C A God's Obsession. ((With Luxio018 and Lovebite))

Archie nuzzled back slowly, his eyes closing as he simply took his advise,"Can you... Can you feel it?"he asked quietly, his arms wrapping around his neck and grasping onto him while he did,"Mm..."he shut his eyes tightly, nails digging into his skin as he bore down as hard as he could, though ended up crying out as he felt the pressure rush downward, or faster than he expected.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien's hands run across Archie's bulging pelvis. The head eased down just a bit more before peeking from Archie's opening. "There he is, I can see the head."

Archie tensed at those words and whimpered quietly in slight fear as he shut his eyes tightly and pressed his face into the crook of his shoulder and neck with another moan, gripping him tightly and pushing once more, full and solid without stop. He whined as he did, the head coming to a crown once more before slipping back and he breathed raggedly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"It might take a few tries, don't let it discourage you." Lucien's hands move down slightly to massage the inside of Archie's thighs. "You have given birth to two Demi-gods already."

Those words encouraged him at least as he thought about a year or two prior, before he was caught up in all this, when it was against his will that he was pregnant or even could comprehend pregnancy. He felt the hands on his thighs and he relaxed slowly, before curling into his chest again when he felt his stomach and back work with him. He squeezed his eyes shut and pushed once again, shifting his knees before bringing himself up to the balls of his feet in a squat as he groaned. Raggedly as he used every muscle he could to bear down, pushing again for a long slow minute or two until he was light headed and the form wasn't slipping back. It could be seen fully even when he wasn't trying to push.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"That's it." Lucien continues to massage the inside of Archie's thighs, his fingers moving to run over the baby's dark head. "Breathe now, let your body do the work." Pushing now could cause tearing so it was best to just pant the head out.

He had to remember that Lucien had helped him through two births before, births that weren't even his own obligation. His thighs twitched as he was stroked, he felt the hands traveling lower and couldn't feel him even though his hand was still down there. That was the head, he assumed so as the hand there moved gently, his head was nodding since he couldn't find his voice. Throat tight, he pressed his face into the leather of the others collar, he had forgotten that was there, though again the next contraction was distracting him. His nails dug into the nearest thing again and he was breathing slowly in and out, though couldn't keep it up as he groaned, trying his hardest not to push as the pain peaked.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"I know it's hard." Lucien's hand continue to run over the head, cupping it as it inched out little by little. Halfway through the next contraction it pops free with a rush of fluids.

A strangled cry escaped him when the head came from him, he whined and teared up as he forced his face into his chest and shoulder. He whimpered quietly, trying to silence himself as his body spasmed in some placed, a groan escaped him and he tried pushing again with the pain. "Aghhh...."He was frozen in place as he forced every muscle he could to work in attempt to deliver the child.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien's hands move to slip in alongside the baby's shoulders, helping to work the first one free before it was quickly followed by the second. He reaches over to grab a towel, wrapping the baby up as it slips free, it cries immediately filling the room.

Archibald collapsed half against Lucien and half against the bed as he groaned with the release of pressure, his eyes drifting shut to relax even for a moment. Though Lucien was bringing their child up between their chests and he turned to look upon them, a shaking hand coming up to support their head carefully. As the newborn cried its way into life, he smiled softly and used part of the towel to wipe gunk off of their face gently,"Shush...quiet little one."he murmured softly and kissed their head.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien places the infant in Archie's arms before picking him up and laying him down on the bed. The baby nuzzled against Archie's chest.

Archie grimaced as he was laid down on the bed, though the pain was soon forgotten with the sight of the dark haired child laying against his chest. His heart swelled and he could only smile at the infant as he rubbed their cheek, their eyes were closed so soon after being born and he adored the few moments after. "Hi, Eddie.... You're so handsome... Yes you are."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien watches them for a minute or two before going to check on Theo and Lyon, making sure they were still sleeping. Finding them still sleeping soundly he gets Archie a glass of water before carrying it back into the bedroom for him.

He looked up to the door when Lucien came back, in the midst of breast feeding their new son, his fingers ran gently over the curves of the newborns face to memorize it. Archie stroking his hair next and then wiping a bit of warm milk from the side of his mouth carefully, before the infant yawned widely. Content with his work to bring the child into the world, he was so perfect, he could almost appreciate him more, after the time he spent planning for the baby and anticipating him. The birth of their son seemed to affect him more now that he actually wanted a son.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien brings the glass back in to him, helping him take a few sips before setting it down on the bedside table. He then sits down on the edge of the bed, lightly kissing Archie's hair. "You did great."

The human looked up at the god and he didn't know what to say as he looked back down at the baby with a small nod,"I did... Thank you."he murmured and took his free hand to wrap it around Lucien's quietly with a squeeze.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Would you like something to eat? Or would you prefer to rest?" Lucien squeezed his hand back gently.

"It's too late."he shook his head,"I think I'm just going to sleep."he murmured and shifted himself so he sank against the bed more with a heavy sigh,"Hold us?"he gave the other a faint smile as he looked up at him, moving to lean into his chest.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Lucien's arms slowly wrap around both Archie and the baby, carefully pulling them closer. He nuzzled lightly at Archie's cheek before running his hand over the baby's head. "Rest, I will be here when you wake up."

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