The Test Subject (closed with Torn)

Norris leaned back and sighed, letting the breeder's pleas echo in his ears. He couldn't resist such a cry for help. Plus, he couldn't wait to meet his children. To feel the rolling masses against the breeder's skin. To see them tear Aki's flesh.

He left his office and headed to Aki's cell. He had some med techs on call in case they needed emergency assistance for the infants. When he entered the room, Aki was on the ground and writhing in pain. He could barely move because of the massive weight of his overdue dragon children.

Norris knelt beside the breeder, putting his hand on the underside of Aki's belly. The oversensitive skin almost rippled beneath his touch and Aki moaned in a combination of pleasure and pain. Without remorse, Norris pressed against the strained skin to feel for the baby's position. One of the large scaly heads was already in position with its head engaged in its pelvis. However... the other one...

"Oh, this is surprising," Norris said. "It appears that one of the children is attempted to be birthed through your auxillary birth canal--your urethra."

But he wasn't disappointed. His genetic modifications were a success and the first child was going to be born anally. The only complication was the presence of twins--because the second baby was impatient, it was trying to be born simultaneously. Norris grinned. He hadn't seen a good penis birth in awhile. It took more than three times longer for a penis to dilate enough, meaning Aki was in for hours of agonizing pain.

Aki groaned in agony, trying his very best to make it through the agony. He held his aching globe of a stomach with both hands. He rolled on his back, crying out whenever his womb and stomach had come back to life with many new movements. He closed his eyes as the such movements slowly worsened. He sobbed uncontrollably, wanting such intense pains to stop. He was truly desperate, trying his very hardest to make it through each pain that had taken such heavy blows to his vulnerable womb, bruise covered stomach. He whimpered, wanting to be able to move around freely without being slowed down or be under the full weight of the two powerful dragon offspring. His cries of pain became loud, shriek like screams.

He tried to get the doctor's attention, becoming completely desperate to birth the unborn twin dragons. He was eager to be done with the births to be able to rest and regain his strength. He panted deeply, each taken or expressed breath becoming heavier than the last one. He expressed a scream of pain from time to time, his throat becoming raw because of the strain on his poor vocal chords. He tried to get up but the full weight of the large offspring was too much to bear on his small body.

He spread his legs, beginning to push as he felt the urge to. He was confused as to what the doctor said. He felt weary and tired, trying hard to stay focused and remain that same way.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Norris put his hand into Aki's birth canal to see how dilated he was. Surprisingly, the boy was fully dilated. Norris's eyes widened. "Goodness," he said. "You are progressing quickly. No wonder you're in such pain."

He let his hand linger in Aki's anus, feeling the muscles contract and relax around his fist. With two deliberate fingers, he pressed down against Aki's prostate and massaged the sensitive organ. Soon, Aki would be crying not only in agony, but also sexual frustration and overstimulation.

As Norris worked Aki's prostate, Aki was thrown into another contraction. Each contraction was stronger than the last, causing the breeder's weak body to convulse and heave as he cried out. Norris couldn't help but groan, thinking of how wonderful this would feel milking his dick. He leaned forward and licked the breeder's distended belly up to his belly button. "You need to start pushing, darling."

Painfully Aki panted, looking up at his swollen stomach. He rubbed it from time to time, feeling so very tired and worn out. He sighed softly, wanting to vomit because of the slowly worsening pains he felt. Soon, he felt the need to push but he was scared to find out what would exactly happen if he truly did that. Life was nothing but a horrible place, a burden he felt being forced to carry and now birth the such brutal, cruel beasts. He tried to distract his mind from the horrible horrible horrible pain.

He felt the such sensations of despair and child birthing becoming more and more intense.

When his sensitive prostate was having attention he moaned, groaning in pain as well against the wall of such intense labor. He felt tears welling up in his eyes, streaming down his pain expressioned face. He lifted his head after spreading his legs, attempting a few pushes. He coughed up a bit of a string of bright red blood and felt it stream down from a side of his mouth, scared of if he would live or die. Now it was only God's choice in the matter as of now. Life was like an endless battle, causing him to scream from time to time.

Soon Aki was breathing hard, sweat clinging to his clammy skin. He cried out a few times more. He felt his vision blurring from time to time. He half felt as though he was slowly dying and was slowly being in the cold, bony hands of the Grim Reaper himself. He was not dead yet but with each flow of blood he was slowly perishing.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

The breeder wasn't doing well at all. It seemed he barely had the strength to push or scream, and he was already showing signs of internal bleeding and shock. Normally, this would excite Norris, but he couldn't let his fun end prematurely. He wanted to see both births to completion, even if that meant pushing Aki's body past humanly limits.

"My dear, my darling," he said, pretending to be caring, "you need to push. Harder. Harder." Without hesitation, he put his mouth around Aki's cock and began to suck. His head bobbed up and down as he pleasured the breeder. An orgasm would make his muscles contract force him to push, despite the pain, and the penile stimulation would make the penis birth progress more quickly.

Almost immediately, Aki was moaning and writhing beneath Norris's ministrations. Norris felt himself grow harder as the breeder struggled somewhere between ecstasy and deathly pains. Each contraction wracked the breeder's body and made him arch farther down Norris's throat, sending waves of sensation through his body.

Aki groaned once more a few times, trying to stay awake, aware and most of all .. focused. He clenched his teeth, gritting them as he struggled through each furious labor pain. He was not prepared for what was to soon happen. When he felt Dr. Norris's scorchingly warm mouth around his thick, throbbing cock he practically screamed in painful pleasure. He grunted, giving into strong urges to push and bear down, trying to get the dragon offspring into the world from the depths of his womb.

From time to time his eyes would close and minor unconsciousness would slightly claim him. He breathed harder and heavier, causing his screaming lungs to gasp for air to fill them. He was desperate to make it through the harsh process of both labor and giving birth to the two beasts dwelling within his  extremely swollen stomach. He squirmed around on his back, unable to simply sit or stand up upon his own two feet. If God was watching he would probably be troubled by just how much pain Aki was in. God was truly caring of all his children. He watched over each of them. He was their only ultimate, true father.

He would unfortunately awaken from death's gates, having to face the uncertain reality that was birthing the two massively sized twin dragons. He wished to any Gods above that the pain would soon end or he would die. He struggled to bear down, trying his hardest to be the best pusher that he could be so he would be done soon.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(sorry its been a few days. I've been super busy! :( )

The next push brought the first head into Aki's anus, stretching his cervix so wide that the muscle snapped in two. That part of his birth canal tore so violently that Norris could hear the dreadful noise even before black blood gushed out of Aki's anus. Aki's body convulsed in agony, his screams strangled as he struggled to breathe. Each convulsion thrust Aki's dick deeper into Norris's mouth, hitting the back of the doctor's throat.

Norris stopped sucking and began to stroke Aki's cock, toying with the head with his thumb. His other hand was back in Aki's asshole, fingering him expertly and massaging his prostate. Aki's own blood served as a warm, slippery lubricant as it coated Norris's hand. Both precum and blood leaked from Aki's swollen dick. With each contraction, the beast in Aki's urethra birth canal made a small buldge at the base of Aki's dick, painfully bombarding the terribly small organs with its giant head. Both of the fetuses were larger than Norris has even anticipated, with heads a foot wide and bodies more than ten feet long, covered in scales, spines, and of course muscular shoulders.

"Cum for me, breeder," he ordered. "Cum hard and give birth to my children."

(It is alright, I understand. Real life comes first.)

Aki continued to groan, trying his very hardest to stay awake and remain that way. With each movement of the massive second twin dragon barging its way through the most sensitive part of his body he cried out until his voice was strained and his throat was aching and raw from such intense, nonstop screams.He gripped the covers of the bed, the mattress and sheets of tgr bed was damp, stained with a few bodily fluids such as a large puddle of blood that seemed to spread, birthing fluid mixed into a disgusting mixture between his legs where his upper, bloodstained thighs were. With each moment he floated closer and closer to death's gates. He gasped for breath, trying his very hardest to stay awake.

He was tired but tried to do what the doctor had wanted. He grunted weakly, whimpering as he did so many times. He struggled to birth the doctor's dragon offspring, gripping his aching upper thighs, the blood smearing on his hands a dark crimson red. When he orgasmed he quivered and twitched beyond his control.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

Aki’s orgasm triggered the exact chain reaction that Norris desired. As the Breeder twitched and moaned in pleasure, his entire body contracted powerfully. It was enough force to shove the giant head of the first child fully into his tearing birth canal. A sudden gush of black gore spewed from Aki’s anus as his body convulsed in pain and strange agonizing pleasure. It was too much for the boys weak body and his hard cock came again, sending a line of white sperm and dark blood along the underside of his belly.

Norris couldn’t take this glorious sight any longer. The young man’s body was being reduced to its most animal urges. In such pain and agony, Aki was so delirious that he couldn’t speak, only moan and drool as contractions ravaged his body. Without another moment of hesitation, Norris tore off his pants and shoved his rock hard cock into Aki’s anus. The contractions milked Norris’s cock and the tip of his penis collided with the head of the baby. The combination of sensations made him want to scream, but he muffled himself to a low, rumbling moan. As the Breeder slowly became more broken and delirious, so did Norris begin to lose control.

“Isn’t this all you’ve every wanted,” Norris gasped as he began to thrust at a vigorous rhythm, “haven’t you been begging for my cock? Haven’t you been waiting to get fucked by your master?”

It was becoming increasingly hard to focus on anything .. the pain was just too intense to bear any longer!

Aki gripped the covers of the bed tightly till his knuckles were white. He moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure. He whimpered, wanting the pleasure he felt to outlast the pain that was capturing him on bearable and unbearable measures.

He moaned from time to time, feeling his body temperature dropping as he struggled against death. He cried out once more, trying to get himself to muster up a strong enough push to get the burdens out. He felt the massive head of the second dragon offspring into his suffering birth canal, feeling desperate. He whined with each minute, wanting to be able to breathe without struggling for breath each passing second. He sobbed in frustration, feeling tired and eager to birth twin dragons.

"Get them out!" He screamed at the top of his lungs. He panted harshly, becoming more and more worried.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

“In good time, darling,” Norris purred. Aki’s screams and desperate pushes shoved him over the edge. He cried out as he came, waves of pleasure overwhelming his body, but he was so aroused that he cock remained hard, even as Aki’s birth canal milked more cum out of him. His huge cock bombarded Aki’s prostate, making the breeder shudder uncontrollably.

As the two fetuses entered the different birth canals, Aki was struck by two times the contractions. Penile contractions made his hard dick throb and pulse as it swelled from the base up. Occasionally, a contraction sent such a strong sensation of agony and pleasure through him that he came, his back arching and his mouth gaping in a silent scream. Yet, the penile fetus was far from being born, given that it’s opening was so small.

But that was the furthest from Norris’s mind right now. Anal contractions tore through Aki’s body simultaneously to the torture his cock was going through. The head of the anal fetus continued to press harder and harder against Norris’s cock, sending more and more intense orgasms through the doctor’s body. Suddenly, Norris couldn’t bring himself to even care about the Breeder, his children, or his experiments. His sadism filled him with such overwhelming pleasure that he fucked Aki without abandon. His cock hit the head of the fetus and shoved it backwards into Aki’s womb again and the pain that landed through the young Breeder made Norris cum so hard that he saw stars.

“You’re so full of my cock,” Norris moaned. “You’re so full of my young. God I want you to beg for more. Beg me to let you birth my children. Beg me to let your suffer as my children tear you apart.”

Aki wished that God would help, he did not ask for too much. He whimpered for a longer time, feeling the dragon offspring tear through him like scissors cutting paper or a knife stabbing through creamy butter. He licked his lips because they felt painfully chapped and annoyingly dry. He tried to push for as long as he could, gripping the covers of the bed. He cried out in pain whenever the dragon offspring moved or squirmed. He was miserable, arching his aching back from time to time in pain.

He panted once more, his body responding to the discomfort by pushing forth the child. He gripped his stomach's sides, feeling tired and weary from the tip of his toes to his back and stomach but he was not permitted to give up or in. He was slowly dying, trying the very best to wake up fully but he could feel himself slipping away with each beating of his heart. He felt and saw his vision blurring but focused on what he needed to do with each and every single passing minute or more.

He was battling the wraths of both sex and pain. He cried out once more, feeling himself pushing in pain and moaning in pleasure. He groaned once more, feeling his cock slowly opening up as well as his birth canal. He never knew that such pain had ever existed and him wanted to be truly freed from all of it. He truly did. He was weary from having to push by force.

"Please .. Dr. Norris .. I .. I need .. I need to .. I can't b .. breathe .. t .. too much p .. pain .. I .. I need .. h .. help .." He said weakly.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

"Help?" Norris asked, before barking a laugh. Aki was weak but his birth canal was still contracting strongly, working Norris's dick in such a way that he couldn't control his moans of pleasure. "Push my dick out of you breeder," he ordered, "if you can't do that, you'll never be able to push hard enough to survive this birth. And then I'll have to cut this monsters out of your dick. Would you rather that?"

Before Aki could answer, a contraction hit him so powerful that it stole his breath and made his entire body convulse in agony. Norris moaned as he came again, his cum splattering around the fetus's head and leaking out of Aki's tortured hole. Norris pushed down on Aki's belly, shoving the baby further down into his birth canal so quickly that the razor sharp scales carved wounds down the contracting muscles of Aki's birth canal. The breeder's head thrashed from side to side as more blood spilled from his anus. But he still had so much of the child to push out of him, and Norris pushing on the top of his belly would only help his progress so much.

Aki whimpered in sadness and fear. With each passing second he tried his very hardest to push the children into the cruel, unfamiliar world. He would never forgive the doctor for what he did to him and that certain fact of the matter was getting him pregnant without his permission in the very first place. He felt as though he was a man who married a rapist and tried to hide the fact he was violated.

He wanted to be freed from the pain he felt. He cried, screamed, sobbed and groaned. He dug his feet into the mattress of the bed, feeling his body struggling to push forth the young within his massively swollen stomach weighing him down greatly. It had truly did.

He panted, his breathing labored and deep as he struggled for each breath. He regretted not being strong enough to push forth the two big twin dragons, crying out to what Gods above would hear his pleads and grant him their strength. He had hoped that it would.

"N .. No." He said in response to the question that Dr. Norris asked him. "It hurts too much, Dr. Norris."

He shrieked, shuddering and quivering as he felt large amounts of blood streaming from his abused birth canal like an endless river and with each drop it was becoming increasingly harder and harder to simply stay awake.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

His arousal dimming somewhat, Norris became clear headed enough to see that Aki might not make it through this labor. He let his still hard cock slip out of Aki's anus, along with a new gush of blood and gore. With the next contraction, Aki howled and his opening began to bulge. The dragon's head wasn't even crowning yet, but the huge bulge pushed Aki's thighs apart.

Norris administered three medications. The first was a drug originally developed for soldiers at war. It gave a quick boost of energy and wakefulness even when the patient was experiencing great amounts of pain. This would make sure that Aki didn't pass out.

The second medication was to increase the strength of the contractions. They would be more painful, possibly making Aki scream and thrash in agony, but because of the first drug, the breeder would find no relief in unconsciousness.

Finally, Norris administered a drug that would make Aki more sexually sensitive. With this drug, Norris had seen breeders orgasm just from the movements of their fetuses. Perhaps the pleasure would inspire Aki to push harder and reach more satisfying orgasms with each agonizing contraction.

As if on cue, another contraction wracked Aki's body. It was so painful that the breeder lost control of his body and convulsed on the ground. He couldn't even make a sound as his body seized and thrashed and his cock spurted out bloody cum. Norris almost envied the amounts of painful pleasure coursing through Aki's body, far past the levels of human endurance. Almost.

Aki cried out once more, feeling his body trying not to fail on him. It tried its very hardest not to. He was struggling to attempt even a minor push, getting only a few more gushes of disgusting, blackish red blood. When he felt himself being injected by the drugs he knew nothing about almost immediately he felt his strength returning to his body. He gripped his blood covered upper thighs, once more attempting a few more pushes,  bearing down for as long as his suffering body would allow him to.

He was so tired. So so very tired.

He was now fully awake. He panted hard, wanting to pass out but not able to as he had truly wanted to. He was miserable. He groaned in pain like so many many times before, not able to be unconscious as he had wanted to be all along. He wanted to vomit from the intense, gut wrenching pains that he had felt. Life was like more of a struggle as he battled with letting go.

He also felt a deep, rising anger dwelling within his soul. He clenched his teeth, causing them to grind against them as the pangs of labor claimed his nerves once more. As his cock became hard he gasped, trying not to get Dr. Norris to suck upon it once more as he was extremely sensitive once more. He felt as though he wanted to die, slip away to somewhere peaceful.

"Wha? .. What did you do to me?" He said breathlessly, curiously.

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

“Oh darling,” Norris purred. “I’m only helping you stay alive.”

The snout of the first dragon was now crowning, revealing its scaley head. The ridges of its forehead pushed up against Aki’s perineum, his balls and cock, as it tore the delicate tissues. Even the most mundane births involved slight rips in the lips of the birth canal, but here the infants inhuman head was tearing through Aki’s flesh like a shark’s teeth. It would only take one more push for the giant head to pop out of Aki’s hole.

The other baby, however, was still stuck, but Norris wasn’t concerned. Aki could only focus on one at a time and penis births were much slower anyway. Norris watched as the penile contractions made Aki’s swollen cock throb and pulse painfully. No doubt each of his accidental orgasms caused him massive pain. For good measure, Norris ran his finger along the head of Aki’s cock, teasing tortured moans and screams from the overstimulated Breeder.

Aki frowned that night but was glad that the pains had stopped but only for a short time, eating a disgusting meal of gruel that was prepared for him by one of the help. He looked down at his swollen globe of a stomach, feeling disgusted with himself once again as reality hit like a striking meteorite. He was excited that soon the unborn offspring would be born and he would be done and freed from discomfort. He sighed sadly, gently continuing to rub the stomach where the dragon offspring were located at. He was in for an awful surprise when the accursed offspring would be born, suffering in silence. He spent half of the day in awful distress.

He frowned, eating the meal that was lazily and heartlessly prepared for him. He looked at his massive stomach. He was excited that soon the unborn offspring would be born and he would be done. He sighed, trying not to vomit.

He was feeling proud of himself once again whenever he slowly pushed the children into the world. He was eager that soon the unborn offspring would be born and he would be freed from pain. He sighed sadly, continuing to rub his round, swollen stomach where the dragon offspring were growing at. They were in for a surprise when they would be born, the two identical dragon  additions. He spent half of the day in pain. He was eager to be over and done with the birthing. He knew that they would be on the large side in size. He laid his head down, falling asleep. He yawned, curling up in bed for a while. He dreamt of being freed from such unbearable pain that childbirth brung.

He awoke to pain the next dawn and grew worried, trying to comfort his battered body. "Breathe .." He coached himself softly. When he noticed the wet spot of more blood in his crotch area he got to work. He saw Dr. Norris leaving the room area without rush, gathering up towels and a felw other items for birthing. He returned to his patient's side, not bothering being gentle. He was focused on only his birthing, laying on the blood soaked bed. He was eager to finish the birth. He knew that the twin dragon offspring would be on the massive side in size. He then collapsed after a huge push and laid down, falling asleep. He yawned, curling up in bed for a while. He dreamt of only pleasure, over lapping the pain.

That dawn he awoke quickly as pain rushed through him, thoughts rushing from his overwhelmed mind. He grew worried, trying to comfort his worries. "It is okay, breathe deeply." He coached himself softly beneath his next breath. When he noticed the wet spot in his crotch area he got to work, trying his very hardest to push for as long as he could  He was focused on only his body, not the slowly emerging dragon offspring tearing through the inner depths of his body.

(I am sorry for the long post. I wanted to be more descriptive.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

(I'm a little confused. Are you describing stuff that happened in the past?)

(No. He stops during the night when the pains stop for a while. He sleeps and then in the morning he eats and is back to giving birth the next day. Sorry for the confusion. I wanted to lengthen my replies a bit more. I can redo the reply if you want me to.)

I, Silent Feather once thought that my life was just one long merry go round, mundane, repetitive, and just plain boresome but after meeting my beloved Nitrogen, all were changed. And as such had changed me, and when I mean that I mean for the positive, greater of a person I have become, a woman.

A full grown, bonafide Madame.

Silent Feather

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