C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

The older man's mouth hung open as his hips rocked back and forth with deep, guttural groaning that came from deep inside of him, he hadn't felt so sure about something in what felt like a lifetime. It wasn't a struggle to take his hand and place it against the wet head of the child coming out of him, he was weak either way. His eyes stared ahead and he rubbed his thumb against the hair gently, before another contraction hit and he curled forward against John's chest as he pushed as hard as he could.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John continued to support him as Baxter began pushing again. The child's head hung heavily between his legs, inching out slowly as the shoulders began to make his opening bulge outwards as they attempted to burst free.

Baxter was wavering, every part of him quivered and he gasped in short breaths between the intense cramps. His fist was stuffed against his mouth and tears streamed from his tightly shut eyes as he groaned loudly. Thankful for the music at least in the beginning, though now it was quieting down he was scared someone would wonder in and find him here. A unborn child hanging half out of him and bulging against his hole, a sharp cry of pain escaped him when finally the shoulders pushed through him. Tearing his perinium almost in half as the child came crashing out of him.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The child slid out rather quickly afterward. John immediately grabs an old cloth that was laying nearby to begin cleaning the baby off, bringing it against his chest to help muffle its cries.

Baxter felt the release and was breathless for a few moments as he watched when the child was brought up from between his legs. The loud boy had a set of lungs on him, he knew that much as he brought his hands up to collect him into his arms. His eyes still wet and red rimmed, though the pain had stopped and he was happy about that at least as he cupped his head and body. Not sure where to hold him as he squirmed fretfully, a strong boy, he wasn't shocked at least. It was just...he couldn't think of a word for it. So he let John take him from him and try to quiet him, he wanted to take him back but didn't want to hurt the tiny thing either, he was a bounty hunter, not some soft school teacher.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John cleans the newborn off as best he can before grabbing Baxter's jacket and wrapping him up before carefully placing him in Baxter's arms, showing him to be careful of his head.

Baxter wanted to complain about him using his only source of protection from the weather, though the baby was soon placed in his arms and he was distracted. Silently told how to hold his new son and pressing his lips together firmly, tilting his head and bringing the child to his chest as he held him with stiff arms. He watched their face, their bright blue eyes and frowning,"He looks...like you."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John glances up at him before slowly taking his hands away from the baby after placing him in Baxter's arms. "Relax, he can sense your anxiety."

Baxter didn't know how to respond to that as he tried loosening up, though everytime the infant moved to even take a breath he was flinching. Until he gave him back over to John sinking back against the sack of potatos and groaning lightly, he was tired and didn't feel like learning how to hold him right now. He was tired and hungry and frustrated, and a lot of other things he just couldn't process at the moment, he didn't even care that potatoes would be his pillow.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Get up, I'll take you back to your room."

"Just leave me here."he said quietly, turning his head away and grimacing as he laid back more, shifting his hips,"I don't want to move."he sighed and his eyes closed.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"You can't stay here, now get up." John lightly nudged him with his boot.

He had just pushed a kid out of his ass and now he was being forced back up to his feet even though his entire body hurt, grimacing as he tilted his head back for a long moment with a heavy sigh,"Okay, I'm getting up... Fucking touch me with your boot one more time, I'll...."he didn't finish and groaned as he pushed himself slowly up to his knees, stopping as it felt like his insides were falling out of him, gripping onto the shelf as he caught his breath, then continued making his way to his feet. He was sweating again as he stood in his soiled shirt and half nude.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John slips Baxter's pants back up, tightening them slightly so they would stay up. He hands the newborn back to Baxter for a moment or two before slipping out front to grab his gun from behind the counter. He comes back into the storage room before moving into the back of the room and opening the door. He watches Baxter take a few shaky steps while also trying to hold the baby before he decides to pick him up and carry him back to his motel room.

Baxter wanted to punch himself in the face as he was helpless but to let the other man help him with his pants and tightening them so they won't fall back down to his ankle's, when he was given the child again he was surprised as he collected him into his arms carefully. Though still a bit stiff as he looked down at him silently, not knowing why or how babies chose who to look like but trying not to hold it against his child for taking after his father, it was hard to put his boots on so he just forgot about them. He felt the harsh winter cold as soon as Johnathan opened the door and moved slowly toward it, he felt exhausted and tired and his entire body ached with emptiness that he wouldn't get back any time soon, he grimaced as he was lifted up so easily and exhaled. Having half the mind to complain as he was carried out of the saloon.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Surprisingly John knew exactly where Baxter's motel room was. He unlocked and opened the door with ease before carrying Baxter and the infant inside and laying them down on the bed.

The bounty hunter adjusted the boy after he was laid down with him, his body was small and chubby and he whined in the quiet of the inn room until Baxter gave him one of his swollen tits to nose against before latching on to suckle with some content coos while he fed. His own eyebrows knitted together in discomfort and unhindered release as he gave the infant what he needed, the feeling was alien and he tried to compare it to anything else he has felt to no avail.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John watches them both for a minute or two before he disappears into the small adjoining bathroom, Baxter hearing the small shower start up soon after. When the water was warm enough John ventured back out into the room before helping Baxter to his feet once again and leading him into the bathroom to wash off.

Baxter looked up to John and frowned some more as he turned over slightly to place the boy down on the bed, taking a pillow and putting it on the side of him so he wouldn't roll over. As he allowed the other man to help him up to his feet, sighing when he did, his eyes closing in a grimace as he grasped onto the other's arms,"You don't have to stay."he said, looking to him and shuffling foot by foot into the bathroom slowly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Who said I was staying." John helps him into the bathroom and into the shower so that he could wash off. He watched Baxter for a moment or two before leaving the room, he had left out a fresh pair of clothes and a towel for the other to change into.

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