The Circus (Open to one or two people?)

You arrive at a circus, all seems normal and calm. The ticket taker greets you and rips your ticket in half allowing you to enter with the others. This place, it used to be a theater and every seat is filled with people from all over. Everyone is expecting a good show tonight. Right on time, the ringleader takes the stage. He seems like a nice man and smiled at the crowd.

"This show, it's not for the weak of heart or mind. I assure you everything you see tonight is real. Perhaps more so then you would like to believe." He does an act with a wolf-like creature, followed by a woman doing acrobatics, a fortune teller, and many other. It's getting late, nearly 3am but the time the last act takes the stage. The ringleader has returned and he pushes on a large cage. Pulling off it's cover a creature is revealed. The creature has it's head down black wings wrapped around its self.

Slowly the wings fall away revealing a man with piercing black and yellow eyes. His wings are long coming from his shoulder blades. OTher places on his body are covered in feathers and he is in good shape, toned and muscular in every place but his belly. His belly is huge, he looks pregnant of course, no one says anything. Perhaps it's part of the act? Perhaps it's just who he is. The creature smirks at the crowd revealing human teeth. Slowly it pulls on the bars of the cage trying to pry them open. Despite this act, there is something in the man's gaze. Something that says he doesn't want to be here. The pulling of the bars is meant to be a 'trick' but it's so hollow that it simply feels off.

After a bit, the man puts the cover back over the cage and an assistant takes it away. "Sorry, looks like the bird has no intention of playing tonight. Forgive me but that concludes our show. Please, have a good night and stay safe."
-At least one paragraph per response, be descriptive, add your own ideas.
- I'm playing the 'Birdman' you may be whoever, or whatever you wish. Any gender is welcome to join.
- I need someone to rescue him, this will be a dark romance and don't be surprised if my character still doesn't like or trust you at first.
-This rp will contain pregnancy, birth, and descriptive labor, it may even include sensual acts, however, no sex will be involved
- If you have any questions feel free to ask.

Gale had allowed himself to be whisked to the whisical site of the circus that had poped up recently in town . Tonight was the first show and his brother had insisted they had to go as everyone in town was talking about it.
Gale was a man of science and had given up way to many years ago the childish belief in magic or anything that could go beyond of what was the "real world". He was quite surprised to see how many people had come and how all seemed excited, even his brother would ehisper non stop of every act that was presented with the enthusiam that belonged more to a five year old than a grown man.
It was impressive, that he had to admit, his mind would race trying to find a more logical explanation and then the crown of the spectacle was presented. Gale couldnt believe or trust his eyes and he stood up trying to get a better look. He hated to admit he was curious, it looked to real to be fake. The roundness that was visible in the bird´s belly was unmistakable could that be real? it made no sense.

The act ended too quickly, the caged bird was covered and the show for the night ended.

"you coming home or what?" it wa close to four am and his brother was getting cranky from lack of sleep

"yeah just...head home, I think I left my wallet behind, Ill see if theres someone there that can help me" Gale whispered to his brother quite distracted and went back. No one seemed to be around, and everything was quite dark.
"Hello?" he called , not even sure what he was doing. Yet he felt the need to find that cage, the look in the bird´s eyes had been such one that had left a scaring impression, it felt inhumane to not even try to talk or help the poor man.

No one suspected someone would sneak back in and all the performers had taken to there trailers for the night, However, just behind one of the curtains, He would find the cage. The man in the cage said nothing but a banging sound was admitted so that Gale would know where he was. Once the sheet was pulled off he would find himself standing much closer to the man then he had been minutes before. Up close it looked even more real. His wings extended his gaze narrowed on gale trying to be intimidating. He had black hair that matched his feathers and stood about six feet.

"Who are you?" The man said his voice rough. he couldn't recognize the stranger before him, and he had learned to be wary of visitors.

Gale had expected to run into someone on every corner. Every whistle of the wind or little noise would make the young man take a look behind his back to verify he was indeed alone.
He walked just a bit around the place, till his eyes fell on the huge cage that was covered and just laying around on its own.
Perhaps if he went closer he could see some of the props and special effects they had used, carefully he pulled on the cover and almost fell backwards as he hadnt really expected to find the birdman still there, not really. It was an act and he an actor and surely he would be in his apartment resting. Yet the birdman was still there as if he was some sort of animal.

"Im...Gale" he said stuttering as he couldnt understand a thing now "What are you doing here? why arent you resting in your own RV like every circus star?" he asked as he was quite sure this was totally fucked up. To leave a poor man caged in this way.

He answered gale with no more than another question "Prisoners aren't normally allowed to go free are they?" The man pointed out tapping the bar of the cage. Gale, at the very least, was amusing. "I've been here a long time this cage is all I've come to know. They don't normally let me up. I'm a freak to them." He folded back his wings realizing that Gale likely wouldn't be much of a threat to him. The large wings never disappeared completely but they were no longer spread out. "You're not with them, are you? You were in the audience tonight, I saw you."

"Youre a prisioner?" Gale asked awestruck, showing his naivety and innocence in that terrain. " course theyre not allowed out. I just don´t understand...youre an artist, a preformer" he whispered almost not to the birdman but to himself as he tried to make some sence of everything that was happening at the moment. " you do that? the things with the wings? it looks afully real" he said amazed by them, and as he was this close he could see the handsome features of the caged man and he blushed, yet it was dark enough he hoped the other wouldnt see.

"My brother made me come....I just...that look you gave me, before they covered your cage, it left me thinking and I couldnt return home....but...I never expected to actually found you here, I wanted to peak at the secrets of the tricks they use to make you look like this" he admited

The man growled his hand slamming against the side of the cage in a sudden expression of anger. "You think this is an act? If it was an act I wouldn't still be here. Don't be so stupid! There are no secrets. Every last thing you saw tonight was real. These aren't fake. My wings are just as real as you. " The anger was clear in his voice as he practically glared back at Gale.

"You're just like all the rest of em aren't you? You think this is some sort of game, a joke, that I'm lying to you? That's what you'de prefer to think right? That this is all a lie. Then you don't have to see the world for what it is. Cruel, and unforgiving."

"I dont think youre just telling you it was not...what I expected" he said feeling utterly sorry to have angered the young man. He many questions rushing through his head, but at least had the sense to know, now was not the time to satiate his curiosity.

"All right, youre...youre getting out of this thing and youll come with me and then, we....then we will figure it out" he said as he began to walk around the cage in order to find the lock. It was one of the old ones, big and lunky. "let me find something I could use to open this" he said searching his pockets for a pin or a paper clip.

He nodded calming down a bit. Was he really about to get out of here? No one had ever tried to help him before. He felt his anxiety rise and the child within him began to squirm. He rested one hand on his belly trying to calm it. He was getting closer to his due date and he knew to much stress wasn't good. She shoved the thought away and watched Gale look for something to pick the lock. He tried not to get his hopes up encase it was some sort of trick.

Heavy silence fell as Gale tried to search for something he could use. He finally found a paper clip in between some receipts he had just messily placed between his wallet. He was no expert at this, so it took some long minutes as he tried to open the lock. By the time there was a soft "clic" and Gale was able to remove the padlock, he was covered in sweat from all the stress and tension "Come, be quick, we should get out of here before someone notices youre gone" he said offering a hand to the caged man "I wont hurt you, I promise" he said in case the man was afraid of him, which given the circumstances he was in all his right to be.

"its cold...have my jacket" he said offering it to him to cover his naked body.

He remained where he was for a few moments, he was afraid although never would have admitted it. Normally 'I won't hurt you' is what someone said right before he got hurt. Without taking Gale's hand, he stepped from the cage and took the jacket in one hand. He couldn't remember the last time he had been outside.

The two had only just gotten a few feet from the cage when the sound of a door slamming could be heard. It was towards the back of the theater but any moment now they would be found.

There was no time, none at all. Gale took the birdman´s hand to guide him trhough the dark hallway he had come from. His heart was pounding hard, perhaps it was fear but he could hear steps behind them and that only made him walk faster, as he didnt wanted to run as he would become really loud if he did. He could feel the feathers of the man he was helping escape, all of this seemed like a dream, a pretty strage one at that, but at the moment he couldnt be thinking of anything of that. First they had to get out and get to his apartment safely.

"Do you think theyre following us?" he asked in a whisper, surely the man would know how these people operated if he had been their prisioner for a long time.

He found himself dragged along, this was the fastest he had moved in a long time and his belly made it awkward. His chest rose and feel quickly. "When they realize I'm gone they'll come looking. We aren't safe." He said softly shaking his head. "We can never be safe." He shuddered at the very thought of getting found. "We have to keep moving." He has tired already but he understood what was at stake.

"My car is still at thr parking lot, we just have to make it thst far" he said still pulling and guiding him 3ven if he could see thr poor fellow was struggling to keep up. Behind bars he couldn't imagine him getting much exercise. Then there was that roundness in his middle section, that made him look pregnant. Before he had brushed it off as fat or part of thr show, but now... pregnant seemed to be about right even if he had no idea how thst could happen.

They made it up to the ticket booth, were now a security guard was making his round "my car is thst blue one" he said pointing to it as some other cars were still there, surely of people thst at thr end of thr show were either too drunk or sleepy to drive. "once he turns thr corner we should be able to get to my car in time, you think you can make it?" he asked to know of they would have better chances if perhaps he carried him instead.

He would never have survived the embarrassment of being carried. "I'll make it." He said breathlessly.They had just reached the car when one of the guards screamed. "THE BIRD IS GONE!" Suddenly lights were turning back on it would be moments before someone made it out to the parking lot.

Once the car was unlocked he got inside, sliding into the front seat. He had never been inside a car before and the whole thing made him tense. He bit his lip and tried to remain calm. This would all be fine all he had to do was relax. He was safe now. Exsept he wasn't really sure that was true. His chest rose and feel quickly partly from still catching his breath and partly from the rising panic.

"Quick, move to thr back and take cover" Gale said believing they had best chances of they didn't see them run or thr bird man in his car for that matter.

The cry of the guard did made him tense. He started thr car once thr man he saved was well covered and out of sight. As he was driving out, he was dropped by one of thr guards "Something wrong officer? O heard some shouting" he said acting as natural as he could and hoping it would be enough for the officer

Covered by a blanket in the backseat he tried to remain still and quiet. His heart nearly skipped a beat as he heard the cop.

"Nothing to much, just looking for someone, you wouldn't have happened to see that bird man? You know, the last act?" The guard asked eyeing Gale carefully." He took a step back and would let them pass after a few uncomfortable moments. They were pulling out of the drive when he felt the first of the pains. A strange cramping sensation that sent a dull ache threw his back and made him shift uncomfortably. He ignored it, he had been getting those pains on and off for weeks this was nothing new, probably brought on by the stress of the situation.

"Yeah it was quite impressive, don't know hiw thry make it look so real. Good night!" he called quickly as thr cop let them through. He drove in silence for a few streets before he slowed down Ans looked behind "it's fairly safe now" Gale said as thr streets were empty and silent "M apartment is close by... I'll take us there unless there's someplace you gotta go?" he asked unsure of he had any family that he would like to go back to "O haven't catched your name yet either" he said smiling as he began to drive again but slower in case he would give him any other direction to go to.

Earth had not even originally been his home There was nowhere the boy could take him. "Back to the apartment is fine." He was starting to relax again one hand protectively rested on his belly as he set the blankets aside. "You can call me Kai." He was quiet, it had been a long time since he had this much interaction with people. It almost felt strange, or like it wasn't real.

"Thank you." He whispered. "Thanks for rescuing me."

Gale saw thr man through the back mirror "Shouldn't perhaps we go to thr hospital?" he asked as his eyes traveled to thr pregnant middle of thr man. He nodded "it's not to far, well be there soon, you can cover with thr blanket it'd getting quite cold out here" he said "it's nice to meet you Kai and don't thank me... I'm just in disbelief of how you could be there in that state." he said feeling sorry for thr man.

Soon thr blue car parked at an apartment building and Gale showed him up to his apartment 'don't worry. I live alone" he said as he allowed him inside

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