as they walked through the streets, many where giving him looks, and others looked at Ryne pitifully trying to make him signs that he should run away as fast as he could.
Ryne nodded. "Sure. How is next week sound?" He suggested. He then pulled out a small pad. "I'll give you my phone number so we can talk to each other." He said.
"It sounds perfect" He said smiling politely as he gaved him the number, "I really had a good time" He said taking the paper and folding it in his wallet.
"Same here. It was a great night. I can't wait to do it again." Ryne said as he smiled. "Goodbye Eoein. I'll see you soon." He said as he began to walk, a little drunk from dinner.
He noticed the tipsy walking and gently steadied him "Are you okay? perhaps... I should make sure you get home safe?" He asked shyly and blushing making his face look a deeper purple
Ryne blushed brightly at the thought of Eoein coming to his home. "Okay." He said as he took Eoein's hand, holding to it tightly.
Eoein took hold of the human to stabilise his clumsiness causef by thr licor and helped him ginf hsis way home safely. Hr paused at thr entranced and blushed "Well herr it is right?" he asked hoping he got the directions correctly
Ryne nodded as he took the keys out to his house. He unlocked the door and walked in, tripping over his own feet.
Still unsure the alien followed and got a hold of him to help him to his feet "where's your room?" he asked still keeping a hand on him so he wouldn't fall.
Ryne blushed as Eoein held his hand. "It's upstairs." He said softly.
He nodded and still holding him went upstairs and made sure to leave him sitting on his bed "you... Should rest..." he whispered shyly as he looked to the door to make gis way out

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