C A Merc and the Target. ((Luxio018 and Lovebite))

The hunter looked toward the other man when he said that,"You mean, one person."he replied,"You aren't sticking around so why even act like you are?"he asked, a glare in his eyes as he grit his teeth, then looked away with a heavy sigh, adjusting the infant and moving to take a slow seat,"Don't do this to me, we both agreed-"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"We didn't agree on a damn thing. If you don't want him then give him here and I'll go."

"Like hell I'll just hand him over to you, you sona'va bitch." The repressed hate he had for the other man came flooding back and he felt sick as he looked at him sharply, shifting the boy in his arms when he squirmed and taking a slow breath to calm down as he shook his head. "You can fuck right on off, if you think you're entitled to anything just cause you came with some chicken and good wishes. You left me to die in that fucking desert, you didn't give a damn if I was pregnant or not, now you think you can call the shots? I don't think so."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I didn't even know it was possible. I thought it was just some stupid myth."

He didn't respond to the other as he shut his mouth, having nothing more to say to the other as he moved to stand up to his feet again. The man moved toward the window of the room and looked out of it, the snow was thinning and it seemed that ice covered the place instead,"I'll take him south with me. You don't have to worry about anything."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John looks at him for a moment or two. "And what will you do after that."

He didn't want to tell John what his plan was, he didn't want him to follow them, he didn't want to be afraid of losing the child he had worked so hard to bring into this world. The man turned from the window in silence and moved to lay the boy down on the bed, then begin collecting his things into his bag. He didn't take long, he never carried much anyway, then got dressed in some new trousers and a shirt that fit him loosely. He felt small now that he wasn't carrying,"Do you want to be the one to name him?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John looks at him for a minute or two before he stands and moves to look down at the baby. "Samuel."

Baxter decided that may just tide John over, naming their son, he watched as he came over and stood where he was,"Yeah? That's a good name."he said,"Strong."he reached down and the boy grabbed his finger tightly, cooing as he kicked his legs lightly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John looks down at the boy for a minute or two before reaching to run his hand over his hair. He stands there for a moment before he moves to get his own coat and boots on.

Baxter looked up at John as he walked away from the bed,"Do you want him to know about you?"he asked before he finished doing what he did, he moved to take another seat on the bed. Gathering the baby into his arms and sitting him half in the crook of his arm and half on his lap,"What do you want me to tell him about you?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I suppose you to tell him what you want, it isn't going to matter much." John shrugs his jacket on and finishes lacing his boots before he heads over to the door.

Baxter agreed, glad that John could care less as he nodded quietly,"Okay."he murmured, staring down at the boy and stroking his hair as he slumped in his lap, too young to sit himself up yet. The bounty hunter watched as the other left, though before he did, he said,"I hope I don't see you again."he murmured, and that was that.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

And Baxter didn't see him again for nearly 2 years. The frigid winter wind was biting into him even through his layers of clothing. It was pitch black out and his horse was taking slow, uneasy steps through the darkness. As he continued on he could faintly begin to notice the faint orange glow of a fire that was hidden behind a small cliff, safe from the biting wind.

He made sure to sit carefully as not to let the wind get around him, he felt Samuel leaning against him, most likely sleep. It was late and he hadn't planned it out correctly, they were supposed to be in town by sundown and yet that just wasn't going to happen. His hand moved to his holster and he craned his neck as his horse meandered over toward the cliffside,"Hello?"he called gruffly,"Ya friendly?"

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

John was currently sitting back against the rock. He heard the horse approaching and knew the voice instantly. "Depends on your intentions." His rifle laid across his lap, his horse currently tucked away against the cliff, sheilded from the wind as well.

Baxter slowed his horse to a stop a ways away from the fire,"I'm too old for troublemaking."he said as he let go of his pistol and turned to gather the two year old into his arms. Not really realising who it was he was speaking to as he climbed off the animal and grabbed his pack then took the rope to place it under a heavy rock. His hands full, though he seemed to handle it as a veteran, moving to sit down against the boulder, wrapping an extra blanet around the boy and shifting so his lap was open for him to lay there.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Samuel sleepily crawled into Baxter's lap, curling up once again. Baxter was slightly taken off guard when he was handed a piece of sausage on a skewer. In the faint glow of the fire John couldn't quite get as good a look as he wanted at Samuel or even Baxter himself.

Baxter rubbed his back gently as he came onto his lap, running his fingers through his fair hair and making sure he was warm enough. His arms wrapping around him to support his small sleeping body, glancing up at the skewer that was brought to his face. Not sure at first, as he met the other man's eyes then took it silently, looking at the sausage and waiting for the steam to die on it. "Thank you."he murmured quietly and took out his knife to cut a piece off of the sausage, nudging the two year old gently. "Eat something."he said softly to the boy who was burrowed beneath the blanket.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Samuel stares at it for a minute or two before slowly taking it and popping it into his mouth. His appetite had been almost non existent the past few days and as winter continued to approach Baxter was almost certain that he was getting sick.

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