Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

Reese barely looked at Philippe again as he waited for Oliver to be given to him, the boy kissed Philippe's cheek again,"I love Pa too!"he hugged the man and then nodded quickly at what he asked him. Then wrapped his arms around Reese's neck as he was given over, waving to him as they left.

The young woman nodded,"Of course I will."she smiled at him, taking the check and not concealing the blush as she bit her lip and headed on off for the night. It was about a half hour before Reese slipped away from Oliver's bedroom and sighed, half dressed now after removing his suit to get comfortable. "She's gone?"he asked, still not looking to him, he had come to the conclusion that maybe he just didn't like other men in that way.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe had on him the huge bookworm glasses he reserved for in the house. He had some last minute work to xomplete, and even though he usually didnt need glasses, he preferred them at night. Looking up, he took the glasses off to focus on Reese. "Yea Fiona's gone. Oliver's asleep already? That's fast. Must be a mild story tonight. I could barely hear his giggle." He hesitated before adding. "Which actually isnt your style at all..... is something bugging you tonight?" The concern was clear in his voice. Reese usually make up great stories so it took almost twice as long for the baby to settle and get to sleep usually.

Reese saw the glasses and the work in front of him as he came up to the corner office Philippe had,"Hmhm."he hummed in reply, going to get a glass from the cabinet to pour himself a glass of ice water, still not looking to the other man,"I read him one of his books instead."he tilted his head some as he leaned back against a counter and took a sip, he pressed his lips together afterward. Then said nothing for a while, even after he was asked the question.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippr waited patiently but since an answer wasnt coming easily, he put the glasses down and stood up. Standing opposite to Reese, he asked pouring himself a scotch. "What's wrong really. Can I help?" He asked swirling the content of his glass. Admittedly, he cared for the young man, he enjoyed taking care of him, offering him a job and accommodation. And just like he expected, Reese thrived when given the opportunity. He, however, didnt make an advance on Reese not because he didnt feel for the young man, but more on inapporpritate timing. It had somehow becone difficult to get romantic when they seemed to have skipped that and went straight to domestic, becoming like a family.

Reese watched the other's feet as he came over towards him and shifted his weight quietly, he rarely drunk but he thought that he would like some scotch too. As he poured out his water and took a step towards the other man,"You could pour me some too."He said quietly and then leaned on the counter closer to Philippe, watching as he accommodated him and taking his own sip slowly. He sighed heavily and tilting his head some for a moment, before saying,"I... I don't know if you...think the same as I am...but... this... I-I like this...and I want... Or I wish... That we could be closer."his eyes looked up at the other finally and he hoped he understood what he meant as he bit his lower lip,"Y'know?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Ya sure i like this. It's pretry lovely. I didnt even consider myself as a family guy, but here I am, papa to Oliver, and I am finding this perfectly ok." He sipped on his drink as he looked at Reese. He took another sip before he mustered up enough courage to ask. "What do you mean by closer? .. does it mean it... like that?" He said snaking his hand towards Reese's waist. He hadnt been a thin guy at all, and after Oliver he had worked hard on getting back in shape so his hand was in touch with nicely toned abs. "Can I interpret that as, you also wanted to get closer, like not only papa and daddy to Oliver, but also papa and daddy to each other...?"

"It's perfect."he corrected him and met his eyes as he took a drink, after taking his own sip he had placed the glass down behind Philippe. As his arm wrapped around his waist,"What do you think I mean by closer?"he asked in reply, leaning into him so they were chest to chest, though he pulled his face away just a bit so he could see his eyes more clearly. "If that's your kink then I'd oblige."he smiled softly and wrapped his own arms around the back of the other's neck,"It just...made me ache to see or even think of you being with anyone else...and I wasn't sure if you liked...men that way, but now."his face flushed as he pressed against his friend, tilting his head slightly as he watched his face.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I thought you'd never ask! I never rrally consider my sexuality, i had been with both sexes.... but at the end of the day, I think it's more about the person itself than its gender. I never made an attempt.... since... i dunno. We already had sucbh an amazing household, I am afraid if i crossed that threshold, everything would be gone. Especially after what you have been through, you could be repulsed by this...." he said wiunding his arms natrually around Reese, kissing him quickly on his lips. "Thanks for taking that step Reese, or we would have been stuck for god knows how much longer! May I ask.... what's it that triggered this.... confession?" He smirked looking at Reese with newfound heat in his eyes.

Reese burst out into laughter when he heard Philippe say that, he grasped onto him tightly and simply held him for a long moment until he was kissed. He smiled softly and pressed their foreheads together silently, until he asked him that question, which he replied with a small frown. "I have noticed that Fiona...has a crush on you." He looked away and bit his lip, avoiding his eyes,"To be honest, I was jealous."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You say Fiona..... OH." Philippe smiled like a cheshire cat when he heard about the jealousy. "You are jealous becausw of Fiona. I really got her to thank for then." Philipppe laughed as he thought about it. "He tilted Reese's head up and kissed him again. "I think that's adorable. Very lovely of you. Just for the record, I am unaware of her feelings, and I am also NOT interested in her. She's.....a nice girl. But not the one that I love." He said looking into Reese.

Reese pouted at the grin and narrowed his eyes, smacking the other's chest lightly, though allowed the kiss and smiled again lightly. Weakened to Philippe's moves, almost melting in his arms in the embrace,"Good."He replied,"Because you're all mine..."He ran his hands back down his chin and chest, though blushed hard when he mentioned love, their eyes meeting.... A nervous laugh escaped him,"Oh? And who do you love, if I may ask..."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Hmm someone who's handsome, young and vibrant. A little shorter than me. Loving and caring, taking care of his young son perfrctly..... he's indeed one great staff as well. Any guess on who that could be?" Philippe said. "I didnt know that until the morning when he called me. When he's in dist4ess. That's when I realise how much I hated to see him with someone else. And to be hurt like that." He continued, though getting morr serious as it touched on shadier memories of both.

"Vibrant? That's a first."He laughed and turned a bit pink in the face when he mentioned that he was shorter,"Perfectly? I guess Olie is perfect. I did good... We did good."he corrected himself, it was the both of them if he was honest, not just him,"Staff? Hm..."He acted like he was actually thinking about it, looking down as his fingers curled into the fabric of his shirt,"I'm positive he loves you just as much... Even before that day."he looked up slightly then leaned in to press their lips together once more, tugging lightly on his collar,"He's wanted you for so long."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Is that so? Hmm come to think of it, even if I confessed earlier, it probably wouldnt be as good as now.... we had the time to get to know each other. Time to get acquainted. If I am to be honest, I am in fact more impressed by this young man's character now that I get to know him more intimately." He tilted his head up so Reesw could take off the buttons easier, he himself did the same on Reese, who's made it easy for him having tugged it loose already.

"That's so."he nodded some and then smiled,"What a gentleman..."he guessed that he had been in so many shitty relationships that he could care less, though he knew that was a bad plan. It seemed that someone had finally rescued him, he kissed down the others neck as he unbuttoned him slowly from the collar around his neck to his pants. Pulling at his tie and belt equally, in some frustration that he couldn't have him here and now, allowing him to do the same to his clothing.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe let rhe younger man do that, watching with amusement at how he was eagerly pulling off clothes. He ripped him of the last of his clothings when reese was still busy attacking his belts. He covered his frantic fingers and clicked on the little button rhat releaaed the buckle, then stretched his arms wide to allow Reese access to it all. He pressed the young man onto his desk, brushing off the documents and stationary and hovered over the man. "You will have no way to escape now..." he captured his mouth in a furious kiss.

Reese had little time to react, to take in that long, thick cock of Philippe's and he gasped as he was lifted up. He couldn't walk himself with his pants around his ankles, his back hit the cold glass of the office desk in the corner of the penthouse just a ways away from the kitchen. His hand grasped the hose that was between the other's legs,"I don't really think I want to."he replied with a moan as the others tongue pushed into his mouth and he pressed their mouths together. The crash of office supplies falling to the floor made him grip his hair, tugging his mouth away from his for a moment,"We can't wake up Oliver."he said, meeting his eyes.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe moaned as well with his member cltuched by Reese. "We would have to be really careful then... i have a hunch ir could be a real challenge. Pushing up his legs, he spread them wide to expose his delicious opening. Reese's cock had been weeping pre already, standing up high and proud in the air, which also exposed his opening behind as well. Philippe hung one of his legs on his shoulder to spare his hand. He tested Reese first, just touching over his quivering hole and rubbed against the ring.of musxle.

Reese agreed,"Definitely... You're gonna have to go easy on me at first, it's been a while...and you... I think you know that you're...sizeable."he was an embarrassing reddish color from the tips of his ears to his chest. His legs easily splayed for the other man, his hips up off of the desk to give him better access to his ass which would need some preparation of course. Which he was guessing would come with the fingers against him,"How many fingers do I need to take?"he asked, wondering what to expect from the other man and his unreal cock, knowing he would be a size queen after taking him. He wouldn't be able to go back after it, he was sure.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Sizeble is a clever word. The usual comment i got is monster, thank you very much." Philippe smiled triumphantly, kissing the tomato red face of Reese for what he consider to be the ultimate compliment. "I am thinking.you arent accustomed to my size? Better make it 4 then...." he snickered as he thought from how Reese was reacting right now, he must have been much better endowed than Joel the sucmbag. to him, it was something he considered to be a great achievement no matter how childish that was.

True to his words, he scooped some of the fluid as makeshift lubricant since they ddint have anything handy at the moment, and attempted to breach Reese's tightly clammed anus. It took some skillful use of his finger, and eventually the ring gave and he mamaged to get trhrough with the first pioneer.

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