The Circus (Open to one or two people?)

If I went to the hospital they would treat me like even more of a freak. Where I come from this is normal. I'm not going to any doctor. They wouldn't understand." Gale at the very least had a point, they probably wouldn't understand and Kai would be used as some sort of experiment.

Kai slowly got out of the car. He kept the blanket wrapped around his shoulders hiding his wings from view. He moved slowly worn out from today's events. The door closed behind him when he felt another dull pain starting. It caused him to let out a very quiet groan of pain.

"You okay Kai?" hw asked coming to his side thinking with all that running he had gotten hurt at some point. Suddenly he felt guilty of pulling him through their escape. "what's wrong?" he asked. He was no doctor and Kai seemed to need one even of they couldn't call one. He made Kai rest agaisnt him and helped him to the couch "you're... pregnant aren't you?" he asked even if it sounded like a stupid question

"Yes, very much so." Kai nodded slowly easing himself down on the couch. He figured that was obvious but also knew this wasn't 'normal' The people here. He leaned back one hand pressing into the lower part of his back where the pain was. He didn't say anything yet about the pains not wanting to worry Gale just yet. It was probably fine, he had just gotten himself to stressed out.

Gale blushed. He imagined Kai thought him stupid by now. "Perhaps you should take my bed tonight you seem like you could use it" he offered "are you hungry? I'm not a big cook but there's cereal... some cookies and I could heat some leftover pizza" he said as he sat in front of Kai in the coffee table.

"Do you miss the father?" he asked as once again his eyes were resting in thr pregnant middle of thr birdman

"No, he wasn't a good man." The father of the child was human, it had happened while he was at the circus. Kai was a little hungry "Just cerial is fine."He said softly. "Are you sure you want me to take your bed. I'm used to a cage, pretty much anything is an upgrade really." He was starting to warm up to Gale a bit and at least seemed to be more friendly.

'I'm sorry to hear that "Gale said yet at thr moment he wasn't sure what was worse of to be missing thr man you loved or being pregnant of a man that was an asshole.
" You Ans your baby need it more, tomorrow we can make some. more arrangements for us to be more comfortable "he assured him as he stood up to go to thr kitchen and prepare the cereal.
'Can I ask how you got there? you're like nothing I have ever seen. You're quite amazing to be honest"

"For a long few moments, he was quiet. "I'm not from this planet, my home was in danger so I came here. Those I was with, and myself we crashed. The others got away but I was captured and taken to that circus. I've been there ever since I first got here. I suppose to you, we are aliens of sorts. We come from a planet not to different from this one."

He leaned back on the couch rubbing his eyes and relaxing for the first time in awhile he was able to lower his guard a bit.

Tonight Gale felt he could believe anything at the moment. After all it was sort of clear the man was not like anything he had ever seen. "Do you have any clues were your friends might be? perhaps they would be able to help with...your baby" he said, as he was no doctor and in case Kai needed that sort of attention he was unable to provide that kind of care and help.

"you look really tired, how about you take a hot bath and head to bed?" he asked "tomorrow we can figure out things, and how we will now live and...all of that" he said tired himself, his eyes were red from lack of sleep and the adrenaline that had kept him awake while they escaped was now gone and he felt he could fall asleep just there were he was sittiing.

Kai was really tired and he soon nodded. "I don't know where they would have gone but you're right. Perhaps we can find them." He fallowed Gale's advice and went to take a bath it helped ease some of his back pain and he soon found himself crawling into bed. He slept alright until early in the morning when he was awoken by a cramping pain. He rested a hand on his belly and waited for the pain to pass. So far the pain wasn't to bad and he went back to sleep

Gale had left some clean clothes for Kai to wear when he got out of the bath. He had left the whole room for him, imagining the pregnant young man would want some privacy after spending god knows how many months incarcerated.
Gale had taken the couch that night. Sleeping there had of course left him with a back pain, and as he woke up all that had happened last night seemed far fetched, yet as he opened the door of his room Kai was indeed there sleeping heavily in between the sheets.

He decided to go make some breakfast, he didnt knew what Kai liked to eat or if some human food would harm him. He tried to search for it in his laptop but found nothing about it.

"Did you slept well?" he asked as he was preparing some scrambled eggs and saw Kai standing at the entrance of the kitchen.

"I did, a lot better than normal." Kai could smell the eggs, but surprisingly he wasn't very hungry. Still, he came over and had a seat at the dining room table "You sleep ok?" Kai asked watching him cook. He remained quiet now one hand resting on his belly, another dull ache moved threw him and he ignored it, simply shifting slightly.

"What if they come looking for me?" It was something that bothered him, made him afraid and he wondered if Gale had thought about it at all. What if they did look for him, what then?

Gale served two plates with scrambled eggs and bacon, sliding one plate to Kai as he say just infront of him in the small kitchen trable in order to have breakfast. "I slept well too, I was too tired to even notice the couch" he joked with a smile, glad to hear the young man had indeed rested at last.

"well, they can come looking for all I care, there´s no way they can force you to go back" he said as if there was nothing to worry, He didnt knew how or why, but he was sure he couldnt allow Kai to be taken to that cage again. It felt like a very wrong thing to do "We could get you some clothes, to make you look more like one of us maybe...or head to another city for a couple of days"

Kai nodded slowly. He didn't want to go back. The very idea of it frightened him. He ate a few bites but didn't finish before he pushed the plate away. Strangely, he wasn't that hungry today. "Perhaps doing both?" Anything that would get him away from here and that circus. He took pride in his wings but if he had to hide them to stay safe, he would do it and getting out of the city for a bit didn't seem like a bad idea. After all, they would come looking here first and Kai couldn't afford to be found.

"You didn't like it?" Gale asked afraid his breakfast hadn't turned out that well, he wasn't thr best if cooks yet has tried imagining Kai and his baby would need something more than sugar cereal. "If it will make you feel safer we can indeed head I lout if town for a few days... when would you like to go?" hw asked as he took a bite if his breakfast, as he tried to think of some options himself of where could be a good safe place where Kai could lay low till thr circus gave up on capturing him again.

"No- no it's fine! I'm just not hungry." Kai answered quickly not wanting to offend Greg. He drank his water instead and waited for Greg to be done. "We could go to a hotel for a bit." Kai only knew of such things because for a shot period of time the circus had stayed at one. "We can find something cheap, just for a day or two. What do you think?" Kai stood up took both plates and set them in the sink. He wanted to try and be helpful.

Gale was not rich or had any money to spare, he was part of the working class Ans every dollar counted on thr tight budget he lived "I think I can manage one or two nights at a motel" hw said knowing such a place was not thr best for a pregnant young man, but it was all he could afford at thr moment "or perhaps you'd want to go camping?" he blushed and felt stupid, just because Kai looked like a bird didn't meant he would like nature and thr outdoors

For a few moments, Kai seemed to consider the option before he nodded. "Camping is better." It was away from everything and so Kai guessed it would be safer. At least for now. He didn't have anything to pack but he knew that Gale would and he let the boy finish eating and get his things together before they left. "Where are we camping?" Kai didn't know much about this area, or really, he didn't know much about earth yet.

"Theres a quiet pass between the mountains, near a lake where you can go swimming if youd like to" he said "I used to visit that place with my father and brother when I was a little boy, its really charming but a bit cold, I do have to admit. Would that serve for you? I know youre heavy with child....we can too go to a motel, whatever is best for you" he said and motioned for Kai to come with him "I have some clothes that might fit you, but you better come try them out, if theyre too tight on you, we will have to stop by to do some shopping, clothes will help you blend in a little and keep you and your baby warm"he said and smiled hoping Kai was at least not too afraid of him "do you know...when youre baby is coming?"he asked to know if there was any risk of his child comming when they were alone in the mountains with no way of getting any sort of help if needed.

Kai had to think about the question for a moment. It wasn't that he didn't know, it was more than he didn't want Gale to suggest they stay here instead. However, he couldn't lie because the baby coming during the trip was a possibility. "I'm due any day now," Kai admitted as he followed Gale back to get some clothes.

"But we can't stay here. They'll come looking and it's dangerous. If someone finds out what I am they'll only want to study me. Besidies, I like the woods. I spent a lot of time outside when I was little. It'll be fine." He tried to convince Gale not wanting to worry the man helping him.

Gale rubbed his temples as he thought about it, was he capable of helping Kai deliver on the mountains? he guessed that even if they stayed here it would only have to be him, there was no doctor or nurse that could come to help without placing Kai in danger, he had seen the birdman in a cage already and it wasnt a pretty sight at all.

"Okay, well go to the mountains, but take what we might need in case you go into labor there, is there anything specific you would need? we could shop for some baby clothes to keep the child warm when hes born, a first aid kit..." he said as he was preparing their luggage, the sooner they left the better.

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