The Test Subject (closed with Torn)

Dr. Norris snapped on a nitrile glove before examining the next test tube. The small, sealed container was labeled with the species name for manticores. This sperm specimen had been newly collected by one of their field agents just last week, and he was already excited by the prospects.

But, he would have to wait because all of the current test breeders were busy carrying their own broods.

At the Allen Dalton Institute for Maternity Studies Dr. Norris and his team impregnated test subjects with the newest in endangered species, government requests, and powerful monsters. Throughout the numerous difficult pregnancies, they learned how to keep the breeders alive by trial and error. Once they found the correct protocol to produce both a live offspring and mostly unharmed breeder, they relayed the information to mass breeding centers around the world.

Of course, Dr. Norris thought with a smile, the unlucky breeders were just as fun.

His watch beeped softly. It was time to check on Breeder 121. He put the vial down with a sigh and headed to his cell.

Breeder 121, or simply Aki for short sighed, trying his hardest not to break down and sob. He was in his beloved home sleeping one minute and in a large, unknown hospital against his will the very next. He was sore and aching from the hips down not to mention he was dressed in a clean, bright mossy green hospital gown. He realized that he was only wearing that.

Aki was not knowing exactly as to what was happening but he knew that he was scared and cold down to the very depths of his bones. He was chained up near a one colored white wall, all mobility was cut off because of the chain attached to his slender foot right above the ankle. He sighed once more and focused his sight on the chain embracing his leg, feeling terror.

"H .. Hello ..?!" Aki called, or more like screamed out to somebody, anybody. "Is anybody there?!"

Aki was uncertain of his fate but tried to figure out where he was. He was indeed scared but he needed to focus. He truly needed to focus on where he was so that he could escape and return back to his home.

Or where he thought that the direction of home was ..

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Dr. Norris heard Breeder 121’s screams as he used his keys to open the door. He paused for a moment to savor the fear in the young man’s voice before finally entering. The door closed behind him and locked automatically. They took security very seriously here.

Looking at the Breeder, Dr. Norris hid his delight behind the clipboard with 121’s file. This Breeder was one of his favorites. Fresh, spirited, and oh so terrified. There was something about the way tears pooled in his big, blue eyes that made Dr. Norris want to toss professionalism to the wind.

“Good morning, Breeder 121,” he said. “It’s alright if you don’t remember me. My name is Dr. William Norris. The last time you met me, you were heavily sedated. Do you know where you are?”

Breeder 121 whimpered pathetically, shaking his head in response to the question that was asked. He shifted around, hiding his most precious assets from the strange, unknown doctor. He was scared like he was meant to be. He did not know as to what was exactly happening but he kept his wits up just in case something would happen in the next few hours. He was not aware that he was chosen as a sort of creature "breeder". He wanted to know and not know at the same time. Life was cruel.

Breeder 121 looked up at Dr. Norris through tearful sky blue eyes, wiping each tear away to not let the doctor see his fear or weakness. He softly cleared his throat, speaking softly to him.

"Where am I?" Breeder 121 asked Dr. Norris curiously. "Am I in a prison? .. I did not do anything."

Breeder 121 looked around the cell like room, trying to find somewhere to escape. He was at a loss for now, not finding anything worth trying. The cell was strong and so was the chain around his leg. He was terrified about what would happen to him if he stayed in this cruel hell hole.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Dr. Norris smiled. The breeder’s ignorance was far more endearing than he anticipated. “Allow me to formally welcome you to ADIMS, the Allen Dalton Institute for Maternity Studies. You’ve been chosen for a very crucial role in our studies. But first, let me undo these chains.”

He knelt beside Aki and used his keys to unlock the chains. Further into his pregnancy, the Breeder might be offered a bed and other comforts, but for now, he only had the floor and a thin blanket. The doctor put the chains into his pack and gave Aki a smile. “There, much better, yes?”

“Now,” he said with a clinical eye, “I’ll have to examine you for any damage caused by the last procedure. Remove your robe.”

Breeder 121 was nervous of Dr. Norris's smile, even if it was kind. He rubbed the raw area where the chain was once hugging him upon his leg. He sighed and simply nodded when he was questioned about the chains. He was at ease.

The young man listened to the doctor's interesting explanation, soon his eyes widening at the word "maternity".

" Maternity?! .. but I am a man .. men cannot become pregnant!" Breeder 121 said in exclaiming.

As he was told to undo his robe he grew nervous, looking up at Dr. Norris fearfully. He did as he was told, removing it with his two shaky hands. He wondered as to if he really was pregnant. He was truly scared.

"So .. is it true ..  am I really .. pregnant?" Breeder 121 asked quietly, feeling as if he was being watched by other eyes.

Were there other eyes observing that were not the doctor's.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Dr. Norris chuckled gently at the breeder’s confusion. “We previously thought men cannot get pregnant until we found that a certain percentage of the male population have a recessive gene that can be activated. You see, in utero, we’re all female. The organs that previously have been dormant within your body have been activated. You, my friend, have been impregnated with the genetically modified sperm of the rare white wyrm dragon.”

Once Aki removed his robe, the doctor examined his pelvic area. His moved away Aki’s limp, hypersensitive dick. His anus was swollen and red where the assistants had abused him. With his other hand, the doctor massaged his bruised hip bones to check for fractures.

Breeder 121 listened further, becoming horrified by what he heard. So .. he was pregnant. He swallowed hard, looking down at his flat stomach. He found himself strangely curious at just how large his stomach would become. He shuddered in terror, wanting nothing more than to curl up and cry his eyes out. Ugh ..

He wondered as to how painful it would be to actually give birth to a dragon. He hissed a breath of pain through his clenched teeth as his sensitive cock was being moved from the doctor's sight. He whimpered once again, feeling his aching hips protesting with the doctor's examining. He groaned in painful agony or yelped whenever he was touched by the doctor's ice cold hands.

He sighed heavily, wanting nothing more than to be alone. He let the doctor check him. He was unsure of exactly how to think, how to react and how to get to terms with such news he had heard from him.

"How painful will the birth be?" He asked the doctor.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"The white wyrm is a personal favorite of mine. Because the fetus is so long and sinuous, it attempts to birth itself through the urethra. I suspect adult wyrms have pseudopenises suitable for birthing, but because they are extinct, I have never witnessed a natural birth. Nevertheless in humans this proves to be fatal in females and terribly painful in males. That's why testing thus far has been done in males. If my genetic modifications hold, we should see an anus birth which is one step closer to a vaginal birth--the ultimate goal so I can hire a larger pool of breeders. So, to answer your question--" Norris flashed his fanged grin. "We'll just have to see how painful the birth is."

As if on cue, Breeder 121's stomach gurgled and rolled. The first of many growth spurts that would plague him over the week long gestation. "My apologies, friend," the doctor said, stroking down the developing womb, to his cock, and back again. "This will be less than pleasant. But I already know you have the most delicious moans." His fingers kept lingering over the head of Aki's cock, teasing him as the pain made him hard once more.

Breeder 121 was scared, truly he was. He looked down at his stomach as the first of grow spurts made itself known to him. He expressed a wince, gasping as his sensitive, vulnerable cock began becoming hard as a rock. He grunted with each movement of Dr. Norris's fingers upon his cock. He wanted this to both end and never end. He panted hard and heavily, feeling himself become hard as stone itself. He wanted to spill forth his seed.

He looked at Dr. Norris, feeling eager to be pleased and filled. He was not sure as to why. He whimpered once more, not sure as to why he felt such a way. He was hot and heavy, wanting to be pinned down and fingered or sucked upon.

"God .. what is happening?" He asked.

"W .. What the hell..?!" He screamed.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris cooed. "Oh, look at you. Filling up with my children." Just the thought of finally successfully breeding this rare creature sent a thrill throughout his whole body. The only thing that kept him more excited was the prospect of Aki, breeder 121, writhing and screaming in pain.

He pressed closer to the breeder. His skin was so soft, warm and unmarred by struggle. The only wound on his body we're the marks left by the chains. Norris would remedy that.

Standing, he began writing some notes in 121's file. May only be observed or examined by lead doctor William Norris. All employees must acquire personal clearance. He peered over his glasses at the boy and his painfully swelling belly. The worm like fetus would begin squirming and biting at it's container. He knew the breeder lusted for him. but he wanted to torture him just a bit more. He kept his demeanor clinical and cold. "If you want me, you'll have to beg, breeder."

Breeder 121, known as Aki bit his lower lip. He did as he was told, reduced to begging for release. He spoke, more like moaned for what he desired.

"Please .. Dr. Norris .. I need you." He blushed as he heard his own voice speaking as if he were pleading. He was. He wanted to vomit, he felt sick to the pit of his stomach but yet he enjoyed it at the same time. It made him feel dirty, it made him want to beg more and that was what he did. He was eager to be with the doctor for however time would allow him to be with him.

"Please .." Breeder 121 begged further. His flesh urging and urgent for the doctor's touch. "I'll do anything."

He felt as if he would explode, he felt so much sexual tension it was not funny. He quivered, wanting to be touched by the dominant doctor and him alone. No one but him. He did not know why but it was just how he felt. He gazed up at the doctor, his eyes filled with such need. He was uncertain of how much he could take if he would be filled up by the doctor's manhood, he could only imagine how big it would be.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The breeder’s pleas were like music to his ears. He closed his eyes for just a moment, letting the rush run down his spine. Locking eyes with Aki once more, he licked his lips.

The doctor stepped forward, his heavy shoes hitting the floor as steady as a clock ticking. Thud, thud, thud. Without looking away from Aki’s file, he kicked the boy in the shoulder and sent him flat against the floor. He tossed his clipboard and file to the side, watching as the Breeder startled when it hit the floor with a sharp crack. “Down,” he ordered, as the patient attempted to rise.

Then, he pressed his heel against the base of 121’s erect cock, pressing just lightly enough to make him shudder. He leaned down while bracing himself against the wall so he could whisper close to the breeder’s face.


Aki bit his lower lip once more, trying his very hardest not to do anything idiotic. He looked up into the doctor's handsome, sharp eyes. He was aroused even being in the same room with him. He shivered as he saw the doctor's eyes capture his own ones in a seemingly endless stare. He was never wanting to ever look away. Never ever. He was hooked on like a fish on a fishing line and never wanting to ever let go. He was lured in. Truly he was and he never wanted this special moment to end.

Never ever!

As he was roughly kicked in the shoulder he let a grunt of both surprise and desire fly past his small lips. He tried to get back up to stand or even sit only to be forced back down to the floor. He whimpered, wanting to be fucked in a way he would never ever forget. He wanted to be forced to do things he never thought of before. Freakish and dark things that he wouldn't forget.

As his medium sized cock was being teased he let forth a gasp, feeling a quiver take over his entire body. He did not know why but he never felt the way that he felt for another person the way he suddenly felt for the incredibly handsome doctor who he now had the pleasure of knowing as Dr. Norris. He felt blessed to have had a pleasure to be in his divine presence, even though he was scared about being pregnant. He would never be used to the growth spurts, each would be worse than the last.

"Do as you desire of me Dr. Norris." He practically moaned.


(Am I doing alright so far? I like feedback. As for you you are doing wonderfully! This is quite an interesting roleplay.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Lord," Norris murmured, "you really are a true masochist. I wonder how you will experience birth. Will it be a curse..." He leaned closer, putting more of his weight on Aki's cock, shoving his heel into his balls. He stroked Aki's cheek with a feather-light touch. Every shudder, every moan, every struggle thrilled the doctor. "...or will it be a blessing?"

"What do I want to do to you?" Norris mused. "I want to see you overwhelmed with pain and I want to see you pushing my children out of every orifice you possess. I can already tell. Your birthing will be a show."

As if on cue, the breeder's growth spurt continued. His stomach swelled to look like a one month pregnancy. The coils of the expanding serpent rose against his skin from the inside, bruising his very organs. Norris watched, enraptured and waiting for 121's next cries.

(yeah you're really great! I appreciate the detailed responses and emotional descriptions you give. If i had to nitpick, I'd say that Aki began to trust Norris a bit too soon but it's fine. I'm really enjoying this rp so far :) )

Aki smirked for the first time, eager to strangely be pregnant. He rubbed his stomach which was still a bit sore. He grew cautious once more, knowing from his parents about not trusting strangers so soon. He did not know exactly why he had easily trusted the doctor he barely knew of by just name. "Yes, I suppose that the birth will be painful as you speak of but I am eager to make it through that with my life intact." He said softly, he was eager to see just where the birthing would take him.

The young man rubbed his stomach as it grew a size larger, feeling a few of the hard coils beneath the presence of his fingers . He gasped, hunching over as he tried to distract his mind from the pain that he felt. He groaned softly, both turned on and eager for the pains that he felt to simply end. He hissed a breath through his teeth, never wanting to feel such a pain again.

"Ow!" He exclaimed, breathing hard and harshly. "What was that?!" He felt a coil of the unborn dragon beneath his skin. It felt as though something was attached to his organs and harming each of them at the same time. He cried out to the doctor's excitement, clutching his slightly round middle which was his stomach.


(I am glad that I am doing well. And I can lessen that Aki easily trusts Dr. Norris if that is alright if you want.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"That," Norris said proudly. "Is my child. And it is about to get much, much worse."

He knelt beside the breeder, so close that he could whisper in his ear. He kept his hand on Aki's chest, pinning him to the ground with all of his waist. "Do you want to please me, breeder?" Norris asked. "Do you want release? Do you want my fingers inside you? I need to break you first."

He took Aki's balls and squeezed hard, eager to hear to boy cry out in pain. The combination of the thrashing fetus and torture was bound to make the breeder sob and beg. For good measure, Norris dug his nails into the sensitive skin and put a hand on breeder's neck just short of choking him.

(If you want that would be cool. I was kinda aiming for Aki being scared but still turned on. If that works for you, I'd love to see it, but I want you to write what you like writing :) )

Aki, Breeder 121 was in for a new kind of affection. He never had "sex" with another man, never even looking in the direction of another man but here he was, bearing his soul to a man that he barely just met. There was a word for him and that word was slut. He was not sure as to why he was being so open, so eager and desiring for the other man. That next word was lust. He looked up at the ceiling above, spreading his legs. Life was a merry go round.

"Please Dr. Norris .." He begged worthlessly once more, shaming himself before the doctor. "Please fuck me."

He wanted to be blunt but fair, expressing his innermost desires. He gazed up into the doctor's eyes, wanting to be pinned down and fucked to no end. He cried out, feeling the awful presence of the doctor's fingers upon the flesh of his body. He drooled as if he were a mindless puppet, it pooling and dripping from the sides of his lips. He wanted this to end and not end. He was happy to be in one piece instead of being with many body parts missing.


(It can be like that. And I would love for Aki to be scared. That sounds fine with me.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris knelt between the breeder's legs when he spread them, admiring his abused cock and ass. He was so lithe and smooth and soft, but for the red marks littering his stomach. Norris could salivate just looking at him.

But instead he stood, and kicked Aki hard, just below his ribcage. He watched as the boy curled in on himself, crying out in pain. Norris stepped on him, forcing his shoulders and back flat against the ground. When the breeder could still make noises, he stepped down harder on Aki's chest, making him gag and gasp for breath.

"You know I want to hurt you, breeder," Norris said. "I want you to scream for me to stop, but I won't. Your entire body is under my control, from your cock to your womb." At this point, he knew Aki would beg. But what would he beg for?

Aki groaned in pain, trying to remain awake and alert. He tried to get up but each time he was beaten down. He was uncomfortavle, trying harder to keep from being too weak but he could not. He loved pain but he was indeed weak.

As his vulnerable ribcage was struck by Dr. Norris he cried out, gasping for breath that he could get. He struggled to breathe, urging for breath to fill his lungs that were screaming out for air. He rubbed the sore area, wondering as to how much pain he could truly take from the sadistic doctor. He was both horrified and turned on from the abuse he was suffering from him.

As his chest was being abused he did indeed gasp for air, groaning to express even the smallest of sounds. He winced whenever he felt the doctor step upon it harder and harder. He wanted this moment to never end. "Please Dr. .. break me." He said with a whimpy sort of voice, wanting to be used and abused by the doctor. He was still afraid of him through it all.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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