Closed The Priest & The Shepherd (w/Bhdire8)
"No. No pups-"he shook his head, he was older, that was obvious and he had practice keeping his head together during a heat, though it was much harder to control his own body,"Father, please. Listen to me-"he knew it was hopeless from the look in his eyes as he arched against the finger, whimpering,"Fuck..."he panted, not able to see his companions cock, but he felt how thick it was, squirming as he moaned out loudly. His stomach aching from the sound he made, breathing heavily and trying to twist away to no avail, his body gave in before his mind did.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
"Don't move, or I c-cannot get the p-pups in." Jamie chuckled at how the word pup rolled off his tongue. He's convinced he would make great babies with MOrrison. "O-our pups would be big! Strong and healthy... l-like you." He slurred out and looked shyly at Morrison like he had just confessed his admiration to the omega. He sighed when his mushroom head forced it's way through, and then continued pushing on. His hand stroked on Morriosn' lower belly, caressing so lovingly it's like he was already pregnant. The omega's body responded excitedly, as they felt the close proximity with the alpha, his body was working quick to get Morrison ready for conceiving.
Morrison didn't try to fight it any more, he knew if he really wanted to he could probably fight off the alpha, but some little part of him wanted this. He felt like he hadn't had a heat in years, his body ached to be filled with life and he keened as the head of the priest's cock pushed into him. His fave flushing like a beet as he groaned and almost wished his body would listen to him instead of drooling with slick. His cock hard as a branch of a tree, while his womb contracted and ached for the alpha's seed.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie lifted Morrison's hips slightly with one hand, and lifted his rockhard cock with the other clearing the way for his own cock's breach. He smiled when Morrison jerked ahving his prick touched, and then plunged in further turning whatever he was about to say into a whiny moan. He sighed and started thrusting, letting his instinct took over as he thrusted harsh and quick into the slicky tunnel, the tip of it reaching Morrison's inner opening without much trouble and that squeamish yelp was so high-pitched it actually startled Jamie a bit - he wasn't expecting that from Morrison, such a macho big guy.
Morrison grimaced as he was lifted up, his stomach burned as he was shifted from his previous position, he didn't even know the other man's real name and yet his cock was making it's way inside of him. He whimpered and squirmed beneath the others weight, gritting his teeth and arching his ass into the deep thrusts, allowing himself to be fucked. The sounds he made were high in pitch and almost broken in a way. As he was taken advantage of.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Evrrythng was a blur afterwards. Neither of them could keep track of the time. All Jamie knew was he was enveloped entirely in a comforting warm and wet ground. Every trhust would bring him closer to heaven, and from time to time there would be a clinch on his member as he got Morrison orgasming. He deposited his load quick when Morrison climaxed for the first time, but he got back up just as quickly and started a new round of assault. It's a long dream that Jamie enjoyed every second or it, unaware of how he had pushed Morrison to absolute exhaustion.
After a while, Morrison was out of it, he was in the same dream as the priest, though he was in less control as when he finished he could sleep but soon enough the onslaught of fucking would start up again. He cried and moaned, rocking into the cock that forced inside of him, destroying his tight ass with each pounding. His heat lasted well into the week, long, tiring days that didn't seem to end, until one morning when he awoke.

Sticky and nauseous, nothing else on his mind besides vomitting at that very moment, his side felt like it was on fire and he thought the stitches may have torn again. As he turned over the side of the bed, must not have been the first time he puked since there was already a bucket there as his mouth opened. Though nothing came out, he whimpered and sank back down onto the bed, whining as he felt full and bloated, most likely with cum. It wouldn't seep out, his body didn't allow it, his stomach was tight and felt full of air pockets as it gurgled.

"Laura-"he called helplessly for his sister, though had no idea that she wasn't there to help as he opened his tear crusted eyes, taking a look around the unfamiliar place,"Laura?"his voice was sore and dry, he needed water.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie was a littlr faster in rrturning to his senses. He was younger and not weakener by injuries in the first place. When he woke, Morrison was squirming around already and he noticed the unconscious omega wanted to puke and had saved him from choking by turning him to the side to puke, where nothing came out. After a few times of it, Morrison's system was so upset he puked greenish vile - that's when the bucket was arranged.

Jamje was gingerly walking back into the room with some chicken soup when Morrison woke up. He was just mechanically taking care of Morrison before, still shocked by what had happened. He was an alpha, and he had marked a stramger - and might even have impregnated him in the process. He was filled with self-guilt and regret until the retching omega shoeed sign of dehydration. His instincts to take care of his mate took over and that's when he wemt on to prepare the soup.

He slowly opened the door and smiled. "You are awake! Do you feel like some soup? It's been a few days... i think you could want somethint warm for your stomach?"
Morrison wasn't weak in any reguard, only unused to what had happened, he usually forced pills down into his system to keep his heat from happening. He fucked other omegas and he even passed himself off as an alpha until another omega begged him to satiate their heat. Another omega couldn't help an omega with that so his lie was caught, plenty of times and yet he still kept it up as much he could.

Until now, his body ached and he thought he may just pass out again until he saw the smiling face of the stranger, his face was blank for a moment. Before everything came rushing back to him, he couldn't breathe, attempting to shift away but only ended up with his back against a wall. As his feet planted on the bed, naked and in a terrible state of shock, as his hand went to his neck. Wrapping around it and bringing it back to his face, there wasn't blood, none fresh, but he scratched at the rouch patch on his neck.

It was sloppy and he knew that the other had marked him, his throat was tight again as he whimpered and shook his head, burying his face in his hands. This couldn't be happening. He was silent, lost in thought within his own head as he stared into the dark of his hands. His head throbbed.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie fidgeted not knowing what he should do. He was the culprit of all these, but he had almost no memory of what had happened, everything was just blurry and he couldn't recall teh details. He put the bowl down and tried to sneak his way onto the bed, only to see the omega testing around his neck confirming what he had done. He could see how stunned Morrison was at the mark he had made, and he was deeply fearful of waht the omega would do. He stared at the larger man who was lost in himself, rejecting everything around him.

Jamie tried to help. He pushed the bowl of soup nearer, hoping to entice his appetite. "At least eat somethign first... we would figure this out afterwards. Chicken soup always make things better."
Morrison seemed...broken, as he felt the alpha growing closer and pressed further against the wall subconsciously, his throat was tight and burning and he just wanted to curl up there and die. He wasn't sure if that was over reacting or underreacting, his virginity had been stolen, his freedom to choose a mate had been stolen. No one would want him now, he was soiled, a omega.

His eyes were dark as he looked at the other man, glaring as even just his hand came closer to him, he grit his teeth, looking down at the soup. Staring at it for a moment like an insolent child before using his foot to kick it over onto the ground.
BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS
Jamie hissed when the boiling soup splashed over his hand. Tears soon filled his eyes, less from teh phsycial hurt and more from his omega rejecting his offer. He knew Morrison was probably furious, they had become eternally bonded together now, and his attempt of reconciling had been soiled. He froze, forcing the tears back in, reminding himself he was a grown up, not a 3-year-old, and slowly bnet down to pick up the shattered pieces of the bowl. "..... i would bring you another share. There's no need to make yourself even more miserable by denying yourself food." He said quietly, in a trembling voice. He was gulping down air to stop the tears from coming anymore, but he couldn't stop it and they rolled down his face, merging together into the soup.
"I don't want any more of your 'charity'."he told him, looking away to the only window in the small room, he shut his eyes for a long moment and even though they had just mated only a few days before. He could feel the lump in his throat and he looked at him,"How dare you cry, how do you think I feel?"he snapped at him, covering his face and pressed his hands to his eyes, tears came to his own eyes and he shook his head. "Stop it." He hated feeling attached, he didn't know this strange man and yet he could feel every emotion the other did.
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The clergyman fell silent and thought about it, then he wiped away his tears using his palms , causing a mess on his face and started talking again. "This is not charity. It's an accidnet and i just wanted to make this better. Your body need the nourishment., and those wounds needed to heal. We, w-we ...o-our bond, it's another matter how we would work out, for now let's just focus on the basics, can we? Your wounds would neer to be wrapped again, I suspect some of the stitches bursted." He said looking at the loosened and blood soaked bandages.
"I don't need your help either, you stupid dick head alpha."he muttered to himself mostly and his hands went to his bandages next as he looked at him,"Give me the supplies, I'll do it myself."he told him as he sat up more, though flinched, sinking down against the wall once more,"And I don't want your stupid fucking soup." The omega had a mouth on him, he didn't care if he was talking to his...his... The alpha that way.
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Jamie's face paled at the foul wordings. "This is the place of God and you shouldnt have said that! May god bless you..." he muttered a quick prayer begging for forgiveness in Morrison's name and turned back to the man with his lips tight. "You should learn to respect God, and whether or not I am a... stupid alpha, my soup is good. I would bring you another bowl anyway." He wiped his face again from the tears that started welling up again and quickly went away with the broken bowl. He had only two bowls, so now they would have to share one among themselves.

Jamie rrturned with a new bowl of chucken soup, and he placed it far away at the cupboard. "Come here, i would do the stitching. You could either let me do it, or risk hurting more fighting against me doing it, which means more days on bed. Your choice."
Morrison only felt slight guilt as he looked down silently, muttering a few more things though it was too low to be heard. He was sure that priests had to be virgins, they couldn't have families or mates, so why... Why did he even care? Why didn't he throw him out into the street after fucking him for a week straight?

He looked up, coming out of his thoughts to look at the other again,"I'd rather bleed out."he said lowly and turned his face away silently. It wasn't true, now he was only being dramatic but he wanted to hurt the other man as he had done him. As his hand went to his stitches and pressed his lips together, looking down at the blood and exhaling, moving slowly to move his legs off the side of the bed.
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The outright rejection was hurtful. Jamie never ever felt as frustrated, not even when he was humuliated during his.preaches. his lips quivered and he was unable to say anything, only moved forward to stop Morrison from moving any more and risk hurting himself. He just needed to press down on his shoulder for Morrison to gasp in pain. The omega was drained, dehydrated and was probably even weaker than when he was found ourside of the church just a week before.

Jamie finally said, his voice trembling. "Whether, wheteher you want to bleed to.death, i wouldnt allow for it." His face was even.paler than Morrison's, whose face was slightly flushed from.his rage.
Morrison looked at the stranger and tried twisting away from his hand though he couldn't exactly maneuver himself any more as he sank back. Weak as he looked down to the floor and allowed him to say that without a retort this time, his hands moving away from his sore middle,"Go ahead."he said in a flat tone, his eyes closing for a moment as he sat back again, grimacing at the tug to the halfway out stitches.
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Jamie just focused on what he needed to do, trying to convince himself that this was just any other patient he had dealt with before. He coudlnt help but notice the scent coming out of Morrison, it was surprisingly soothing, a great contrast to his words. Jamie flinched hearing his grimace, and was prepared for another string of cursing, but was surprised it never came. He decided he wouldnt want to stay here with Morrison again, or he was surely going to cry again. He silently removed himself from Morrison and his hurtful words like a coward after he was done with the wrappings.

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