Apron hate. (w/Bhdire8)

At the cry, he could feel all the tension leave the air and he sank back on the couch again, laughing in relief,"A little fighter."he grinned and watched as Philippe brought her up finally, he couldn't see as her face was slightly covered by the blanket off the couch. He lifted his hands to gather her up in his arms, grinning and holding her gently in his tight embrace. "Hello... Oh, hello..."he murmured, nuzzling her and smiling brightly, now sobbing out of happiness, letting himself be held within the other man's arms. "Little angel."he whispered and kissed her wet head of hair, it tasted of iron from the blood but he loved her and didn't care what came with the kisses.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Lay her on your chest, let her listen to your heartbeat... It's said to calm newborns." Philippe suggested holding Reese carefully. He touched the little girl's cheeks, already falling in love with her despite how gooey and dirty she still appeared to be. "I guess we shoudl think of names.... did you ahve any idea from before?" He asked, still too immersed in the excitement to recall the tension before. He also forgot about the placenta, but those could be dealt with later.

He did so, laying the baby on his chest and moving the sheet away from her face so she could hear the thump of his heart against his chest, smiling softly. He was silent as he rubbed her back and stroked her hair, using the blanket to clean her off just a bit more, looking up at his partner slightly and nodding,"We should try and do that, yeah."he said and looked back down again, rubbing her back and kissing her head softly,"Oliver and... Milo?"he tilted his head and watched as she settled, mouth open and drooling as her eyes closed, fists pressed at his chest.

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"Like the drink?" Philippe chuckled. "yea... why not. Thanks for bringing Milo to life Reese... thank you for bringing us a daughter." Philippe said looking down at Reese, even though the other man only got eyes for the newborn. He stroked what little hair Milo got and just let her settle against her parents. Eventually even Philippe was feeling the chill of the nightair catching up with them. "Let's give Milo a proper bath... then we are all heading to the hospital." He said sitting up, tryign to remove himself away from Reese's back.

Reese grinned and shook his head,"No, not the drink... But I guess that could be one reference."he added and went silent as Philippe spoke again, smiling softly and shaking his head,"Don't mention it."he grinned and looked down at her for a moment longer, holding her within his warmth and looking up at the other man slightly,"Yeah. Okay."he said and moved to sit up carefully so he could come out from behind him,"I think you'd have to cut the cord first and grab a few things. And our son too."he added, sat up against the couch, careful with his groin area.

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"oopos.. yea..." Philippe managed to look slightly embarrassed at forgetting everything else once he saw his princess, and laid the baby on reese agian. "I would grab the towel and the scissors....." He went upstairs to to nursery, looking for a onesie that would fit the newborn and the other supplies. He chekced on Oliver as well, the kid seemed to have considered his daddy's howling thorugh teh night ot be just another thunderstorm that the kid was never afraid of, and was still sleeping on his little bed. Phiipped smiled and tugged the blanket a little higher and hurreid back down.

He filled the tub with hot water before he went back to Reese and Milo. Reese could want a bath before heading to the hospital... hell he himself had wanted one after getting all sweaty and sticky. He returned and found the placenta to be still in Reese, his puffy belly still bloated with the content. "Let's clear this all up in the bathroom? Hold tight on Milo." He said and lifted Reese up off.

He smiled softly at Philippe as he sat there quietly, humming to the little girl and stroking her cheek gently, kissing her head once again. His stomach wasn't cramping up too bad yet as he stroked her cheek, she would be so spoiled, just like her brother, maybe even more.

Reese looked up at Philippe and nodded some, leaning into his chest as he was lifted and resting his head on his shoulder,"Hm..."he ran his pinky along her small ear and smiled softly, tilting his head,"She looks like you."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Is it? Then she's destined to be a beauty .... " Philippe said with mocking cockiness while taking a better look at the infant girl. He pressed his head against Reese's and kissed his forehead. "I think she also takes after you... that litlte nose is just a replica of yours." He said thankful that he got to hold Reese again in his arms. He thought he was going to lose him, first with the quarrel and then with how dangerous it had been with the birth. It was a little weird with the chord still dangling between Reee's legs, and they were making a trail of blood as they moved across the house, but it would be fine. Everything's fine now wasn't it?

He tested the water sitting at the side of the tub, and then lowered Reese gnetly down. "Would this be too hot?" They had put the baby beside them, holding her on a floating basin they had.

Reese snorted at that, closing his eyes to the soft kiss and smiling at what he said next,"Strong genes fighting for dominance."he joked and rubbed her back slowly as she laid against him in a peaceful state, probably because of his heartbeat he guessed. As he placed his pinky in her small hand and wiggled it a little as she gripped it naturally, he loved this, the agony was worth it. She was here and Oliver had a baby sister now.

As they made their way to the bathroom, he looked to the filled tub and allowed himself to be lowered into it, humming at the warmth. "No, but let's see how Milo likes it."he said and held her up as he cupped some water and ran it over her legs, she flinched only a little, probably because of the new sensation. "Gonna get you all cleaned up."he murmured and smiled softly, bringing a bit more water up and letting her head tilt back as he washed her hair free of filth.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

When it come to washing babies, Reese was much better than Philippe so he just left Reese to do that. He himself was getting ready to help Reese get the placenta out. He sneaked his hand down, under Milo and startes rubbing Reese's puffy belly. He sighed and kissed Reese's cheek. "You are a pro in this.... as always." He smiled.

He drew circles on Reese's belly. With the chord still floating in the water, he gradually rubbed him while looking at their daughter yawn cutely. It's quite obvious the baby was getting quite used to the warm water and findinf it very comfortable.

Reese looked at Philippe slightly after the kiss to his cheek and smiled softly, he hummed and looked down at her for a moment,"Wasn't always a pro... You helped."he mentioned, remembering years ago when he had been by himself in raising Oliver, in the beginning. He didn't like thinking about it, but it was true, his life was spiralling down hill before Philippe came to his rescue.

A small grunt escaped him as he tried pushing again, his eyes closing for a moment when he did,"Oh..."he panted and pressed his lips together, sighing as he pushed again with a small groan, Reese shifting his hips forward and sitting back. The red, almost purple placenta coming from him slowly.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

Philippe reached down to tug on the afterbirth with teh chord, guiding its way out of Reese to mark the final stage of birth. He was relieved as well to find it smoothly passing out. The clear water became milky and lsightly bloody, but they were nearing the end fo the bath anyway.

Philippe pulled up the placenta and wrapped it up in a nearby towel. He checked but in the end he wasn't the expert so he would let the paramedics check agian to ensure its intact. He smiled to himself thinking how this is reminding him a lot of Oliver's birth. "Don't you think history repeated itself? Perhaps we should have planned for a homebirth anyway... we would be more prepared then." He said, conveniently ignoring the fact that Milo wasn't exactly planned right from teh start.

It was released from him and he panted lightly afterward, holding the baby girl against his chest, clean and soft and warm, he smiled softly. Spreading his legs just a bit more, turning his head to glance at him,"Hm?"he looked down at her and shook his head,"I hope not... I get where you're coming from...but no, history isn't repeating itself."he rubbed their daughters back and sat up out of the water more, all he could think about when his partner mentioned that was the gross beating he had received a few weeks after Oliver was born. Grimacing,"Maybe next time... You'll be here and it won't be such a big secret."

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"Yea I promise I am going to be here next time.... it is a shock, cant believe I am a father again." He smiled at Reese. "Thank you babe...." he showrd his gratitude pressing a gentle kiss on his cheek.

They then went to the hospital. Had Philippe not insisted, theywould probbaly be reported on the local nrwspaper for delivering on their own. Philippe had also reflected his fury on the hospital's obvious ignorance over his husband's case, and complained of their cold treatment of his laboring husband dueing their short time in the hospital.

When Philippe came to pick reesw and Milo from the hospital after they were dismissed from.the night of observation, he had their house decorated to welcome them, and Philippe could hardly hide his smile.

Reese mentioned suing the hospital for negligence to Philippe, even with their little girl there in their arms what if someone else suffered just as he and she had. Those thoughts had left his mind almost instantly as he left the elevator with Philippe and helped into their penthouse. His eyes brightening from the sight and he laughed at the frilly decorations,"You did all this?"he asked as he shuffled inside, glad that his partner had taken Milo and her things for him. She wasn't as heavy as Oliver was but she still was a struggle for him as it had been too long since he had carried an infant carrier.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"Yea.... I thought it would be a sort of redemption." Philippe scratched his head saying with embarrassment. "And then... i thought since your welcoming had been, hmmm, interrupted, I thought this should be a nice replacement. Welcmome home baby, and also you Milo, welcome to the family." He said raising the carrier up to tell the sleeping infant.

Philippe placed Milo into her bedroom and set the baby monitor, then came out to take Reese's arm and guided him to.the.livingroom. he carefully helped Reese down, mindful of his injury and then presented him with a colorful card. "and here is a welcome card from Oliver.... he's in the playgroup now but I.figured I could present it to you on his behalf." He smiled.

"I'll only forgive you if you've finished the lasagna I was cooking for all of us."he told him, it may have burned to a crisp but if he had at least tried to fix it maybe he'd love him again. The man smiled softly as he was sat down on the couch and looked to the baby monitor, then the card that was in the other's hand,"Oh."he grinned and took the card from him,"Looks like we've got a little developing artist on our hands."he opened up the card and even though it was in broken english he smiled at it, attempting to read it.

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"What lasagna?" Philippe frowned gearing it. "Y-you mean there had been a lasagna that night in thr oven....? Good lord... You want me to eat that?" He said looking at Reese pleaing for a pass with his eyes, but then he thought this might be his punishment and if it was only a burnt lasgana, he could work with it. "Alright...." he stood up kissing Reese's forehead while he was trying to read Oliver's scribbles, and went to the kitchen like a prisoner going to the guillotine.

The lasagna was in ghe oven for 3 days and despite being dried up, actually looked quite edible. Philippe poked it with a fork and immediately a chunk fell off. He took it out and returned to Reese's side, his face solemn like a soldier about to take the battelfield.

"You didn't take it out?"he laughed,"We could have burned down the house!"he shook his head and rose his brows,"No, no! You don't have to eat it!"he said, though in the back of his mind he almost wanted Phillip to do it, for being such a dick to him.

The man tried to hide his grin as he came back with a plate of his ruined lasagna,"You're gonna give yourself a belly ache if you eat that. Then I'm going to have to take care of three babies."

BeWaRe ThE pRiMe NuMbErS

"If a bellyache is all the punishment i can get, and if I could even be rewarded with getting treated like a baby by you, I would happily take it." With this solemn declaration, Philippe took a bite like that was the most lethal poison in the world. He scrunched up his face trying to chew on thatgum-like thing and pressed a hand on his mouth to prevent himself from throwing up. It took considerable effort to swallow it and he couldnt help with the tears that welled up in his eyes from the horrible taste.

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