C A God's Obsession. ((With Luxio018 and Lovebite))

Archie hadn't had something so good in so long, it almost was too rich for him, but he'd be damned if he would vomit again, he growled lightly at the nip to his ear. Not knowing what exactly was happening to him as he looked at him, then to the steaming meat he held out as he grabbed it and waved it slightly to cool it down. Though it didn't smell as good as it was raw, he stared at it, then shoved it into his mouth, humming around it and chewing slowly when he broke through the outside to get to the pink and juicy insides. He sank against Lucien's chest and swallowed what was in his mouth contently, he could handle this pregnancy, definitely,"God, yes."he murmured and pressed his nose into his upper shoulder before moving to kiss him again, he liked him more than ever as he grasped onto him,"Thank you."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien could taste the blood still on Archie's lips as he kissed him back. He sets a few more pieces over the fire to cook before he sees about going out to finish cleaning the deer. Archie went to bed that night with a full belly, sleeping soundlessly through the night.

It wasn't just that night either, for an entire month, the human was in greater spirits, he ate well and slept through the night unless one or both of the boys came in to sleep with them or he needed to relieve himself or all of the above. Everyone got into a routine then, it was nice, he felt like he was actually a part of something and not just the sole supplier. As the weeks passed, he grew even more noticeably, allowing Lucien to take over at the shop as he simply stayed at home with the boys, snacking on the meat that was left over from the weekends hunt. His stomach was full and round, almost as large as he was with the twins, his chest was more like breasts too and he didn't know how to feel about that, not that he cared that much anyway. He sat out in the back yard with his sons, it was a cool day, the snow had melted and revealed the grass beneath finally and so he let them out to stretch their legs. He sat back, leaning on his arms and tilting his head back to allow the sun to graze there, though a chill went through him and it wasn't because of the temperature. Something had happened, he sat up, the boys were still too and he reached for them but they dissipated right before their eyes. The human man awoke with a start from his nap and was surprised to see the familiar surroundings of the inside of his house, what had just happened?

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The house was eerily silent as he laid there for a few minutes, just staring around and trying to figure out what had just happened.

He didn't know how late it was, his eyes adjusted slightly and he was moving off of the bed slowly with his hand at his back,"Boys?"he called, grimacing some and standing up to his feet wobbily as he moved to waddle over to the door, they were with him just about an hour ago,"Lucien?"he checked the clock in the hall, though it seemed to have stopped as he continued out to the living room, from what he could tell he was alone and that made him more afraid than anything,"Boys?!"he called again, wishing he had anything else to call them by, he should have named them when he had the chance.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The house was completely empty, no clue that anyone other than Archie had ever stayed or lived there.

When there was no reply, he felt scared, terrified even as he stood in the kitchen at the window, where were they? His hands went towards his rounded middle and he bit his lip as he moved towards the living room then, he couldn't breathe. The human grabbed his coat and wrapped it around himself with his scarf as well, pushing his feet into his boots and quickly leaving the house. He was waddling now and moved as fast as he could to start down the driveway to the road where he hastily made his way to his shop where he hoped Lucien was to be.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Archie made his way to the shop only to find it empty as well. He could feel the rising of a panic attack as he stood outside the shop. Glancing toward the sky he noticed a bright flash of light some ways from the village and it was only as he followed it that he realized that he was in the same meadow where he had met Stephen.

The human stood on the edge of the forest, his heart was speeding and he tried hiding his growth with his coat,"Stephen?! Where are they?! What did you do?"he asked, his stomach was doing flips as he stood at the meadow.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

He was actually surprised to see the man standing in the middle of the meadow, the boys standing at his side, holding onto his pants legs. They look between Stephen before turning to look at Archie.

Archie was ecstatic to see his sons again and lifted his arms,"Come here-"he said gently,"Come to me."he moved forward toward them as he then looked up at Stephen,"Don't do that, please. You...scared me."he didntmention Lucien as he kept his coat wrapped around him, hiding his middle, or at least he thought it was.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"They will not be coming with you." Stephens voice was low as he spoke, his hands moving to rest on the boys heads.

Archie's brows knit together and he stopped as he looked up at the other man,"Why not?"he asked in a quiet voice, though he knew this day would come he couldn't understand why he felt his heart lock up like he had rust in his veins. "They've been good here. They're good boys, don't... Please don't."he said, pleading with the god.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Stephen rubs his hands across their heads, looking down at them for a minute or two before looking back at Archie. "Who do you want to stay with boys?"

Archie was kneeling now in the snow as he reached for them, the boys seemed to want to go with their birth father, but the intimidation of their father was too much. He nodded,"It's okay, come to me. We'll go home."he smiled softly through his panic, he prayed they would come to him, he hadn't realized how much he had gotten used to them in his life. They were just a part of him now.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

The boys continue to look between their fathers for a minute or two longer before taking slow, tentative steps toward Archie. Once they reached him Archie couldn't help the feeling of dizziness that washed over him. The last thing he remembers is face planting into the snow as Stephen disappears. He faintly comes to sometime later to the familiar scent of fresh rain and forests, his head resting against Lucien's shoulder.

He was obscenely joyful that they came towards him, he gathered them into his arms to kiss their heads and chees as he held them tight to his body. The firmness of his children's bodies in his arms was the first thing he remembered when waking up. It surprised him that he woke up to the smell of spring and the warmth of another man embracing him. He opened his eyes, squinting against the sunlight that filtered in through the budding treetops and then looking down to his hands which were empty. "The boys."his voice was weak and he felt sick as he looked around him at the forest,"What happened?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"They are here, they're safe." Lucien continued walking. Unbeknownst to Archie the boys were a little ways ahead of them, playing with each other in the mounds of snow.

Archie relaxed slowly and he laid his head against his chest,"Where were you?"he asked as his hands moved over his stomach, he felt nauseous and the offspring inside of him was shifting in response to his emotions. "He came... He took them, where were you?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It isn't important at the moment." As they continued walking Archie couldn't help but notice what appeared to be a black choker around Lucien's neck, one that he hadn't noticed before.

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